211 results on '"YAK"'
Search Results
- Author
V.G. Oliukha
- Subjects
business.industry ,Political science ,Ukrainian ,language ,Economic history ,YAK ,business ,Economic consequences ,Risk management ,language.human_language - Abstract
The article is devoted to the research of pandemic risk. Its characteristic features are considered: scale, inability to accurately determine the duration, compulsion, spontaneity, the ability to generate other types of risks, high losses, significant impact on the economy and individual businesses. It is concluded that pandemic risk is an objective-subjective category. The possibility of pandemic risk management at the macro- and microeconomic levels is proved. Pandemic risk management at the macroeconomic level is seen as a process aimed at identifying, identifying, assessing pandemic risk, which is carried out on the basis of constant exchange of information between risk assessors, risk managers, stakeholders, selection and implementation of relevant management (control) tools, including regulatory measures, impact on risk in order to avoid, control, minimize or distribute its consequences. Pandemic risk management at the microeconomic level is defined as the activities of economic entities aimed at analyzing, forecasting and assessing the probability of risk in uncertainty with the choice of preventive measures to minimize possible property losses, and in case of their occurrence – the distribution of such losses participants in economic relations, and in some cases, making a profit as a result of proper pandemic risk management. In the conditions of insufficiency of budgetary resources the most expedient for management of pandemic risk are economic and legal ways of indirect state support: changes to the legislation on regulation of economic activity; simplification of permitting and customs procedures; adoption of programs to overcome the negative economic consequences caused by the pandemic; moratorium on inspections of small and medium-sized businesses. Ways of direct state support – tax and customs preferences; exemptions from taxes and fees should be used sparingly. At the microeconomic level, the economic and legal ways of managing pandemic risk are the economic agreement and plans for economic development of the enterprise. REFERENCES Yurydychna entsyklopediia: v 6 t. Redkol.: Yu. S. Shemshuchenko (holova redkol.) ta in. Vol. 5. K.: Vyd-vo “Ukrainska entsyklopediia” imeni M.P. Bazhana, 2003. 736 p. [in Ukrainian]. Patsuriia N.B. Strakhovi pravovidnosyny u sferi strakhuvannia: problemy teorii i praktyky: monohrafiia. Nizhyn: TOV “Vydavnytstvo «Aspekt-Polihraf”, 2013. 504 p. [in Ukrainian]. Anomalii v tsyvilnomu pravi Ukrainy: Navchalno-praktychnyi posibnyk. 2-he vydannia. Za zah. red. R.A. Maidanyka. K.: Yustinian-2010. 1008 p. [in Ukrainian]. Chaikin I.B. Pravove rehuliuvannia strakhuvannia ryzykiv na rynkakh finansovykh posluh : monohrafiia. Kharkiv: Yurait, 2012. 184 p. [in Ukrainian]. Boiko T., Riabkova T. Ryzyky, shcho suprovodzhuiut hospodarsku diialnist, – sutnist, klasyfikatsiia i pidkhody do otsiniuvannia. Vymiriuvalna tekhnika ta metrolohiia. 2014. Iss. 75. P. 125-131 [in Ukrainian]. Zarosylo V.O. ta in. Yurydychnyi ryzyk ta yurydychna bezpeka: monohrafiia. Ukr. derzh. un-t finansiv ta mizhnar. torhivli. Kyiv, 2012. 299 p. [in Ukrainian]. Novikov V.V. Teoretyko-pravovi aspekty ryzykiv u pravi. Naukovyi visnyk Mizhnarodnoho humanitarnoho universytetu. Seriia: Yurysprudentsiia. 2015. No. 13. Vol. 1. P. 36-39 [in Ukrainian]. Rieznikova V.V., Kravets I.M. Klasyfikatsiia ryzykiv u pidpryiemnytstvi. V kn.: Pershi naukovi chytannia pamiati akademika V.K. Mamutova: materialy kruhloho stolu (8 liutoho 2019 r., m. Kyiv). Nauk. red. V.A. Ustymenko. NAN Ukrainy. In-t ekonomiko-pravovykh doslidzhen, 2019. 264 p. [in Ukrainian]. Velykanova M.M. Upravlinnia ryzykom ta yoho stadii: ekonomiko-pravovyi analiz. Pidpryiemnytstvo, hospodarstvo i pravo. 2017. No. 12. P. 20-24 [in Ukrainian]. Rieznikova V., Stefanchuk R. Otsinka ryzykiv u pidpryiemnytstvi ta upravlinnia nymy. Pravo Ukrainy. 2018. No. 5. P. 101-115. https://doi.org/10.33498/louu-2018-05-101 [in Ukrainian]. Ustymenko V.A., Dzhabrailov R.A. Pravove zabezpechennia ekonomichnoi bezpeky postkonfliktnykh terytorii: okremi problemy ta shliakhy yikh vyrishennia. V kn.: Stratehiia ekonomichnoi bezpeky Ukrainy: dotsilnist rozroblennia ta shliakhy vyrishennia tsiiei problemy: materialy Kruhloho stolu (30 veresnia 2020 r., m. Kyiv). Nauk. red. V.A. Ustymenko. NAN Ukrainy. DU “In-t ekonomiko-pravovykh doslidzhen imeni V.K. Mamutova NAN Ukrainy”. Kyiv, 2020. 84 p. [in Ukrainian]. Lichak D.V. Hospodarsko-pravove zabezpechennia nepriamoi derzhavnoi pidtrymky subiektiv hospodariuvannia: avtoref. dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: 12.00.04. Odesa, 2011. 23 p. [in Ukrainian]. Illarionov O.Yu. Spadkoiemnist i stabilnist zakonodavstva yak osnovy zabezpechennia ekonomichnoi bezpeky. V kn.: Stratehiia ekonomichnoi bezpeky Ukrainy: dotsilnist rozroblennia ta shliakhy vyrishennia tsiiei problemy: materialy Kruhloho stolu (30 veresnia 2020 r., m. Kyiv). Nauk. red. V.A. Ustymenko. NAN Ukrainy. DU “In-t ekonomiko-pravovykh doslidzhen imeni V.K. Mamutova NAN Ukrainy”. Kyiv, 2020. 84 p. [in Ukrainian]. Popovska I.P. Pravovi osnovy prohramnoho rehuliuvannia hospodarskoi diialnosti v Ukraini: dys. … kand. yuryd. nauk: 12.00.04. Odessa, 2010. 213 p. [in Ukrainian]. Zadykhailo D. Pravo na pidpryiemnytsku diialnist u systemi vidnosyn pravovoho hospodarskoho poriadku. Visnyk Akademii pravovykh nauk Ukrainy. 2011. No. 2(65). P. 112-122 [in Ukrainian]. Hryniak A.B. Dohovir u mekhanizmi pravovoho rehuliuvannia pryvatnopravovykh vidnosyn. V kn.: Dohovirne rehuliuvannia pryvatnopravovykh vidnosyn v umovakh yevrointehratsiinykh protsesiv v Ukraini: monohrafiia. Za zah. red. akademika NAPrN Ukrainy O.D. Krupchana. Kyiv, 2017. 334 p. [in Ukrainian]. Belianevych O.A. Teoretychni problemy hospodarskoho dohovirnoho prava: avtoref. dys. … d-ra yuryd. nauk: 12.00.04. K., 2006. 35 p. [in Ukrainian]. Bel'tjukov E.A., Brevnov A.A., Parsjak V.N. Planirovanie dejatel'nosti predprijatija: Uchebnoe posobie. Har'kov: Odissej, 2006. 384 p. [in Russian].
