7 results on '"J. Maestre Moreno"'
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2. Rivaroxaban or aspirin for patent foramen ovale and embolic stroke of undetermined source: a prespecified subgroup analysis from the NAVIGATE ESUS trial
- Author
Scott E Kasner, Balakumar Swaminathan, Pablo Lavados, Mukul Sharma, Keith Muir, Roland Veltkamp, Sebastian F Ameriso, Matthias Endres, Helmi Lutsep, Steven R Messé, J David Spence, Krassen Nedeltechev, Kanjana Perera, Gustavo Santo, Veronica Olavarria, Arne Lindgren, Shrikant Bangdiwala, Ashkan Shoamanesh, Scott D Berkowitz, Hardi Mundl, Stuart J Connolly, Robert G Hart, N Abdelhamid, D Abdul Rahman, M Abdul-Saheb, P Abreu, M Abroskina, F Abu Ahmad, S Accassat, M Acciaresi, A Adami, N Ahmad, F Ahmed, M Alberto Hawkes, F Alemseged, A Ali, R Altavilla, L Alwis, P Amarenco, S Amaro, LE Amaya Sanchez, A Amelia Pinto, SF Ameriso, H Amin, T Amino, AK Amjad, E Anagnostou, G Andersen, C Anderson, DC Anderson, M Andrea Falco, F Andres Mackinnon, D Andreu, M Androulakis, M Angel Gamero, G Angel Saredo, R Angeles Diaz, M Angels Font, S Anticoli, A Arauz, AA Arauz Gongora, P Araya, JF Arenillas Lara, S Arias Rivas, M Arnold, S Augustin, W Avelar, E Azevedo, V Babikian, A Bacellar, K Badalyan, HJ Bae, EM Baez Martinez, H Bagelmann, P Bailey, Z Bak, M Baker, A Balazs, D Baldaranov, I Balogun, T Balueva, Z Bankuti, M Bar, A Baranowska, J Bardutzky, S Barker Trejo, J Barlinn, F Baronnet, C Barroso, M Barteys, T Bartolottiova, A Barulin, M Bas, S Bashir, V Basile, R Bathe-Peters, R Bathula, C Batista, H Batur Caglayan, P Baumgartner, R Bazan, O Bazhenova, M Beaudry, J Beer, Y Behnam, C Beilei, A Beinlich, Y Bejot, A Belkin, OR Benavente, A Benjamin, V Berardi, D Bereczki, SD Berkowitz, J Berlingieri, W Berrios, J Berrouschot, M Bhandari, M Bhargavah, H Bicker, T Bicsak, M Bilik, D Bindila, J Birchenall, L Birnbaum, T Black, D Blacker, D Blacquiere, C Blanc-Labarre, C Blank, B Blazejewska-Hyzorek, S Bloch, E Bodiguel, E Bogdanov, L Boos, L Borcsik, N Bornstein, S Bouly, G Braga, I Bragado, MC Bravi, C Brokalaki, W Brola, R Brouns, D Bruce, J Brzoska-Mizgalska, B Buck, M Buksinska-Lisik, J Burke, M Burn, G Bustamante, L Cabrejo, K Cai, S Cajaraville, M Calejo, D Calvet, J Campillo, E Campos Costa, P Camps, H Can Alaydin, E Candeloro, C Canepa, CG Cantu Brito, M Cappellari, C Carcel, P Cardona Portela, F Cardoso, M Carek, M Carletti, J Carlos Portilla, P Caruso, I Casado-Naranjo, P Castellini, D Castro, F Castro Meira, A Cavallini, N Cayuela Caudevilla, S Cenciarelli, C Cereda, P Cerrone, A Chakrabarti, P Chaloulos-Iakovidis, A Chamorro, D Chandrasena, DI Chang, C Che, J Chembala, J Chen, Z Chen, T Chen, H Chen, X Chen, G Chen, L Chen, S Chen, B Cheripelli, M Chin, E Chiquete Anaya, M Chorazy, H Christensen, T Christensen, L Christian, F Chu, CS Chung, W Clark, R Clarke, S Claverie, E Clemente Agostoni, B Clissold, J Coelho, D Cohen, S Colakoglu, D Collas, R Condurso, SJ Connolly, D Consoli, C Constantin, AB Constantino Silva, L Contardo, A Corlobe, M Correia, C Correia, E Cortijo Garcia, B Coull, S Coutts, S Coveney, P Cras, R Crols, S Crozier, A Csanyi, L Csiba, K Csontos, R Csuha, L Cui, L Cunha, S Curtze, M Czerska, A Czlonkowska, M Czurko, M Czuryszkiewicz, M Dagnino, C Dai, A Daineko, G Dalek, D Damgaard, A Danese, K Dani, V Danku, W Dario Toledo, A Dávalos, A De Havenon, J De Keyser, N De Klippel, J De La Torre, A De Pauw, A De Smedt, R De Torres, MM De Vries Basson, J Dearborn, R Deganutto, M Degeorgia, I Deguchi, A Del Giudice, C Delcourt, R Delgado-Mederos, G Della Marca, B Delpont, S Deltour, DL Demets, M Dennis, J Desai, J Devine, I Dhollander, MT Di Mascio, M Diaconu, F Diaz Otero, J Dietzel, E Diez-Tejedor, N Ding, J Ding, M Diomedi, P Dioszeghy, M Distefano, V Domigo, E Dorodnicov, D Dossi, F Doubal, I Druzenko, P Du, J Du, T Duman, Y Duodu, D Dutta, L Dylewicz, J Eckstein, E Ehrensperger, S Ehrlich, G Einer Allende, B Elena Halac, S Elyas, M Endres, JM Engelbrecht, S Engelter, M Epinat, F Eren, M Esbjornsson, B Escribano, I Escudero, B Esisi, B Essa, M Esterbauer, N Evans, D Eveson, S Fabio, L Fang, S Fanta, M Fares, M Fatar, K Faust, A Favate, F