Aris T. Papageorghiou, F. Figueras, R. Napolitano, Alexandros Sotiriadis, Laurent Salomon, Julien Stirnemann, George S. H. Yeo, Russell L. Deter, F. da Silva Costa, Ants Toi, Zarko Alfirevic, Wesley Lee, Asma Khalil, Phyllis Glanc, and Tullio Ghi
INTRODUCTION These Guidelines aim to describe appropriate assessment of fetal biometry and diagnosis of fetal growth disorders. These disorders consist mainly of fetal growth restriction (FGR), also referred to as intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and often associated with small‐for‐gestational age (SGA), and large‐for‐gestational age (LGA), which may lead to fetal macrosomia; both have been associated with a variety of adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes. Screening for, and adequate management of, fetal growth abnormalities are essential components of antenatal care, and fetal ultrasound plays a key role in assessment of these conditions. The fetal biometric parameters measured most commonly are biparietal diameter (BPD), head circumference (HC), abdominal circumference (AC) and femur diaphysis length (FL). These biometric measurements can be used to estimate fetal weight (EFW) using various different formulae1. It is important to differentiate between the concept of fetal size at a given timepoint and fetal growth, the latter being a dynamic process, the assessment of which requires at least two ultrasound scans separated in time. Maternal history and symptoms, amniotic fluid assessment and Doppler velocimetry can provide additional information that may be used to identify fetuses at risk of adverse pregnancy outcome. Accurate estimation of gestational age is a prerequisite for determining whether fetal size is appropriate‐for‐gestational age (AGA). Except for pregnancies arising from assisted reproductive technology, the date of conception cannot be determined precisely. Clinically, most pregnancies are dated by the last menstrual period, though this may sometimes be uncertain or unreliable. Therefore, dating pregnancies by early ultrasound examination at 8–14 weeks, based on measurement of the fetal crown–rump length (CRL), appears to be the most reliable method to establish gestational age. Once the CRL exceeds 84 mm, HC should be used for pregnancy dating2–4. HC, with or without FL, can be used for estimation of gestational age from the mid‐trimester if a first‐trimester scan is not available and the menstrual history is unreliable. When the expected delivery date has been established by an accurate early scan, subsequent scans should not be used to recalculate the gestational age1. Serial scans can be used to determine if interval growth has been normal. In these Guidelines, we assume that the gestational age is known and has been determined as described above, the pregnancy is singleton and the fetal anatomy is normal. Details of the grades of recommendation used in these Guidelines are given in Appendix 1. Reporting of levels of evidence is not applicable to these Guidelines.Pautas de ISUOG para la práctica: evaluación ecográfica de la biometría y el crecimiento fetal INTRODUCCIÓN: El objetivo de estas Pautas es describir la evaluación adecuada de la biometría fetal y el diagnóstico de los trastornos del crecimiento fetal. Estos trastornos consisten principalmente en la restricción del crecimiento fetal (RCF), también conocida como restricción del crecimiento intrauterino (RCIU), que a menudo está asociada con un tamaño pequeño para la edad gestacional (PEG) o grande para la edad gestacional (GEG), que pueden dar lugar a la macrosomía fetal; ambos se han asociado con una variedad de resultados maternos y perinatales adversos. La detección y el tratamiento adecuado de las anomalías del crecimiento fetal son componentes esenciales de la atención prenatal, y la ecografía fetal desempeña un papel fundamental en la evaluación de estas afecciones. Los parámetros biométricos fetales medidos con mayor frecuencia son (todas las siglas procedentes del inglés) el diámetro biparietal (BPD), el perímetro cefálico (HC), el perímetro abdominal (AC) y la longitud de la diáfisis del fémur (FL). Estas mediciones biométricas se pueden utilizar para estimar el peso del feto (PEF) mediante fórmulas diferentesISUOG实践指南:胎儿生物测量与生长的超声评估 引言: 本指南旨在描述胎儿生物测量的正确评估及胎儿生长障碍的诊断。这些疾病主要包括又称为宫内生长受限(IUGR)且往往与小于胎龄(SGA)有关的胎儿生长受限(FGR),以及可能导致胎儿巨大的大于胎龄(LGA)。这两种疾病都与各种孕产期围产期不良结局有关。胎儿生长异常的筛查和适当处理是产前保健的重要组成部分,胎儿超声检测在这些疾病的评估中起着关键作用。最常测量的胎儿生物特征参数有双顶径(BPD)、头围(HC)、腹围(AC)和股骨骨干长度(FL)。可以根据这些生物特征测量值,运用各种不同的公式估算胎儿体重(EFW)。