- Published
- 2020
3. Laparoscopic Ovariectomy in a Domestic Yak
- Author
Eileen S. Hackett, Drew W. Koch, Katharine M. Simpson, and Jeremiah T. Easley
- Subjects
Intoxicative inhalant ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Surgical approach ,Both ovaries ,General Veterinary ,040301 veterinary sciences ,business.industry ,Veterinary medicine ,0402 animal and dairy science ,Case Report ,04 agricultural and veterinary sciences ,YAK ,Trendelenburg positioning ,040201 dairy & animal science ,Surgery ,0403 veterinary science ,Surgical time ,SF600-1100 ,medicine ,Small ruminant ,business - Abstract
Owners of a juvenile domestic yak elected bilateral ovariectomy to prevent future reproduction. The yak was noted to be healthy at presentation. Both ovaries were removed using a laparoscopic approach as follows: after induction and maintenance of general inhalant anesthesia, 15 degrees Trendelenburg positioning was required to view the ovaries. Ovariectomy was conducted within a surgical time of 50 minutes. Due to the small ovarian size, portal enlargement was not necessary for removal. Mild hemorrhage from the left ovarian pedicle was controlled with application of a vessel-sealing device. Postoperative complications were not encountered during hospitalization. At 12 months following surgery, the yak was healthy, and the owner was highly satisfied with the procedure. The described approach was successful for performing laparoscopic ovariectomy in a juvenile yak. Positioning for surgery was similar to other small ruminant species. Further case enrollment is needed to optimize the surgical approach and better describe clinical outcomes.
- Published
- 2020
4. Optimization of Mordant Bleaching of Yak Wool with Hydrogen Peroxide at Low Temperature
- Author
Amarzaya Bazarvaani, Sarangerel Davaasambuu, Duurengerel Javzandulam, and Dashjargal Arildii
- Subjects
business.industry ,Materials Science (miscellaneous) ,Mordant ,02 engineering and technology ,YAK ,010501 environmental sciences ,021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology ,Pulp and paper industry ,01 natural sciences ,Renewable energy ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,chemistry ,Wool ,0210 nano-technology ,Hydrogen peroxide ,business ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences - Abstract
Protein-based materials like wool and cashmere are highly valued renewable natural resources. The total world consumption of products made of such materials has risen steadily in the past fifty yea...
- Published
- 2020
- Author
I.H. Cherdantseva, I.A. Krupenna, and I.M. Budnikevych
- Subjects
business.industry ,Publishing ,Ukrainian ,Political science ,Big data ,language ,Information technology ,Marketing communication ,Library science ,YAK ,business ,Marketing research ,language.human_language - Abstract
The article considers the directions of application of innovative tools of marketing research in the processes of formation of marketing commodity and communication policy of trade establishments. The options for companies to use artificial intelligence tools and in-depth site analysis in the marketing commodity and communication policy of FMCG market players are generalized. Prospects, advantages and problems of using Big Data Analysis as an innovation of marketing research in the field of retail are outlined. Areas of marketing innovations in FMCG are structured based on the application of big data. It is noted that the management of leading companies in the field of food retail should pay attention to the available budget information technologies Big Data and ensure their quality implementation in the system of marketing communications. The tasks that Big Data Analysis technology is able to solve in the processes of formation and implementation of marketing commodity and communication policy of local and regional retail chains, other retail business operators are identified. It has been proven that Big Data in itself does not give any competitive advantage and only its proper use can give the marketing of the retail network an understanding of how to act properly. Some data collection tools that are most effective in offline retail, online retail are considered. The directions of search of decisions on development of actions on overcoming of consequences of corona crisis by the analytical tools which can adjust a commodity and communication policy of trade establishments are defined. REFERENCES1. Syniavskyi M. Koronavirus vs biznes: yak Big Data dopomozhe ryteilu podolaty koronakryzu. Mind.ua. 16.04.2020. URL: https://mind.ua/openmind/20209726-koronavirus-vs-biznes-yak-big-data-dopomozhe-ritejlu-podolatikoronakrizu [in Ukrainian].2. Sait mizhnarodnoi kompanii Boston Consulting Group. URL: https://www.bcg.com/ [in Ukrainian].3. Rost cherez innovacii. Analiticheskij otchet. URL: https://ru.investinrussia.com/data/files/sectors/ru/inno-1.pdf [in Russian].4. Gijom Sh., Dzheff G., De Bellefon N., Tejlor S., Vinsent L., Zhjul’en B., Dzhimmi R. Iskusstvennyj intellekt i uglublennaja analitika. Novye vozmozhnosti dlja rosta v sfere potrebitel’skih tovarov. BCG Review. 2019. No. 46. Aprel’. P. 35-43. URL: https://image-src.bcg.com/Images/BCG_Review_April-2019_tcm27-217213.pdf [in Russian].5. Next Big Thing: Srez po global’nomu venchurnomu rynku i naibolee proryvnym tehnologijam, novym biznes modeljam. Strategy&. 2018. URL: https://www.strategyand.pwc.com/ru/ru/reports/2018/next-big-thing-q2.html [in Russian].6. Arhangel’skaja S. Dejstvitel’no bol’shie dannye: kak big data pomogaet kompanijam zarabatyvat’. The Bell. 17.02.2020. URL: https://thebell.io/dejstvitelno-bolshie-dannye-kak-big-data-pomogaet-kompaniyam-zarabatyvat/ [in Russian].7. Bol’shie dannye (Big Data). Tadviser: Gosudarstvo. Biznes. IT. 24.10.2017. URL: https://www.tadviser.ru/index.php/Stat’ja:Bol’shie_dannye_(Big_Data) [in Russian].8. Manyika J., Chui M., Brown B., Bughin J., Dobbs R., Roxburgh C., and Hung Byers A. Big data: The next fron tier for innovation, competition, and productivity. McKinsey & Company. URL: https://www.mckinsey.com/businessfunctions/mckinsey-digital/our-insights/big-data-the-next-frontier-for-innovation#9. Goad N., Robinson Dzh., Aviles S. Kak udovletvorit’ potrebnosti pokupatelej pri pomoshhi bol’shih dannyh. BCG Review. 2019. Aprel’. No. 46. P. 35-43. URL: https://image-src.bcg.com/Images/BCG_Review_April-2019_tcm27-217213.pdf [in Russian].10. Sambudagva D.B. Big Data Analysis v sfere produktovogo ritejla. Biznes-obrazovanie v jekonomike znanij. 2015. No. 1. P. 113-114. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/big-data-analysis-v-sfere-produktovogo-riteyla [in Russian].11. Majer-Shenberger V., Kuk’er K. Bol’shie dannye. Revoljucija, kotoraja izmenit to, kak my zhivem, rabotaem i myslim. M. : Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, 2014. 240 p. [in Russian].12. Tan P.-N. Introduction to Data Mining. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc. Boston, MA, USA, 2005. 202 p.13. Big Data v sovremennom ritejle: prediktivnye tehnologii dlja rosta Retention i LTV. 23.07.2020. URL: https://retailrocket.ru/blog/big-data-v-sovremennom-ritejle/ [in Russian].14. Zahir M. Reklama dlja umnyh: kak retejl ispol’zuet tehnologii v bor’be za pokupatelja. Forbes. 14.02.2019. URL: https://www.forbes.ru/tehnologii/372373-reklama-dlya-umnyh-kak-reteyl-ispolzuet-tehnologii-v-borbe-zapokupatelya [in Russian].15. More than just a [FirstName]. Real consumers share whatpersonalized experiences they expect. URL: https://us.epsilon.com/power-of-me16. Baranov R. Analiz Big Data v ritejle: ot jeksperimentov k biznes-kejsam. URL: https://retail-loyalty.org/journal_retail_loyalty/read_online/art181701/ [in Russian].17. Budnikevych I. Munitsypalnyi marketynh: teoriia, metodolohiia, praktyka: monohrafiia. Chernivtsi: Chernivetskyi natsionalnyi universytet. 2012. 645 p.