Fazekas, M Federica Denaro, A Fedin, P Felipe Amaya, J Feng, K Ferencova, M Fernanda Gilli, MD Fernandez, PN Fernandez Pirrone, J Fernandez Vera, J Ferrari, A Ferreira, G Ferreira Junior, M Fidler, D Field, T Field, C Figueroa, J Fiksa, A Filipov, A Firstenfeld, L Fisch, U Fischer, M Fisselier, U Fiszer, F Fluri, G Fortea, K Fotherby, A Fraczek, E France, G Freitas, S Frey, M Frick, A Friedman, M Friedrich, G Frisullo, W Fryze, B Fuentes Gimeno, H Fujigasaki, K Fukuyama, A Furlan, G Furlanis, J Furnace, M Gabriel, E Gabriel Reich, RJ Gagliardi, F Galati, E Galli Giqueauk, A Gallina, E Gallinella, J Gallo, S Gangadharan, Y Gao, R Garcia Lopez, A Garcia Pastor, SM Garcia Sanchez, M Garnauf, P Garnier, D Gasecki, K Gasic, K Gasiorek, S Gasser, M Gaugg, M Gebreyohanns, K Gebura, J Geng, M Geniz Clavijo, K Georg Haeusler, R Geran, M Geremek, Z Gerocs, D Ghia, D Giannandrea, F Giatsidis, JA Gien Lopez, A Gil Nunez, L Gimenez, E Giralt, A Glabinski, D Gladstone, M Gliem, M Gluszkiewicz, R Goddeau, E Gogoleva, M Gokce, D Goldemund, K Golikov, A Gomes Neto, M Gomez Schneider, M Gomez-Choco, M Gomis, JF Gongora-Rivera, Y Gonysheva, L Gonzalez, ME Gonzalez Toledo, M Gottschal, I Gozdzik, S Grabowski, S Graf, D Green, D Greer, T Gregorio, S Greisenegger, I Greshnova, M Griebe, M Grzesik, J Guan, S Guarda, A Gueguen, C Guidoux, P Guillermo Povedano, B Guillon, V Guiraudg, G Gunathilagan, N Guryanova, V Gusev, G Gustavo Persi, R Gutiérrez, P Guyler, N Gyuker, V Hachinski, A Hajas, H Hallevi, G Hankey, GJ Hankey, L Hanouskova, L Hao, K Haraguchi, Y Haralur Sreekantaiah, S Haratz, D Hargroves, K Harkness, P Harmel, M Harrasser, RG Hart, M Harvey, R Hasan, Y Hasegawa, A Hassan, M Hattori, A Hatzitolios, M Hauk, T Hayashi, H Hayhoe, VS Hedna, M Heine, V Held, S Hellwig, J Henkner, N Henninger, S Hermans, J Hernandez, D Herrero, M Hervieu-Begue, R Herzig, L Hicken, M Hieber, M Hill, M Hirose, MC Hobeanu, B Hobson, M Hochstetter, J Hoe Heo, M Hoffmann, C Holmstedt, P Hon, KS Hong, Y Honma, A Horev, G Horgan, L Horvath, M Horvath, C Hoyer, D Huang, H Huang, B Huber, J Huhtakangas, M Hussain, S Igarashi, AM Iglesias Mohedano, J Ignacio Tembl, M Impellizzeri, Y Inanc, P Ioli, A Irina Aniculaesei, K Ishida, R Itabashi, H Iversen, A Jagolino, K Jakab, S Jander, H Janka, J Jankovych, J Jansen, L Jasek, M Javier Alet, L Javor, X Jin, P Jing, B Joachim, M Joan Macleod, M Johnson, J Jose Martin, C Joyner, K Judit Szabo, A Jun-Oconnell, R Jura, B Kaczorowska, J Kadlcikova, T Kahles, N Kakaletsis, I Kakuk, K Kalinowska, K Kaminska, C Kaneko, I Kanellos, P Kapeller, K Kapica-Topczewska, O Karasz, M Karlinski, JE Karlsson, K Kasa, E Kashaeva, SE Kasner, M Kaste, J Kasza, A Katalin Iljicsov, M Katsurayama, S Kaur, M Kawanishi, S Kaygorodtseva, K Ke, A Kei, J Keilitz, J Kellner, P Kelly, S Kelly, D Kemlink, M Kerekgyarto, I Keskinarkaus, D Khairutdinova, A Khanna, A Khaw, M Kholopov, C Khoumri, S Kirpicheva, H Kirshner, K Kitagawa, S Kittner, R Kivioja, F Klein, D Kleindorfer, T Kleinig, P Klivenyi, S Knecht, Y Kobayashi, A Kobayashi, M Koch, L Koehler, M Koivu, V Kolianov, I Koltsov, T Kondo, I Konkov, S Kopecky, E Korompoki, J Korpela, K Kosarz-Lanczek, A Koutroubi, K Kovacs, T Kovacs, H Kovacs, K Kowalczyk, M Kowalska, D Krajickova, M Kral, C Krarup Hansen, J Kraska, S Krebs, V Krejci, C Kremer, R Kreuzpointer, M Krzyzanowska, D Kucken, A Kulakowska, J Kunzmann, N Kurenkova, A Kuris, I Kurkowska-Jastrzebska, N Kurtenkova, O Kurushina, G Kusnick, M Kustova, T Kuwashiro, J Kwan Cha, A Lago, M Lagutenko, B Lajos, J Lambeck, C Lamy, A Landolfi, S Lanfranconi, W Lang, LB Lara Lezama, B Lara Rodriguez, T Largo, A Lasek-Bal, L Latte, V Lauer, P Lavados, R Le Bouc, R Leal Cantu, H Lechner, K Lecouturier, S Leder, J Lee, BC Lee, A Leger, E Leira, I Leisse, R Leker, G Lembo, L Lenskaya, J Leyden, G Li, M Li, S Li, J Li, G Liamis, H Liang, Z Liang, N Ligot, H Lin, R Lindert, A Lindgren, M Linna, T Litwin, K Liu, X Liu, L Llull, B Lohninger, M Longoni, C Loomis, D Lopes, M Lopez Fernandez, N Lopez Garza, A Lord, S Louw, R Lovasz, T Lowenkopf, Z Lu, SC Lubke-Detring, R Luder, S Lujan, B Luo, L Lupinogina, G Luschin, H Lutsep, A Lvova, J