Yogesh Choudhri, Tamar Berman, Nimer Safi, Hassan D. Suleiman, Mohammed Abu Hashish, Sameer El Haj, Efim Platkov, Joyce K. Witt, Alf Fischbein, Madi Jaghabir, Matti Bercovitch, Steven Reingold, Elihu D. Richter, Abed Abu-Hamda, Amber Alayyan, Jamal Safi, and Ramzi Sansour
The detection and prevention of lead toxicity and poisoning among children have been a major international public health priority. The distribution and severity of lead toxicity are determined largely by lead in gasoline emissions, proximity to environmental sources, point sources, hot spots, and episodic exposures, sometimes from food sources (Richter 1992). Infants and children are more vulnerable to lead exposure because of more rapid airway and gastrointestinal absorption, hand-to-mouth activities, and increased susceptibility of the developing brain to the neurotoxic effects of lead (Grigg 2004; Needleman 2004). High exposures produce acute poisoning, with abdominal pain, constipation, anemia, irritability, bone and joint pain, and convulsions. Lead exposure has been linked to increased risk for diverse health outcomes, including infertility and cancer (Lustberg and Silbergeld 2002; Silbergeld 2003). Today, the major concerns regarding childhood lead exposures are the health risks associated with exposures once considered “normal.” These low-level exposures produce subtle and not readily detectable neurobehavioral effects on personality, intellectual development, behavior, and achievement (Delville 1999; Mendelsohn et al. 1998). New data suggest that a safe threshold without adverse neurobehavioral effect is lower than the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention threshold of 10 μg/dL for intervention, and that in fact a safe level may not be detectable (Canfield et al. 2003; Chiodo et al. 2004). In the Middle East today, the major reported point sources of lead exposure are industrial sources, including smelters, battery factories, and radiator repair shops; flour from traditional stone mills; and the occasional burning of wastes (El Sharif et al. 2000; Hershko et al. 1989). Leaded gasoline remains the major source of environmental lead pollution, and > 300,000 tons of leaded gasoline are sold annually in Israel and the Palestinian Authority (Israel Ministry of Infrastructure 2004). Children of lead-exposed workers are at high risk for lead poisoning (Friedman et al. 2005). Exposure and elevated blood lead (PbB) levels in children also comes from the use of traditional cosmetic kohl (kahal) among women and young girls (Nir 1992; Parry 1991). Isolated cases of lead poisoning from the use of dental powders such as Saoott and Cebagin, which can contain as much as 51% lead, have been reported (Abdullah 1984). Information has not been readily available on “background” community-wide sources, notably from gasoline and general air pollution by lead and from high-risk spots in crowded areas. Past work in Israel suggested nontrivial risks from lead exposure in urban areas at levels once considered safe (Richter et al. 1980, 1986). Results of previous studies on childhood lead exposure in the Palestinian Authority, Jordan, and Israel are summarized in Table 1. Table 1 Previous studies on lead exposure in the Palestinian Authority, Jordan, and Israel. Investigation of an episode of familial lead poisoning led to the discovery that the source was flour contaminated by lead from metal fittings of the axle on the stone grinding wheel, not only in the index village but also in many others (Hershko et al. 1989). A similar episode later occurred in eight children of a family that owned a flour mill in Hebron (El Sharif et al. 2000). We report the results of the childhood lead poisoning prevention study (1996–2000) in Israel, Jordan, and the Palestinian Authority supported by U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)/Middle East Regional Cooperation–Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (West Bank and Gaza). The objectives of the study were a) to assess the distribution of PbB levels; b) to search for sources of exposure to lead among children in Israel, Jordan, Gaza, and the West Bank, including so-called “hot spots”; c) to assess the utility and practicality of screening, case finding, source identification, and prevention, using a new state-of-the art method for fingerstick (FS) measurement of PbB; d) to determine whether there is a need for routine surveillance and screening in each of the four regions; e) to determine whether reduction in use of leaded gasoline and total emissions resulted in reduction in PbB in children in the region; and f ) to promote appropriate interventions. The outbreak of political conflict and violence in September 2000 disrupted progress toward the last objective. The four regions differ substantially from one another in terms of standard indices of development, socioeconomic status, and public health (Table 2). However, three of the four regions—Israel, West Bank, and Gaza—share a common source of fuel, and access to water in all four regions is closely interrelated. Lead emissions from stationary and mobile sources are also transported across boundaries as air pollution (Silbergeld 1995). Because socioeconomic status is often a predictor for lead exposure among children, we expected to find variations in PbB levels among the different regions. The advent of the LeadCare FS method offered new possibilities for cost-effective and efficient field investigations. Table 2 Statistical information for Jordan, West Bank and Gaza, and Israel.