- Published
- 2020
6. Combat horting in the complex of scientific and pedagogical means of education of physical culture and fundamentals of health of students
- Author
Eduard Yeromenko
- Subjects
Presentation ,Higher education ,business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Physical culture ,Pedagogy ,Physical activity ,General Medicine ,YAK ,Psychology ,business ,media_common ,Physical education - Abstract
The article identifies scientific and pedagogical tools and content of physical education and basics of health of students in the process of combat horting, reveals guidelines for organizing the educational process of combat horting in higher education and the formation of a healthy lifestyle of student youth. Theoretical analysis of the problem of formation of a healthy way of life of students and conditions of application of improving physical exercises of combat horting is carried out. The implementation of the content of physical education and the basics of student health in the process of combat horting is provided by adequate to the physical activity of students methods of building training sessions. The presentation of the main material is based on the provisions of the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine, the Concept of National-Patriotic Education of Children and Youth, other guiding state documents on the teaching of the discipline «Physical Education». This requires new views on the planning and implementation of a modern educational process in combat horting and rehabilitation of students of higher education. Teoretychnyy analiz naukovoyi literatury ta praktychnyy dosvid z problemy vyvchennya pozytyvnoho vplyvu boyovoho khortynhu, shcho spryyaye vykhovannyu fizychnoyi kulʹtury, formuvannyu zdorovoho sposobu zhyttya student·sʹkoyi molodi ta pidvyshchennyu rivnya zdorov'ya studentiv dovodytʹ, shcho dana problema ye aktualʹnoyu, adzhe vona zabezpechuye podolannya nehatyvnykh tendentsiy sered studentiv sektsiy boyovoho khortynhu, povʺyazanykh z pidvyshchenym navchalʹnym i trenuvalʹnym navantazhennyam u zakladi vyshchoyi osvity, korehuvannyam funktsionalʹno-emotsiynoho stanu ta neobkhidnistyu vykhovannya y ozdorovlennya studentiv u protsesi zanyatʹ boyovym khortynhom. Vyznacheno osnovni zahalʹnoteoretychni zasady boyovoho khortynhu yak efektyvnoyi skladovoyi chastyny navchalʹno-vykhovnoho protsesu, spryamovanoyi na zadovolennya zapytiv, interesiv student·sʹkoyi molodi shchodo vykhovannya fizychnoyi kulʹtury i formuvannya zdorovoho sposobu zhyttya cherez vykhovnyy vplyv trenera-vykladacha zakladu vyshchoyi osvity (pedahoha). Klasyfikatsiya vplyvu komponentiv, metodyk i fizychnykh vprav boyovoho khortynhu, yaki spryyayutʹ vykhovannyu fizychnoyi kulʹtury ta formuvannyu zdorovoho sposobu zhyttya student·sʹkoyi molodi, maye taki oznaky: intensyvnistʹ (nyzʹka, serednya, velyka); vikova katehoriya (student·sʹka molodʹ 17–25 rokiv); statʹ (khloptsi ta divchata); perevazhayuchyy proyav volʹovoyi yakosti (odna abo dekilʹka volʹovykh yakostey: tsilespryamovanistʹ, initsiatyvnistʹ, samostiynistʹ, napolehlyvistʹ, dystsyplinovanistʹ, rishuchistʹ, vytrymka, orhanizovanistʹ, dilovytistʹ, smilyvistʹ, muzhnistʹ toshcho, yaki formuyutʹsya u protsesi zanyatʹ boyovym khortynhom).
- Published
- 2020
7. Estimation of Accuracy of Temperature and Wind Measurements in the AMDAR System Using the Yak-42D 'Roshydromet' Research Aircraft Data
- Author
M. A. Strunin
- Subjects
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes ,Atmospheric Science ,010504 meteorology & atmospheric sciences ,010505 oceanography ,business.industry ,Instrumentation ,Airflow ,Steady flight ,YAK ,01 natural sciences ,Wind speed ,Fuselage ,Deflection (engineering) ,Air temperature ,Environmental science ,Aerospace engineering ,business ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,Water Science and Technology - Abstract
The paper presents the results of the comparative analysis of the AMDAR measuring system aboard regular airliners and the measuring system of the Yak-42D “Roshydromet” new-generation research aircraft. It is shown that root-mean-square errors of air temperature, wind speed, and wind angle measurements based on the data of the research aircraft for the conditions of horizontal steady flight are 0.3°C, 0.7 m/s, and 0.5°, respectively. These values characterize the ultimate accuracy for the modern aircraft instrumentation. Based on flight tests and computer simulations, the possible sources of errors in the AMDAR system are analyzed: aircraft maneuvers, variations in the air flow over fuselage, and the application of simplified formulas for calculations. It is demonstrated that the errors in the wind speed and wind angle determination in the AMDAR system under aircraft maneuvers with air flow deflection can reach 5 m/s and 30°, respectively. It is proposed to exclude from consideration the AMDAR data obtained during the maneuvers of airliners with roll angles above 10° and to suppose that the error of the AMDAR system in a flight without any roll and turning is 1°C for air temperature, 3 m/s for wind speed, and 5° for wind angle.
- Published
- 2020
8. Transhumant Goat and Sheep Husbandry Practices in High Hills of Annapurna Conservation Area
- Author
Grishma Neupane, Biplov Sapkota, Anish Sapkota, and Suwash Khatiwada
- Subjects
geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Altitude ,Fodder ,Agroforestry ,Agriculture ,business.industry ,Pastoralism ,Grazing ,YAK ,Animal husbandry ,business ,Pasture - Abstract
Small ruminants are the most reliable source of meat in Nepal. However, national production is still insufficient to fulfill their demand. Transhumance pastoralism is a migration system in which farmers graze their animals in mountain pastures in warm seasons and lower altitude forests during colder seasons. Yak, sheep and Goat are reared under this system in Himalayas of Nepal. Farmers travelling through in Madi, Seti, Mardi and Modikhola basin follow transhumance system including Baruwal Sheep and Sinhal goat. A study was conducted to understand small ruminant husbandry system used by transhumant farmers. Farmers of 4 different locations were interviewed and focus group discussion was performed with inhabitants of nearby villages. Additional information were collected from ACAP and VHLSEC. Results revealed that number of transhumant farmers is decreasing. Migration pattern is determined by season (temperature, humidity, rainfall) and fodder availability in the region. This pattern was refined during centuries of practice. Mixed grazing by sheep and goat is beneficial since they feed on different type of pasture. Farmers are slowly adopting veterinary practices. However, treatment depends on value of animal. Animals except newborn lambs are kept open during night and protected by Tibetan mastiff dogs. Availability of better opportunities and decreasing market value of wool are two major constraints faced by farmers. As conclusion, transhumant farming system as present in the study region is an efficient way to exploit seasonally barren landscape to produce meat animals. This way of production can be applied to elevate lifestyle of people living in those landscapes.
- Published
- 2020
9. Seasonal diets supersede host species in shaping the distal gut microbiota of Yaks and Tibetan sheep
- Author
Weiwei Wang, Hongmei Shi, Xuzheng Zhou, Wei Xiaojuan, Bing Li, Zhen Dong, Jiyu Zhang, Wang Ling, and Cheng Fusheng
- Subjects
Livestock ,Science ,Zoology ,Biology ,Gut flora ,Tibet ,Article ,Applied microbiology ,Feces ,RNA, Ribosomal, 16S ,Animals ,Cluster Analysis ,Taxonomic rank ,Principal Component Analysis ,Sheep ,Multidisciplinary ,business.industry ,Host (biology) ,Microbiota ,Biodiversity ,Sequence Analysis, DNA ,YAK ,16S ribosomal RNA ,biology.organism_classification ,Animal Feed ,Diet ,Gastrointestinal Microbiome ,Microbial population biology ,Medicine ,Cattle ,Seasons ,business - Abstract
Yaks and Tibetan sheep are important and renowned livestock of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). Both host genetics and environmental factors can shape the composition of gut microbiota, however, there is still no consensus on which is the more dominant factor. To investigate the influence of hosts and seasons on the gut microbiome diversity component, we collected fecal samples from yaks and Tibetan sheep across different seasons (summer and winter), during which they consumed different diets. Using 16S rRNA sequencing, principal component analysis (PCoA) data showed that PCo1 explained 57.4% of the observed variance (P = 0.001) and clearly divided winter samples from summer ones, while PCo2 explained 7.1% of observed variance (P = 0.001) and mainly highlighted differences in host species. Cluster analysis data revealed that the gut microbiota composition displayed a convergence caused by season and not by genetics. Further, we profiled the gut microbial community and found that the more dominant genera in yak and Tibetan sheep microbiota were influenced by seasonal diets factors rather than genetics. This study therefore indicated that seasonal diet can trump host genetics even at higher taxonomic levels, thus providing a cautionary note for the breeding and management of these two species.