Ly, G.M. Grosse, H Ma, C Ma, M Machado, C Machado, S Macher, J Machetanz, F Macian-Montoro, E Mackey, A Mackey, G Maclean, J Maestre-Moreno, A Magadan, T Magyar, A Mahagney, A Majid, A Majjhoo, K Makaritsis, J Mandzia, M Mangas Guijarro, D Mangion, E Manios, S Mann, L Manning, C Manno, J Manuel Garcia, V Maqueda, M Mar Castellanos, M Mar Freijo, C Marando, S Marcela Lepera, J Marcos Couto, G Maria Bruera, L Maria Greco, A Maria Lorenzo, S Maria Obmann, A Maria Roa, C Marini, I Marinkovic, G Mario Sumay, C Mario Torres, M Marko, S Markova, H Markus, R Marsh, E Marsili, M Marta Esnaola, J Marta Moreno, J Marti-Fabregas, S Martina Angelocola, P Martínez Sánchez, N Martinez-Majander, S Martins, O Marzelik, S Mastrocola, G Matamala, A Matoltsy, B Matosevic, S Matsumoto, A Maud, G Mauri Cabdevila, Z May, Y Mayasi, A Mayr, T Mazzoli, K Mcarthur, L Mccullough, CE Medina Pech, F Medlin, M Mehdiratta, S Mehta, D Mehta, B Mehta, M Melis, E Melnikova, B Mendez, T Mendonca, JJ Mengual Chirifie, N Menon, A Mensch, E Meseguer, S Messe, K Metcalf, N Meyer, F Michas, N Micheletti, R Mikulik, H Milionis, B Miller, T Milling, C Minelli, J Minhas, M Minns, D Mircea, S Mishra, A Mismas, A Mistri, N Mitrovic, H Miyake, B Modrau, A Moey, C Molina, J Molina, A Molis, J Moller, S Molnar, F Moniche, C Monosi, V Monzani, M Moonis, R Morais, L Morales, A Morales, D Morar-Precup, F Moreton, C Moro, E Morozova, M Morton, T Morvan, E Morvan, T Motko, A Mowla, E Mozhejko, G Muddegowda, O Mudhar, T Mueller, C Muhl, KW Muir, H Mundl, S Munoz, C Murphy, S Murphy, A Murtuzova, T Musuka, J Mutzenbach, M Myint, W Mysliwy, M Naccarato, G Naeije, Y Nagakane, I Natarajan, D Navaratnam, A Nave, B Nazliel, K Nedeltchev, J Nel, H Nell, R Nemeth, L Nemeth, O Neto, K Ng, J Ngeh, L Nicolas Chialvo, T Nieminen, M Nikkanen, J Nikl, M Nikoforova, S Nishino, Y Nishiyama, X Njovane, S Nogawa, F Nombela, B Norrving, K Nosek, B Nowak, E Nowakowska-Sledz, G Ntaios, H Numminen, F Nunez, M Obadia, S Oberndorfer, A Obrezan, J Ochiai, W Oczkowski, MJ O'Donnell, A Odyniec, K Oh, M Ohira, Y Okamoto, M Okpala, S Okubo, L Olah, V Olavarria, J Oleszek, N Onat Demirci, V Ondar, G Ongun, K Ooyama, V Orosz, R Ortiz, G Osseby, E Österlund-Tauriala, C Ovesen, S Ozcekic Demirhan, J Ozdoba-Rot, S Ozturk, E Ozyurt, M Pablo Grecco, G Pablo Povedano, M Paciaroni, C Padiglioni, J Pagola, W Palasik, G Panczel, L Panos, G Papadopoulos, E Papadopoulou, A Papagiannis, V Papavasileiou, M Papina, JR Pardo De Donlebun, V Parisi, JM Park, J Pasten, N Patel, O Pavlik, M Pawelczyk, WF Peacock, H Pei, T Peisker, LF Pena Sedna, A Penn, S Pentek, E Pepper, L Pereira, K Perera, Y Perez, S Perez, P Perez Leguizamon, M Pernicka, R Perry, A Persico, Y Pesant, S Peska, D Peters, G Peters, L Pettigrew, T Phan, S Philippi, T Phinney, F Pico, A Pidal, B Piechowski-Jozwiak, A Pieroni, S Pineiro, V Piras, N Pizova, J Polanco, M Polin, A Polyakov, E Polychronopoulou, A Polymeris, D Popov, A Poppe, P Postorino, C Pozzerese, M Pradhan, L Prats, E Prazdnichkova, B Prendl, M Pretorius, P Profice, S Prokopenko, E Pudov, V Pujol Lereis, G Punzo Bravo, F Purroy, J Qiu, X Qu, V Quenardelle, H Quesada Garcia, L Radrizzani, A Radtke, T Raffelsberger, JM Ramirez Moreno, C Ramos-Estebanez, A Rani, P Rapantova, K Rashed, A Rasheed Nihara, J Rasmussen, L Redondo Robles, M Reif, P Reiner, P Rekova, A Renu, M Repetto, P Reyes, S Reyes Morales, JH Rha, J Ribeiro, S Ricci, C Richard, R Rigual, C Rinaldi, C Riveira Rodriguez, B Rizzato, TG Robinson, A Rocco, M Rodrigues, G Rodriguez, A Rodriguez Campello, F Rodriguez Lucci, M Rodriguez Yanez, C Roesler, C Roffe, R Roine, S Roine, A Roldan, F Romana Pezzella, M Romano, JS Roos, C Rosso, C Rostrup Kruuse, Y Roth, R Roukens, L Roveri, D Rozanski, J Rozniecki, C Rozsa, S Rudilosso, G Ruiz Ares, A Ruiz Franco, G Rum, J Ruuskanen, I Rybinnik, K Ryota, J Saarinen, V Saavedra, C Sabben, A Sabet, D Sagris, J Sahlas, N Sakai, P Salamanca, P Salgado, S Salig, T Salletmayr, M Salnikov, O Samoshkina, Y Samson, D Sanak, M Sànchez Cerón, P Santalucia, M Santamaria Cadavid, P Santiago, G Santo, B Sanz Cuesta, J Sargento, A Sarraj, K Sas, A Sas, O Satoshi, S Satsoglou, N