- Published
- 2021
10. An authenticated, secure, and mutable multiple‐session‐keys protocol based on elliptic curve cryptography and text‐to‐image encryption algorithm
- Author
Ali Al-Thaher, Ahmad Abusukhon, and Zeyad Mohammad
- Subjects
Theoretical computer science ,Computer Networks and Communications ,Elliptic curve Diffie–Hellman ,business.industry ,Computer science ,YAK ,Encryption ,Computer Science Applications ,Theoretical Computer Science ,Image (mathematics) ,Computational Theory and Mathematics ,Session (computer science) ,Elliptic curve cryptography ,business ,Protocol (object-oriented programming) ,Software - Published
- 2021
11. Ehrlichia chaffeensis and Four Anaplasma Species With Veterinary and Public Health Significance Identified in Tibetan Sheep (Ovis aries) and Yaks (Bos grunniens) in Qinghai, China
- Author
Ye Wang, Qingxun Zhang, Shuyi Han, Ying Li, Bo Wang, Guohui Yuan, Peiyang Zhang, Ziwen Yang, Heng Zhang, Yali Sun, Jiyong Chen, Xueqing Han, and Hongxuan He
- Subjects
Qinghai ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Veterinary medicine ,animal diseases ,tick-borne disease ,parasitic diseases ,SF600-1100 ,medicine ,Anaplasma capra ,Ehrlichia chaffeensis ,Anaplasma ,Tibetan sheep ,Ovis ,yak ,Tick-borne disease ,General Veterinary ,biology ,business.industry ,Public health ,Brief Research Report ,Anaplasma species ,bacterial infections and mycoses ,biology.organism_classification ,medicine.disease ,Veterinary Science ,Livestock ,Capra ,business - Abstract
Tick-borne diseases (TBDs) can cause serious economic losses and are very important to animal and public health. To date, research on TBDs has been limited in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. This epidemiological investigation was conducted to evaluate the distribution and risk factors of Anaplasma spp. and Ehrlichia chaffeensis in livestock in Qinghai. A total of 566 blood samples, including 330 yaks (Bos grunniens) and 236 Tibetan sheep (Ovis aries) were screened. Results showed that A. bovis (33.3%, 110/330) and A. phagocytophilum (29.4%, 97/330) were most prevalent in yaks, followed by A. ovis (1.2%, 4/330), A. capra (0.6%, 2/330), and E. chaffeensis (0.6%, 2/330). While A. ovis (80.9%, 191/236) and A. bovis (5.1%, 12/236) infection was identified in Tibetan sheep. To our knowledge, it is the first time that A. capra and E. chaffeensis have been detected in yaks in China. Apart from that, we also found that co-infection of A. bovis and A. phagocytophilum is common in yaks (28.2%, 93/330). For triple co-infection, two yaks were infected with A. bovis, A. phagocytophilum, and A. capra, and two yaks were infected with A. bovis, A. phagocytophilum, and E. chaffeensis. Risk analysis shows that infection with A. bovis, A. phagocytophilum, and A. ovis was related to region and altitude. This study provides new data on the prevalence of Anaplasma spp. and E. chaffeensis in Qinghai, China, which may help to develop new strategies for active responding to these pathogens.
- Published
- 2021
12. Yak Pericardium as an Alternative Biomaterial for Transcatheter Heart Valves
- Author
Mingzhe Song, Zhenjie Tang, Yuhong Liu, Xinlong Xie, Xiaoke Qi, Qiying Wu, Zhenlin Jiang, Zhongshi Wu, and Tao Qian
- Subjects
Histology ,Bovine pericardium ,Biomedical Engineering ,Bioengineering ,immunogenicity ,medicine ,yak pericardium ,Pericardium ,Heart valve ,cardiovascular diseases ,Amino acid content ,Original Research ,business.industry ,biomaterial ,Biomaterial ,Bioengineering and Biotechnology ,YAK ,medicine.disease ,Biological materials ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,transcatheter heart valves ,cardiovascular system ,tissue thickness ,business ,TP248.13-248.65 ,Biotechnology ,Biomedical engineering ,Calcification - Abstract
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) has received much attention and development in the past decade due to its lower risk of complication and infections compared to a traditional open thoracotomy. However, the current commercial transcatheter heart valve does not fully meet clinical needs; therefore, new biological materials must be found in order to meet these requirements. We have discovered a new type of biological material, the yak pericardium. This current research studied its extracellular matrix structure, composition, mechanical properties, and amino acid content. Folding experiment was carried out to analyze the structure and mechanics after folding. We also conducted a subcutaneous embedding experiment to analyze the inflammatory response and calcification after implantation. Australian bovine pericardium, local bovine pericardium, and porcine pericardium were used as controls. The overall structure of the yak pericardium is flat, the collagen runs regularly, it has superior mechanical properties, and the average thickness is significantly lower than that of the Australian bovine and the local bovine pericardium control groups. The yak pericardium has a higher content of elastic fibers, showing that it has a better compression resistance effect during the folding experiment as well as having less expression of transplantation-related antigens. We conducted in vivo experiments and found that the yak pericardium has less inflammation and a lower degree of calcification. In summary, the yak pericardium, which is thin and strong, has lower immunogenicity and outstanding anti-calcification effects may be an excellent candidate valve leaflet material for TAVI.
- Published
- 2021
13. YakReID-103: A Benchmark for Yak Re-Identification
- Author
Suonan Jiancuo, Tingting Zhang, Liyuan Zhou, Cuo Da, Lei Li, and Qijun Zhao
- Subjects
Traceability ,Biometrics ,business.industry ,Computer science ,YAK ,Animal husbandry ,Machine learning ,computer.software_genre ,Re identification ,Minimum bounding box ,Benchmark (computing) ,Livestock ,Artificial intelligence ,business ,computer - Abstract
Precision livestock management requires animal traceability and disease trajectory, for which discriminating between or re-identifying individual animals is of significant importance. Existing re-identification (re-ID) methods are mostly proposed for persons and vehicles, compared with which animals are extraordinarily more challenging to be re-identified because of subtle visual differences between individuals. In this paper, we focus on image-based re-ID of yaks (Bos grunniens), which are indispensable livestock in local animal husbandry economy in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. We establish the first yak re-ID dataset (called YakReID-103) which contains 2, 247 images of 103 different yaks with bounding box, direction-based pose, and identity annotations. Moreover, according to the characteristics of yaks, we modifiy several person re-ID and animal re-ID methods as baselines for yak re-ID. Experimental results of the baselines on YakReID-103 demonstrate the challenges in yak re-ID. We expect that the proposed benchmark will promote the research of animal biometrics and extend the application scope of re-ID techniques.