Sattar, S Savitz, C Savopoulos, J Saw, M Sawicka, R Sawyer, T Scandura, N Schillinger, J Schindler, F Schlachetzki, I Schneider, R Schuppner, J Schurig, CJ Schwarzbach, M Sebejova, G Seidel, L Sekaran, D Selcuk, J Selvarajah, A Semerano, J Semjen, D Semushina, S Sen, M Seok Park, J Serena, O Serhat Tokgoz, W Serles, F Serrano, M Sevin, L Seynaeve, S Shah, N Shamalov, T Shang, M Sharma, A Sharrief, M Shazam Hussain, I Shchukin, W Shen, E Shepeleva, I Shinsuke, A Shmonin, A Shoamanesh, A Shuaib, A Shulga, G Sibolt, I Sibon, I Sicilia, M Siebert, E Sieczkowska, C Sila, AA Silva, D Silva, P Silva, Y Silva, M Silvestrini, Z Simony, A Simpkins, B Singh, D Sinha, I Sipos, O Skoda, P Skowron, M Skowronska, B Sliwinska, J Slonkova, A Smolkin, A Smyth, P Sobolewski, A Sobota, SI Sohn, M Soldatov, I Solganov, L Soloveva, E Solovyeva, N Sonntag, P Soors, M Sorgun, C Soriano, D Spence, K Spengos, L Sposato, G Staaf, K Stadler, L Stakhovskaya, K Stamatelopoulos, S Steinert, I Stetkarova, M Stiehm, R Stocker, J Stoinski, A Stoll, G Stotts, A Stumpp, P Sucapane, T Suenaga, X Sun, S Sundararajan, J Sung Kim, H Suzuki, N Svaneborg, G Szasz, W Szczuchniak, S Szczyrba, N Szegedi, A Szekely, Z Szewczyk, G Szilagyi, S Szlufik, K Szoboszlai, L Szpisjak, R Sztajzel, L Sztriha, SE Ta Wil, J Taggeselle, K Takamatsu, M Takao, W Taki, S Takizawa, M Talahma, A Tamayo, J Tan, D Tanne, A Tapanainen, T Tapiola, J Tarasiuk, T Tatlisumak, A Tayal, S Tcvetkova, P Teal, J Tejada Garcia, H Tejada Meza, D Tenora, M Terceno, A Terentiou, S Tezcan, D Thaler, A Thomson, E Thouvenot, M Tiainen, I Timberg, S Timsit, A Tinchon, D Tirschwell, C Togay Isikay, K Tokunaga, M Tolino, C Toloza, G Tomelleri, K Tomoyuki, LM Tomppo, Z Tong, L Tong, D Toni, J Torres, C Tossavainen, G Toth, A Tountopoulou, E Touze, M Tovar, K Toyoda, S Trillo, A Trommer, D Tropepi, D Tryambake, H Tu, S Tuetuencue, R Tumova, O Tumpula, G Turc, A Tutaj, J Tynkkynen, S Uchiyama, U Uchwat, L Uhrinyakova, R Ulku Acar, D Uluduz Ugurlu, X Urra, S Urui, M Usero Ruiz, D Vaclavik, K Vahedi, A Valikovics, J Valpas, P Van Acker, W Van Daele, G Vanderschueren, L Vanina Jure, R Varela, Z Varga, J Varvat, N Varvyanskaya, A Vasco Salgado, P Vasko, L Vass, S Vassilopoulou, I Vastagh, P Vazquez, L Vecsei, R Veltkamp, M Venti, M Verdugo, V Verocai, M Veronica Marroquin, C Veronica Simonsini, T Veverka, M Vigl, A Vila, C Vilar, JA Villanueva Osorio, J Virta, E Vitkova, B Voglsperger, J Volna, PA Von Weitzel-Mudersbach, N Vora, I Voznyuk, A Wach-Klink, A Wacongne, D Walters, Y Wang, J Wang, L Wang, X Wang, W Wang, N Wang, D Wang, H Wang, W Warnack, K Wartenberg, R Waters, M Waters, T Webb, J Weber, G Weiss, K Weissenborn, JI Weitz, B Weller, G Wen, G Weng, P Werner, D Werring, P Wester, W Whiteley, R Whiting, T Wijeratne, C Willems, L Wilson, C Wilson, T Winder, J Windt, A Winkler, A Winska-Tereszkiewicz, A Wisniewska, M Wittayer, A Wlodek, A Wojnarowska-Arendt, M Wolf, V Wolff, C Wolter, A Wong, H Wook Nah, H Worthmann, W Wu, S Wu, S Wunderlich, H Wurzinger, DG Wyse, B Xiao, W Xiaopeng, A Ximenez-Carrillo, L Xiong, Y Xiong, W Xiong, Y Xu, J Xu, Z Xu, B Yalo, T Yamada, M Yamasaki, L Yang, Y Yang, X Yang, Q Yang, B Yang, J Yang, I Yasuhiro, M Yee Lam, C Yegappan, S Yip, E Ylikallio, P Ylikotila, A Yongwon Jin, BW Yoon, Y Yoshida, L Yperzeele, H Yuan, H Yuasa, J Zalewska, C Zanferrari, E Zapata, D Zboznovits, I Zelenka, C Zhang, B Zhang, S Zhang, M Zhang, X Zhang, J Zhang, L Zhao, O Zhirnova, L Zhou, J Zielinska-Turek, I Zinchenko, M Ziomek, A Zitzmann, R Zweifler, J Zwiernik, Yperzeele, Laetitia, and NAVIGATE ESUS Investigators
- Subjects
Male ,International Cooperation ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,antiplatelet therapy ,law.invention ,Neurology (clinical) ,ischemic stroke ,anticoagulation ,Cohort Studies ,0302 clinical medicine ,Randomized controlled trial ,Rivaroxaban ,law ,Stroke ,education.field_of_study ,Aspirin ,Anticoagulant ,Settore BIO/14 ,Middle Aged ,3. Good health ,Treatment Outcome ,N/A ,Cardiology ,Platelet aggregation inhibitor ,Settore MED/26 - Neurologia ,Female ,medicine.drug ,medicine.medical_specialty ,medicine.drug_class ,MEDLINE ,Population ,Foramen Ovale, Patent ,Subgroup analysis ,Article ,Statistics, Nonparametric ,03 medical and health sciences ,Double-Blind Method ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Humans ,education ,Aged ,business.industry ,medicine.disease ,Human medicine ,business ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors ,Factor Xa Inhibitors - Abstract
Background: \ud Patent foramen ovale (PFO) is a contributor to embolic stroke of undetermined source (ESUS). Subgroup analyses from previous studies suggest that anticoagulation could reduce recurrent stroke compared with antiplatelet therapy. We hypothesised that anticoagulant treatment with rivaroxaban, an oral factor Xa inhibitor, would reduce the risk of recurrent ischaemic stroke compared with aspirin among patients with PFO enrolled in the NAVIGATE ESUS trial.\ud \ud Methods: \ud NAVIGATE ESUS was a double-blinded, randomised, phase 3 trial done at 459 centres in 31 countries that assessed the efficacy and safety of rivaroxaban versus aspirin for secondary stroke prevention in patients with ESUS. For this prespecified subgroup analysis, cohorts with and without PFO were defined on the basis of transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) and transoesophageal echocardiography (TOE). The primary efficacy outcome was time to recurrent ischaemic stroke between treatment groups. The primary safety outcome was major bleeding, according to the criteria of the International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. The primary analyses were based on the intention-to-treat population. Additionally, we did a systematic review and random-effects meta-analysis of studies in which patients with cryptogenic stroke and PFO were randomly assigned to receive anticoagulant or antiplatelet therapy.\ud \ud Findings: \ud Between Dec 23, 2014, and Sept 20, 2017, 7213 participants were enrolled and assigned to receive rivaroxaban (n=3609) or aspirin (n=3604). Patients were followed up for a mean of 11 months because of early trial termination. PFO was reported as present in 534 (7·4%) patients on the basis of either TTE or TOE. Patients with PFO assigned to receive aspirin had a recurrent ischaemic stroke rate of 4·8 events per 100 person-years compared with 2·6 events per 100 person-years in those treated with rivaroxaban. Among patients with known PFO, there was insufficient evidence to support a difference in risk of recurrent ischaemic stroke between rivaroxaban and aspirin (hazard ratio [HR] 0·54; 95% CI 0·22–1·36), and the risk was similar for those without known PFO (1·06; 0·84–1·33; pinteraction=0·18). The risks of major bleeding with rivaroxaban versus aspirin were similar in patients with PFO detected (HR 2·05; 95% CI 0·51–8·18) and in those without PFO detected (HR 2·82; 95% CI 1·69–4·70; pinteraction=0·68). The random-effects meta-analysis combined data from NAVIGATE ESUS with data from two previous trials (PICSS and CLOSE) and yielded a summary odds ratio of 0·48 (95% CI 0·24–0·96; p=0·04) for ischaemic stroke in favour of anticoagulation, without evidence of heterogeneity.\ud \ud Interpretation: \ud Among patients with ESUS who have PFO, anticoagulation might reduce the risk of recurrent stroke by about half, although substantial imprecision remains. Dedicated trials of anticoagulation versus antiplatelet therapy or PFO closure, or both, are warranted.\ud \ud Funding: \ud Bayer and Janssen.
- Published
- 2018
3. Analysis of stroke care resources in Spain in 2012: Have we benefitted from the Spanish Health System's stroke care strategy?
- Author
F. Moniche Álvarez, D. Geffners Sclarskyi, M. Rebollo Álvarez Amandix, J.A. Vidal Sánchez, J.C. López Fernández, J. Maestre Moreno, A. Lago Martin, J. Gállego Culleré, F. Purroy García, J.L. Maciñeiras Montero, R. Muñoz Arrondo, M. Blanco González, M. Serrano Ponza, B. Escribano Soriano, I. Legarda Ramírez, J. Tejada García, A. Gil Núñez, Blanca Fuentes, C. Gómez Escalonilla, Tomás Segura, E. Botia Paniagua, E. Deyá Arbona, J.M. Ramírez Moreno, J. Masjuan Vallejo, F. Rubio Borrego, M.M. Freijo Guerrero, Jaume Roquer, I. Casado Naranjo, J. Arenillas Lara, and C. Tejero Juste