- Published
- 2021
14. Food Consumption and Dietary Patterns of Local Adults Living on the Tibetan Plateau: Results from 14 Countries along the Yarlung Tsangpo River
- Author
Chenni Zhou, Mo Li, Lu Liu, Fusuo Zhang, Wenfeng Cong, and Fang-Jie Zhao
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Male ,Rural Population ,Urban Population ,Recommended Dietary Allowances ,Tibet ,Eating ,0302 clinical medicine ,Vegetables ,Processed meat ,TX341-641 ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Principal Component Analysis ,PCA ,Nutrition and Dietetics ,Dietary intake ,Barley flour ,Age Factors ,food and beverages ,YAK ,Middle Aged ,Tibetan adults ,food consumption ,Female ,Adult ,Adolescent ,Food consumption ,dietary patterns ,Context (language use) ,Biology ,Diet Surveys ,Article ,Beverages ,03 medical and health sciences ,Young Adult ,Animal science ,Sex Factors ,Age groups ,Rivers ,Humans ,Tibetan Plateau ,030109 nutrition & dietetics ,business.industry ,Nutrition. Foods and food supply ,Feeding Behavior ,Diet ,Cross-Sectional Studies ,Agriculture ,Fruit ,business ,dietary intake ,Food Science - Abstract
The distinct Tibetan regional diet is strongly influenced by the regional biogeography, indigenous traditions, popular religious beliefs and food taboos. In the context of the nutritional transition in Tibet, studies seldom report on the food consumption and dietary patterns of Tibetan residents. This is a cross-section study of 552 local adults (≥18 years old, 277 men and 275 women) living in 14 agricultural countries along the Yarlung Tsangpo River. Dietary intakes were assessed by a culturally specific FFQ and compared with the Chinese Dietary Pagoda (2016). Dietary Patterns were extracted by using PCA method. The binary logistic regression model was applied to assess the association between independent variables (genders, regions and age groups) and adherence to dietary patterns. With the exception of meat (100 ± 260 g/day) and soybean nuts (42 ± 12 g/day), which exceeded the recommended dietary intakes of CDP, the dietary intake of other foods were not up to the recommended value. In particular, the intake of aquatic products (2 ± 0.1 g/day), vegetables (90 ± 19 g/day), dairy products (114 ± 29 g/day), cereals (117 ± 27 g/day) and fruits (97 ± 25 g/day) were seriously inadequate, which were 95%, 70%, 62%, 53.2% and 51.5% lower than the recommended intakes, respectively. Four dietary patterns were identified. “Local traditional diet” was characterized by a high intake of tsampa (roasted highland barley flour), culturally specific beverages (sweet tea and yak buttered tea), potato and yak beef and was associated with female, rural and older adults (≥51 years old). The male, urban and 18~30 years old group had a higher adherence score with the “Han diet”, which was comprised of rice, pork, dumplings, eggs, milk and cabbage. The “Beverage diet”, which mainly include tsampa, chang (homemade barley wine) and sweet tea, was associated with the following group: female, urban and aged 18~30 years. The “Out-sourced diet” pattern, consisting of mainly rice, steam bread and some processed meat, was associated with being male, urban and 18–30 years of age. These findings indicate that the dietary practice of the Tibetan people still has strong local characteristics, but it is also undergoing a dietary transition with the penetration of the Chinese Han diet and the increased consumption of outsourced (processed) foods. The unbalanced dietary intake of Tibetan residents should be taken seriously by all parties.
- Published
- 2021
15. An Comparison of the Interpretations of [the Great Learning] of Zhuxi, Wangshouren and Jung Yak-Yong
- Author
Hae-Wang Jung
- Subjects
Literature ,business.industry ,Philosophy ,YAK ,business ,History of philosophy - Published
- 2019
16. Genomic insights into ruminant evolution: from past to future prospects
- Author
Lei Chen, Bao Wang, and Wen Wang
- Subjects
0106 biological sciences ,Genome evolution ,Future studies ,Review ,genome evolution ,010603 evolutionary biology ,01 natural sciences ,Ruminantia ,03 medical and health sciences ,traits ,Ruminant ,Phylogenomics ,lcsh:Zoology ,Animals ,Ecosystem diversity ,lcsh:QL1-991 ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics ,030304 developmental biology ,0303 health sciences ,adaptive evolution ,Ecology ,biology ,business.industry ,phylogenomics ,Genomics ,Ruminants ,YAK ,biology.organism_classification ,Biological Evolution ,Evolutionary biology ,Animal Science and Zoology ,Livestock ,business ,ruminantia - Abstract
Ruminants (Ruminantia) are among the most successful herbivorous mammals, exhibiting wide-ranging morphological and ecological characteristics (such as headgear and multichambered stomach) and including various key livestock species (e.g., cattle, buffalo, yak, sheep, and goat). Understanding their evolution is of great significance not only in scientific research but also in applications potential for human society. The rapid growth of genomic resources provides unprecedented opportunities to dissect the evolutionary histories and molecular mechanisms underlying the distinct characteristics of ruminants. Here we summarize our current understanding of the genetic, morphological, and ecological diversity of ruminants and provide prospects for future studies.
- Published
- 2019
17. The aspect of the Du Fu(杜甫) poetry in Dasan(茶山) Jeong Yak-yong(丁若鏞) poetry (2) -Based on the method of constructing and accepting poems shown in Poetry using the original verse's of poetry(依韻詩) and a poem imitating the original poem(模擬詩)
- Author
BongNam kim
- Subjects
Literature ,Poetry ,business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Art ,YAK ,business ,media_common - Published
- 2019
18. Pregnancy and Childbirth in Goryeo, examined through the 'Bu’in Jab-bang' chapter in Hyang’yak Gugeub-bang
- Author
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Pregnancy ,business.industry ,Obstetrics ,Childbirth ,Medicine ,YAK ,business ,medicine.disease - Published
- 2019
19. The aspect of the Du Fu(杜甫) poetry in Dasan(茶山) Jeong Yak-yong(丁若鏞) poetry (1) : Focusing on the poetry of the next rhyme(次韻詩)
- Author
Bong-nam Kim
- Subjects
Literature ,Poetry ,business.industry ,Rhyme ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Automotive Engineering ,YAK ,Art ,business ,media_common - Published
- 2019
20. Growth Performance and Meat Quality Evaluations in Three-Way Cross Cattle Developed for the Tibetan Plateau and their Molecular Understanding by Integrative Omics Analysis
- Author
Buren Chaogetu, Jie Cheng, Xiaogang Wang, Yongzhen Huang, Yu-Lin Ma, Shu-Jun Peng, Xiukai Cao, Hong Chen, and Zhaxi Zhuoma
- Subjects
Male ,Proteomics ,Quality Control ,0106 biological sciences ,Meat ,Integrative omics ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Quantitative Trait Loci ,Breeding ,Biology ,Tibet ,01 natural sciences ,medicine ,Animals ,Quality (business) ,media_common ,geography ,Plateau ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,business.industry ,High protein ,010401 analytical chemistry ,Proteins ,General Chemistry ,YAK ,0104 chemical sciences ,Biotechnology ,Tenderness ,Three way ,Cattle ,Female ,medicine.symptom ,Transcriptome ,General Agricultural and Biological Sciences ,business ,010606 plant biology & botany - Abstract
Despite of favorable characteristics of high protein, low fat, and free-pollution, yak meat has intrinsically poor performance in tenderness and color, which is ever challenging yak sector. To this end, a three-way cross system was first developed for high quality beef of the Tibetan Plateau using Angus cattle ( Bos taurus) as terminal sire to mate with 1/2 yak (F1) generated from♂Qaidam cattle ( Bos taurus) × ♀yak ( Bos grunniens). The withers height, chest girth, and body weight of 1/4 yak (F2) were all great higher than that of yak and 1/2 yak ( P0.01), especially at later period, suggesting the faster growth rate of 1/4 yak. Also the dressing percentage was much better in 1/4 yak ( P0.01). Tenderness and meat color were both significantly improved in 1/4 yak with some unpleasant sacrifice of PUFAs, such as EPA and DHA, and meat protein, given the significantly lower shear force and higher L* ( P0.01). A total of 769 genes, including SREBF1, GHR, and FASN, the widely recognized causal genes of meat quality, were identified from 11947 differently expressed genes by the data integration of transcriptome, GWAS and QTL. These genes were significantly enriched for important pathway and GO terms, such as insulin signaling pathway, fatty acid biosynthesis, calcium signaling pathway, metabolic pathway, and cellular response to stress ( P0.01). And 12 promising candidates were exemplified with annotation of H3K4me3 data from divergent meat quality, such as OSTF1, NRAS1, and KCNJ11. Interestingly, 75 high-altitude adaptive candidate genes were also detected in the list. This study is a first step toward high quality beef of the Tibetan Plateau and provides useful information for their molecular understanding.
- Published
- 2018
21. Jeong Yak‐yong’s New Interpretation of the Ten Wings
- Author
Kim Young-woo
- Subjects
Literature ,business.industry ,Philosophy ,Interpretation (philosophy) ,YAK ,business - Published
- 2018
22. Diversity of beneficial microorganisms and their functionalities in community-specific ethnic fermented foods of the Eastern Himalayas
- Author
Kumaraswamy Jeyaram, Pulok K. Mukherjee, Jyoti Prakash Tamang, and Amit Kumar Rai
- Subjects
Bamboo shoots ,business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Alcoholic Beverages ,Ethnic group ,food and beverages ,YAK ,Biotechnology ,Geography ,Milk ,Fermentation ,Vegetables ,Animals ,Cattle ,Beneficial organism ,Traditional knowledge ,Fermented Foods ,Microbial food cultures ,business ,Fermentation in food processing ,Food Science ,Diversity (politics) ,media_common - Abstract
The Eastern Himalayan regions of India, Nepal and Bhutan have more than 200 varieties of unsurpassed ethnic fermented foods and alcoholic beverages, which are lesser known outside the world. However, these ethnic foods are region- and community-specific, unique and some are exotic and rare, which include fermented vegetables, bamboo shoots, soybeans, cereals, milk (cow and yak), meats, fishes, and cereal-based alcoholic beverages and drinks. Ethnic communities living in the Eastern Himalayas have invented the indigenous knowledge of utilization of unseen microorganisms present in and around the environment for preservation and fermentation of perishable plant or animal substrates to obtain organoleptically desirable and culturally acceptable ethnic fermented food and alcoholic beverages. Some ethnic fermented products and traditionally prepared dry starters for production of alcoholic beverages of North Eastern states of India and Nepal were scientifically studied and reported till date, and however, limited publications are available on microbiological and nutritional aspects of ethnic fermented foods of Bhutan except on few products. Most of the beneficial microorganisms isolated from some ethnic fermented foods of the EH are listed in microbial food cultures (MFC) safe inventory. This study is aimed to review the updates on the beneficial importance of abundant microbiota and health-promoting benefits and functionalities of some ethnic fermented foods of the Eastern Himalayan regions of North East India, Nepal and Bhutan.
- Published
- 2021
23. Integrative Transcriptome Analysis Define Novel lncRNA Potential Regulation Function through SLC22A7 in Yak Liver
- Author
Fang Fu, Xiaolin Luo, Jiuqiang Guan, Li Wang, and Wei Xia
- Subjects
Transcriptome ,Text mining ,business.industry ,Computational biology ,YAK ,Biology ,business ,Function (biology) - Abstract
Background: The yak (Bos grunniens) is a crucial resource to supply meat and milk to the people localized in Qinghai-Tibetan plateau area. To identify lncRNAs regulating metabolism in yak, this work adopted transcriptome method to simultaneously profile mRNAs and lncRNAs of liver in yak under three representative age (LD: Liver 1 Day, LM: Liver 15 Months, LY: Liver 5 Years) conditions.Result: Of 288 differentially expressed lncRNAs, function-oriented selection yield 88 regulated metabolically related lncRNAs that were differentially expressed at least two age conditions. These lncRNAs predicted by lncRNA-mRNA correlation analysis to function in various aspects of metabolism. Selected regulations of liver metabolically related lncRNAs were further verified by qRT-PCR. Furthermore, one novel LncRNA were selected to validate its function and result showed it potentially regulated SLC22A7, a well-known organic anion transporter.Conclusion: Combining high throughput RNA-seq screening screens, bioinformatics predictions, lncRNA-mRNA correlation analysis and qRT-PCR analysis, this study supports that a class of lncRNAs function as important metabolic regulators and establishes a foundation for further investigating the role of lncRNAs in yak.
- Published
- 2021
24. Are current practices of yak herdsmen adequate to combat Coenurosis in Laya Bhutan?
- Author
Yeshi Wangdi and Kesang Wangchuk
- Subjects
Taenia multiceps ,Veterinary medicine ,Cattle Diseases ,Deworming ,SF600-1100 ,Animals ,Animal Husbandry ,Bhutan ,Socioeconomics ,watchdogs ,Taeniasis ,yak ,General Veterinary ,Animal health ,business.industry ,Questionnaire ,Original Articles ,YAK ,Coenurosis ,Cross-Sectional Studies ,Geography ,Herd ,Cattle ,Original Article ,Livestock ,herdsmen ,gid ,business ,coenurosis - Abstract
Background Coenurosis, known commonly as gid, is caused by a tapeworm Taenia multiceps. It is a disease of small ruminants globally but also occurs in large ruminants, especially in yak in the Himalaya. Gid is a pathological condition in young yaks, mostly below 3 years of age. The infected animal displays a circling movement with the head tilting towards the location of the cyst of a tapeworm on the cerebral surface of the brain. Objective We conducted a study with the primary aim to gain an insight into yak herdsmen's practices to manage Coenurosis in the Laya administrative block of Bhutan. Methods All seven villages of Laya were included for sampling. Seventy‐five out of 182 households owned yaks, and 54 yak‐owning households were selected randomly. The government livestock officials of nine yak‐rearing highland districts were also included in the study. A cross‐sectional study was conducted based on a questionnaire survey and focussed mainly on herdsmen's practices to manage gid. Two sets of questionnaires were used for yak herders and livestock officials. Each predesigned questionnaire was semi‐structured and consisted of both open– and closed‐ended questions. Results The study revealed gid as a major cause of yak mortality. Gid occurred more in winter during migration and most herders lost one to three yaks annually. Herdsmen kept an average of two watchdogs and dewormed them once annually. Similarly, calves were also dewormed once annually. The carcasses of dead yaks were fed to dogs. Livestock officials were optimistic about controlling the disease in the future, despite the yak areas being difficult to access. Most herders had not attended the gid awareness programme. The animal health worker visited herds once annually. In absence of animal health workers, most herdsmen resorted to different practices to treat affected yaks –the most common practice being surgery. Gid was mentioned to harm herdsmen's economy. Conclusions The study concluded that for effective management of gid in Laya, livestock agencies must create more awareness on gid, increase the frequency of visits by animal health workers to yak herds, and increase the frequency of deworming of watchdogs and calves., Gid is an economically important disease in yaks. It affects the livelihood of herders in the mountains.
- Published
- 2021
25. Expression and characterization of the serum proteome from yak induced into estrus by improved nutrition
- Author
Jianpeng Xie, Xian Guo, Qudratullah Kalwar, and Ping Yan
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,endocrine system ,Proteome ,Bioengineering ,Biology ,Andrology ,03 medical and health sciences ,Estrus ,Seasonal breeder ,Animals ,reproductive and urinary physiology ,Estrous cycle ,urogenital system ,business.industry ,Reproduction ,digestive, oral, and skin physiology ,0402 animal and dairy science ,04 agricultural and veterinary sciences ,YAK ,040201 dairy & animal science ,Hormones ,030104 developmental biology ,Serum proteome ,beta-Alanine ,Animal Science and Zoology ,Livestock ,Cattle ,Female ,business ,hormones, hormone substitutes, and hormone antagonists ,Biotechnology - Abstract
Regulation of estrus plays a crucial role in the livestock industry. It is reported that providing better nutrition can induce early estrus in animals. However, little is known about the major endocrine and physiological mechanisms that could enhance estrus in anestrus animals. Hence in the current research two different groups of yaks, non-breeding season (February-June, NBS) estrus yaks as the experiment group and breeding season (July-September, BS) estrus animals as the control group were compared using the isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ) technique. Study displayed that cold season supplementation significantly improved growth performance, serum biochemical indicators and reproductive hormone concentrations in yaks. We also identified 25 differentially expressed proteins in yak serum using iTRAQ proteomics. Go and KEGG analysis indicated that calcium signaling pathway and beta-alanine metabolism may be candidate pathways for seasonal estrus induced by nutrition. Differential protein expression was validated using parallel reaction monitoring (PRM). The results of this study initially identified A2M, IGF2, A1BG and APOA1 as candidate proteins for seasonal estrus induced by nutrition. Altogether, In conclusion, our results show that providing additional nutrients in the cold season can improve yak productivity and reproductive efficiency, and provide a new reference.