- Subjects
Telemedicine ,Care process ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Stroke care ,lcsh:RC346-429 ,Surveys and Questionnaires ,Health care ,medicine ,Humans ,Thrombolytic Therapy ,Healthcare Disparities ,lcsh:Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system ,Quality of Health Care ,Government ,MCA Infarction ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,Endovascular Procedures ,Interventional radiology ,Stroke facilities survey ,Thrombolysis ,medicine.disease ,Hospitals ,Stroke unit ,Stroke ,Neurology ,Spain ,Workforce ,Health Resources ,Medical emergency ,Stroke treatment ,business - Abstract
Introduction: The Spanish Health System's stroke care strategy (EISNS) is a consensus statement that was drawn up by various government bodies and scientific societies with the aim of improving quality throughout the care process and ensuring equality among regions. Our objective is to analyse existing healthcare resources and establish whether they have met EISNS targets. Material and methods: The survey on available resources was conducted by a committee of neurologists representing each of Spain's regions; the same committee also conducted the survey of 2008. The items included were the number of stroke units (SU), their resources (monitoring, neurologists on call 24 hours/7 days, nurse ratio, protocols), SU bed ratio/100 000 inhabitants, diagnostic resources (cardiac and cerebral arterial ultrasound, advanced neuroimaging), performing intravenous thrombolysis, neurovascular interventional radiology (neuro VIR), surgery for malignant middle cerebral artery (MCA) infarctions and telemedicine availability. Results: We included data from 136 hospitals and found 45 Stroke Units distributed unequally among regions. The ratio of SU beds to residents ranged from 1/74 000 to 1/1 037 000 inhabitants; only the regions of Cantabria and Navarre met the target. Neurologists performed 3237 intravenous thrombolysis procedures in 83 hospitals; thrombolysis procedures compared to the total of ischaemic strokes yielded percentages ranging from 0.3% to 33.7%. Hospitals without SUs showed varying levels of available resources. Neuro VIR is performed in every region except La Rioja, and VIR is only available on a 24 hours/7 days basis in 17 cities. Surgery for malignant MCA infarction is performed in 46 hospitals, and 5 have telemedicine. Conclusion: Stroke care has improved in terms of numbers of participating hospitals, the increased use of intravenous thrombolysis and endovascular procedures, and surgery for malignant MCA infarction. Implementation of SUs and telemedicine remain insufficient. The availability of diagnostic resources is good in most SUs and irregular in other hospitals. Regional governments should strive to ensure better care and territorial equality, which would achieve the EISNS objectives. Resumen: Introducción: La Estrategia del Ictus del Sistema Nacional de Salud (EISNS) fue un documento de consenso entre las distintas administraciones y sociedades científicas que se desarrolló con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad del proceso asistencial y garantizar la equidad territorial. Nuestro objetivo fue analizar los recursos asistenciales existentes y si se había cumplido el objetivo de la EISNS. Material y métodos: La encuesta sobre los recursos disponibles se realizó por un comité de neurólogos de cada una de las comunidades autónomas (CC.AA), los cuales también realizaron la encuesta de 2008. Los ítems incluidos fueron el número de Unidades de Ictus (UI), su dotación (monitorización, neurólogo 24 h/7 días, ratio enfermería, protocolos), ratio cama UI/100.000 habitantes, recursos diagnósticos (ecografía cardíaca y arterial cerebral, neuroimagen avanzada), realización de trombolisis intravenosa, intervencionismo neurovascular (INV), cirugía del infarto maligno de la arteria cerebral media (ACM) y disponibilidad de la telemedicina. Resultados: Se incluyeron datos de 136 hospitales. Existen 45 UI distribuidas de un modo desigual. La relación cama de UI por habitantes y comunidad autónoma osciló entre 1/74.000 a 1/1.037.000 habitantes, cumpliendo