- Published
- 2021
26. Discrimination of goat, buffalo, and yak milk from different livestock, regions, and lactation using microelement contents
- Author
Qingyu Zhao, Yuchang Qin, Hongyan Liu, Xiaoqing Guo, and Zhang Junmin
- Subjects
China ,Livestock ,Buffaloes ,030309 nutrition & dietetics ,Biology ,03 medical and health sciences ,fluids and secretions ,0404 agricultural biotechnology ,Animal science ,Lactation ,parasitic diseases ,medicine ,Animals ,Statistical analysis ,Mature milk ,0303 health sciences ,business.industry ,Goats ,food and beverages ,Discriminant Analysis ,04 agricultural and veterinary sciences ,YAK ,040401 food science ,Trace Elements ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Milk ,Cattle ,Female ,business ,Food Science - Abstract
This study aims at investigating whether the livestock, lactation stage, or geographical origin of specialty milk in China could be classified by the elemental contents. Samples of goat, buffalo, and yak milk were collected from main production provinces in China and the contents of nine elements in milk from different livestock, regions, and lactation stages were determined. Statistical analysis indicated that the contents of Mn, Cu, As, Se, Cs, and Mo in mature milk were significantly different between the three livestock (p
- Published
- 2021
- Author
V I Golovko, N V Zabuta, V V Bilinsky, and V M Sharmanska
- Subjects
Knowledge management ,business.industry ,Analytics ,YAK ,business ,Psychology ,Attributive ,Vitality - Published
- 2021
28. Monetize and upgrade hospital rankings through engineering and productivity systems (Case Study: Endowment Hospital of Mofarah (Yak chi Abad))
- Author
hossein aali, Hossein Eghbali, and sajad mohamadtaghipour
- Subjects
Upgrade ,Workflow ,Endowment ,Statistical population ,education ,Operations management ,YAK ,Business ,Target population ,Hospital ward ,Productivity ,health care economics and organizations - Abstract
In Iran, the health sector has been undergoing reforms since its inception, each of which has had implications for the overall purpose of responding to the needs of society and improving the health system. Implementation of these reforms, considering the factors that impede the implementation of the program, has led to significant achievements for the health of the country. The purpose of this study was to collect data from statistical population and analyze it through SPSS software in a target population of 100 people who participated in this study. They were distributed and asked to complete it. The questionnaire contains topics related to the satisfaction of the recently refurbished main hospital ward. Satisfaction with the performance of hospital spaces that has created proper access and workflow has also had a positive effect on increasing overall satisfaction with 92.9% satisfaction. Keep it as high as possible.
- Published
- 2021
29. Transhumant pastoralism in a changing world : Challenges and opportunities to sustainable yak farming in Bhutan
- Author
Nedup Dorji, Wageningen University, P.W.G. Groot Koerkamp, E.A.M. Bokkers, and M. Derks
- Subjects
Dierlijke Productiesystemen ,Geography ,Agroforestry ,Agriculture ,business.industry ,Pastoralism ,WIAS ,Life Science ,Farm Technology ,Agrarische Bedrijfstechnologie ,YAK ,business ,Animal Production Systems - Abstract
In the high altitude of Bhutan, yak farming is the main livelihood of transhumant pastoralist communities living 2500 m above sea level. Yak farming in Bhutan, however, is under pressure due to socioeconomic developments, policy and climate change. There is a lack of knowledge on: i) how and to what extent these pressures affect yak farming practices and the health and welfare of yaks; ii) what factors influence the future plans and decisions of the herders on yak farming, and iii) what solutions may be needed to sustain yak farming under these pressures. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to assess the impact of external factors and management on yak farming in Bhutan, with a focus on past developments, the current situation (including the health and welfare of yaks) and future perspectives in yak farming.The future of yak farming in Bhutan is unsure or might even be at risk because its current situation and recent developments are not very well known to policy makers. Chapter 2 provides a comprehensive overview of the current situation and developments of yak farming practices over the years from the perspective of livestock professionals (n = 28) and yak herders in three regions (east, n = 25; central, n = 20; west, n = 22). Overall, yak-based communities experienced several threats to their way of living, which are exacerbated by external factors and may include, but are not restricted to, i) socioeconomic developments in the form of access to modern education for children, and alternative sources of income affecting the motivation and interest of young pastoralists to stay in yak farming; ii) nature conservation policy (e.g. Forest and Nature Conservation Act 1995 of Bhutan) in the form of shrub proliferation in the rangelands causing forage shortage; and iii) nature conservation policy in the form of predators attacking and/or killing yaks. Additionally, some factors affecting forage availability were specific to certain regions, for example, competition with the horse population (west), cordyceps collection (west and central), cattle and cattle-yak hybrids (east) and prohibited burning of shrubs around rangelands (east and central). These findings demonstrated that a one blanket-policy will be not effective to preserve yak farming for the future.The health and welfare conditions of yaks are unknown and are presumably at risk due to feed scarcity, predators, out breaks of diseases and parasites, limited possibilities for monitoring, and limited accessibility to veterinary and health services. In order to improve the living conditions of yaks, health and welfare assessments are necessary. In Chapter 3, a welfare protocol and assessment procedure based on elements of the Welfare Quality® protocol for cattle was applied, which allowed assessment in the open field under mountainous conditions. In general, yaks in Bhutan experience high levels of welfare under existing management systems during autumn and early winter. In the visited yak herds, clinical issues, such as dirty body parts, lesions, ocular and nasal discharge, diarrhoea, lameness and subclinical mastitis were virtually absent. In some herds a relatively high level of self-grooming, scratching and rubbing was observed, which may be associated with limited treatments against ectoparasites. Moreover, the traditional bull castration and piercing the nasal septum of animals around weaning without the use of analgesic were prominent identified welfare issues that needs attention. This chapter also emphasises a need to assess health and welfare of yaks in spring / early summer after a challenging winter period with poor forage and weather conditions.In general, farmers are more likely to give up farming when they experience several constraints and challenges in farming and also have a better alternative source of income. In Chapter 4, therefore, associations between perceived concerns around yak farming and preferred source(s) of income of herders and their future plans and decisions were investigated. Although concerns of herders around yak farming have increased over the years, most herders (82%) wish their children to continue yak farming in the future. Nonetheless, over half of herders (58%) and most livestock professionals (96%) think that the number of yak farming families will decline in the future. Furthermore, herders’ preferred source(s) of income had no relation with herders’ opinion on the number of yak farming families in the future and herders’ wish for their children to continue yak farming. This suggests that the herders have confidence that yak farming will remain a reliable source of income.Although the Bhutanese government aims to support yak farming in transition, there are several cross-cutting policies and issues that probably affect successful implementation of interventions. In Chapter 5, the challenges and opportunities to sustain yak farming and related trade-offs around problems and solutions were assessed through individual and focus group interviews with six stakeholder groups (i.e. yak herders from two regions, livestock extensionists, park rangers, livestock officials and forest officials). The results reiterate the decreasing labour availability (i.e. successors), decreasing forage availability in the rangelands, and increasing yak predation by wild animals were the main threats to sustainable yak farming; the market to sell yak products was the least threat. However, most problems and solutions that were identified in the focus group interviews differed between, and sometimes within, the stakeholder groups. This implies that there are several challenges and barriers to sustaining yak farming. There is a need for a multi-stakeholder dialogue aiming to discuss problems and solutions together with different stakeholders. Also, stakeholder groups mentioned that the government should streamline socioeconomic development by supporting and improving basic facilities in yak farming villages (e.g. better access to communication and health services), pay attention to human-wildlife conflicts and forage shortage, and explore sustainable income based on yak farming. These policy and interventions to encourage yak farming probably also improve the living conditions of the yaks.