el objetivo solo Cantabria y Navarra. Se realizaron por neurólogos 3.237 trombolisis intravenosas en 83 hospitales, con un porcentaje respecto del total de ictus isquémico entre el 0,3 y el 33,7%. Los hospitales sin UI tenían una disponibilidad variable de recursos. Se realiza INV en todas las CC.AA salvo La Rioja, la disponibilidad del INV 24 h/7 días solo existe en 17 ciudades. Hay 46 centros con cirugía del infarto maligno de la ACM y 5 con telemedicina. Conclusión: La asistencia al ictus ha mejorado en cuanto al incremento de hospitales participantes, la mayor aplicación de trombolisis intravenosa y procedimientos endovasculares, también en la cirugía del infarto maligno de la ACM, pero con insuficiente implantación de UI y de la telemedicina. La disponibilidad de recursos diagnósticos es buena en la mayoría de las UI, e irregular en el resto de hospitales. Las distintas CC.AA deben avanzar para garantizar el mejor tratamiento y equidad territorial, y así conseguir el objetivo de la EISNS. Keywords: Stroke unit, Stroke treatment, Stroke facilities survey, Thrombolysis, Palabras clave: Unidad de ictus, Tratamiento ictus, Encuesta recursos, Trombolisis
- Published
- 2014
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4. Health care resources for stroke patients in Spain, 2010: Analysis of a national survey by the Cerebrovascular Diseases Study Group
- Author
F. Purroy García, R. Muñoz Arrondo, J. Masjuan Vallejo, J. Larracoechea Jausoro, D. Geffners Sclarsky, J. Tejada García, E. Deyá Arbona, M.M. Freijo Guerrero, A. Gil Pujadas, J.M. Ramírez Moreno, I. Legarda Ramírez, C. Tejero Juste, A. Gil Peralta, C. Gómez Escalonilla, I. Casado Naranjo, M. Rebollo Álvarez Amandi, A. Gil Núñez, S. Mola Caballero De Rodas, J. Arenillas Lara, J.A. Vidal Sánchez, A. Lago Martin, T. Segura Martin, E. Botia Paniagua, J.C. López Fernández, J. Maestre Moreno, F. Rubio Borrego, J.L. Manciñeiras Montero, S. Calleja Puerta, B. Escribano Soriano, and F. Moniche Álvarez
- Subjects
Telemedicine ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Neurology ,medicine.medical_treatment ,lcsh:RC346-429 ,Fibrinolytic Agents ,Intervention (counseling) ,Health care ,medicine ,Humans ,Thrombolytic Therapy ,Social determinants of health ,Infusions, Intravenous ,Stroke ,lcsh:Neurology. Diseases of the nervous system ,Rehabilitation ,business.industry ,Data Collection ,Thrombolysis ,medicine.disease ,Hospitals ,Cerebrovascular Disorders ,Spain ,Workforce ,Health Resources ,Medical emergency ,Societies ,business ,Delivery of Health Care - Abstract
Introduction: Stroke is currently a major social health problem. For this reason, the Spanish Ministry of Health approved the Stroke National Strategy (SNS) in 2008 to improve the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of stroke patients. This plan intends to guarantee 24-h, 365-days neurological assistance in the whole country by the end of 2010. Our aim was to analyze the situation of stroke assistance in Spain in 2009. Material and methods: A committee of neurologists practicing in the different autonomous communities (AC), and who had not participated in the preparation of the SNS, was created. A national survey was performed including the number of stroke units (SU) and their characteristics (monitoring, 24-h/7-day on-call neurology service, nursing staff ratio and the use of protocols), bed ratio of SU/100,000 people, availability of intravenous thrombolysis therapy, neurovascular intervention (NI) and telemedicine. Results: We included data from 145 hospitals. There are 39 SUs in Spain, unevenly distributed. The ratio between SU bed/number of people/AC varied from 1/75,000 to 1/1,037,000 inhabitants; Navarra and Cantabria met the goal. Intravenous thrombolysis therapy is used in 80 hospitals; the number of treatments per AC was between 7 and 536 in 2008. NI was performed in 63% of the AC, with a total of 28 qualified hospitals (although only 1 hospital performed it 24 h, 7 days a week in 2009). There were 3 hospitals offering clinical telemedicine services. Conclusions: Assistance for stroke patients has improved in Spain compared to previous years, but there are still some important differences between the AC that must be eliminated to achieve the objectives of the SNS. Resumen: Introducción: El ictus constituye un importante problema sociosanitario. Por ese motivo, el Ministerio de Sanidad aprobó en 2008 la Estrategia Nacional en Ictus (ENI) con el objetivo de mejorar la prevención, tratamiento y rehabilitación del paciente con ictus. Se pretende garantizar una atención neurológica en todo el país y a cualquier hora del día para final del 2010. Nuestro objetivo fue analizar la situación de la atención al ictus en España en el año 2009. Material y métodos: Se constituyó un comité de neurólogos de las diferentes CC. AA. que no hubieran participado en la ENI. Se elaboró una encuesta nacional que recogió el número de unidades de ictus (UI) y la dotación (monitorización, guardia de neurología 24 h/7 días, ratio de enfermería y existencia de protocolos), ratio cama UI/100.000 habitantes, presencia de trombólisis iv, intervencionismo neurovascular (INV) y telemedicina. Resultados: Se incluyeron datos de 145 hospitales. Existen 39 UI distribuidas de un modo desigual. La relación cama de UI/número de habitantes/comunidad autónoma osciló entre 1/75.000 a 1/1.037.000 habitantes, cumpliendo el objetivo Navarra y Cantabria. Se realiza trombólisis iv en 80 hospitales, el número osciló entre 7-536 tratamientos/CC. AA. durante el año 2008. Se realiza INV en el 63% de las CC. AA., teniendo 28 centros capacitados, aunque sólo 1 la realizaba en 2009 las 24 h/7 día. Existen 3 centros con telemedicina. Conclusiones: La asistencia al ictus ha mejorado en España respecto a unos años atrás, pero todavía existen importantes desigualdades por CC. AA. que deberían superarse si se quiere cumplir el objetivo de la ENI. Keywords: Stroke, Stroke thrombolysis, Stroke unit, Facilities survey, Palabras clave: Ictus, Unidades de ictus, Trombólisis, Encuesta recursos
- Published
- 2011
- Author
JM Gonzalez Lopez, JL Navarro Espigares, J Maestre Moreno, and E Hernández Torres
- Subjects
Ambulatory care ,business.industry ,Health Policy ,Standard protocol ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,Medicine ,Transient (computer programming) ,Cost-effectiveness analysis ,Medical emergency ,business ,medicine.disease ,health care economics and organizations - Published
- 2007
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- Author
JL Navarro Espigares, E Hernández Torres, J Maestre Moreno, and JM Gonzalez Lopez
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Ambulatory care ,business.industry ,Health Policy ,Emergency medicine ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,medicine ,Transient (computer programming) ,Medical emergency ,medicine.disease ,business ,health care economics and organizations - Published
- 2007
7. Computed tomographic brain scan findings in Q fever encephalitis
- Author
J. Maestre Moreno, M. Romero Acebal, J. Pachon Diaz, L. Lopez Cortes, A. Navarro Rodriguez, and F. Gomez-Aranda
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Pathology ,Neurology ,Q fever ,White matter ,Medicine ,Humans ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,Child ,Neuroradiology ,Cerebral Cortex ,biology ,business.industry ,Viral encephalitis ,Electroencephalography ,bacterial infections and mycoses ,medicine.disease ,Coxiella burnetii ,biology.organism_classification ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Encephalitis ,Female ,Neurology (clinical) ,Radiology ,Differential diagnosis ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business ,Q Fever ,Tomography, X-Ray Computed - Abstract
Neurological involvement in Q Fever is unusual. We present a case of encephalitis due to Coxiella Burnetii with neuroradiologic findings on CT not described previously, consisting in areas of decreased absorption coefficient in the subcortical white matter of both hemispheres, predominantly in the right. Differential diagnosis must be established from viral encephalitis, of similar clinical presentation, which may show similar CT lesions to those in this case.
- Published
- 1984
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