- Published
- 2020
- Author
S. Petrenko, S. Sidashova, V. Yasko, and N. Kirovich
- Subjects
Toxicology ,Creatures ,Fodder ,business.industry ,Herd ,Greenhouse ,Livestock ,YAK ,Biology ,business ,Productivity ,Warehouse - Abstract
At present, the problem of the existence of races of the year’s siblings and creatures of the birds and of the birds, of the children, and of the instantly cheap balsom is overlooked to be relevant. For the remaining ten years in the feed fodder hall, cardinal passes passed: so, to the warehouse of feed sums for all kinds of creatures, we give Ingredients, they are able to compete in high technology. Introduced rational technological additives, allowing special practitioners to optimize their performance indicators of viral products. The first practical demonstration of the recognition of the green masia nehorn in the experimental farmer’s state grant “Samvel” in Odessa oblast was announced. The Innovation Biotechnology Viroshuvannya iohornnaya and the technology of the farther Victoria я я кор poop in birds at the greenhouse of the Masi has been rooted. The culture of virochuyut yak in greenhouses is the same as in watercourses. The results of the experiments indicate that in the experimental group they received 1 chicken 1.27 more eggs than in the control, while the average weight of the eggs in the experimental group was 1.46 g higher. The results of the production experiment confirmed the positive effect of the green mass of eichornia on the productivity of egg hens. After this experience on the farm, the entire livestock of laying hens received eichhoria in the feed, while a stable high egg productivity of the livestock was observed (up to 94% of the peak egg production of the main herd of hens).
- Published
- 2020
31. Oats hay supplementation to yak grazing alpine meadow improves carbon return to the soil of grassland ecosystem on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China
- Author
Hang Yuan, Ying-Qian Liu, Yong-Hui Zhang, Shenghua Chang, Fujiang Hou, Yi Sun, and Chuntao Yang
- Subjects
0106 biological sciences ,Dung ,Grazing system ,Supplementation ,010603 evolutionary biology ,01 natural sciences ,Pasture ,Grassland ,Carbon cycle ,lcsh:QH540-549.5 ,Grazing ,Litter ,Dry matter ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics ,Nature and Landscape Conservation ,Carbon cycling ,geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Ecology ,business.industry ,010604 marine biology & hydrobiology ,Soil carbon ,Agronomy ,Hay ,Environmental science ,Livestock ,lcsh:Ecology ,business ,Yak - Abstract
Supplementation of livestock feed is a common strategy for improving animal production in pasture-based systems worldwide. On the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China, however, the grassland ecosystem is fragile and therefore sensitive to disruption by external forces. We therefore investigated the effects of supplementing yaks feed with oats hay on animal production, forage biomass, and carbon return in litter and dung as well as the effects on soil organic carbon stock. Two grazing systems—native grazing, or grazing with hay supplementation—were established in 2010. For the native grazing system, yaks were rotationally grazed in two paddocks (3.3 yaks/ha) with each 15 days during the warm season (July through October) and 20 days during the cold season (November through June). The hay supplementation system was the same as the native system except that each yak also received oats hay (1.5 kg/day, dry matter basis) during the cold season. For each system, yak growth, forage biomass of the pasture, carbon return from litter and dung to soil, and soil organic carbon stock were measured from 2010 to 2014. The yaks supplemented with oats hay had greater growth performance compared with non-supplemented animals, thereby providing economic benefits for herdsmen. With respect to carbon cycling, supplementation increased carbon return in litter and dung and consequently reduced the soil carbon stock loss. The results indicate that supplementation with oats hay positively impacted forage production and carbon cycling in alpine meadows and thus may help remediate degraded soils and improve grassland utilization on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
- Published
- 2020
32. Body Weight Estimation of Yak Based on Cloud Edge Computing
- Author
Shujun Yin, Yu_an Zhang, Zijie Sun, Chen Zhang, Rende Song, and Wenzhi Wang
- Subjects
Computer Networks and Communications ,Machine vision ,business.industry ,Computer science ,lcsh:Electronics ,lcsh:TK7800-8360 ,Cloud computing ,YAK ,Edge computing ,Body weight ,Computer Science Applications ,Three-river-source ,lcsh:Telecommunication ,Mobile end ,lcsh:TK5101-6720 ,Signal Processing ,Statistics ,Segmentation ,Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution ,business ,Yak - Abstract
In stock farming, the body size parameters and weight of yaks can reasonably reflect the growth and development characteristics, production performance and genetic characteristics of yaks. However, it is difficult for herders to measure the body size and weight of yaks by traditional manual methods. Fortunately, with the development of edge computing, herders can use mobile devices to estimate the yak’s body size and weight. The purpose of this paper is to provide a machine vision-based yak weight estimation method for the edge equipment and establish a yak estimation comprehensive display system based on the user’s use of the edge equipment in order to maximize the convenience of herdsmen’s work. In our method, a set of yak image foreground extraction and measurement point recognition algorithm suitable for edge equipment were developed to obtain yak’s measurement point recognition image, and the ratio between body sizes was transmitted to the cloud server. Then, the body size and weight of yaks were estimated using the data mining method, and the body size estimation data were constantly displayed in the yak estimation comprehensive display system. Twenty-five yaks in different age groups were randomly selected from the herd to perform experiments. The experimental results show that the foreground extraction method can obtain segmentation image with good boundary, and the yak measurement point recognition algorithm has good accuracy and stability. The average error between the estimated values and the actual measured values of body height, oblique length, chest depth, cross height and body weight is 1.95%, 3.11%, 4.91%, 3.35% and 7.79%, respectively. Compared with the traditional manual measurement method, the use of mobile end to estimate the body size and weight of yaks can improve the measurement efficiency, facilitate the herdsmen to breed yaks, reduce the stimulation of manual measurement on yaks and lay a solid foundation for the fine breeding of yaks in Sanjiangyuan region.
- Published
- 2020
33. The Future of Yak Farming from the Perspective of Yak Herders and Livestock Professionals
- Author
M. Derks, Nedup Dorji, Eddie A.M. Bokkers, and Peter W.G. Groot Koerkamp
- Subjects
future ,opinions ,Geography, Planning and Development ,TJ807-830 ,Economic shortage ,Farm Technology ,010501 environmental sciences ,Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law ,TD194-195 ,Perceived concern ,01 natural sciences ,Renewable energy sources ,Opinions ,Animal Production Systems ,GE1-350 ,yak farming ,Socioeconomics ,Future ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,Dierlijke Productiesystemen ,Yak farming ,Environmental effects of industries and plants ,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment ,business.industry ,Perspective (graphical) ,0402 animal and dairy science ,perceived concern ,04 agricultural and veterinary sciences ,YAK ,sustainability ,040201 dairy & animal science ,Environmental sciences ,Geography ,Sustainability ,Agriculture ,WIAS ,Livestock ,Agrarische Bedrijfstechnologie ,business - Abstract
The declining number of yak farming families is perceived as a socio-political and economic concern in Bhutan. However, there is limited understanding of what influences herders&rsquo, plans and decisions on yak farming. We studied factors determining future perspectives of yak farming by interviewing yak herders and livestock professionals. We analysed relationships between herders&rsquo, characteristics and level of concerns, and future plans related to yak farming. Furthermore, relationships between level of concern and future plans were analysed. Most of the herder characteristics did not influence their future plans with yak farming. Age and level of perceived concern of the herders was associated with their wish for their children to continue yak farming in the future. Nevertheless, they expect that the number of yak farming families will decline in the next ten years. Additionally, most of the livestock professionals believe that the number of yak farming families will decline in the future. No differences were observed between the aggregated score of concern of herders and livestock professionals. The most important factors threatening the future of yak farming in Bhutan according to herders and livestock professionals are forage shortage, predation and no successor to take up yak farming.
- Published
- 2020
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34. Machine Vision-enabled Yak Weight Estimation on Edge Devices
- Author
zhang y, Minghao Zhao, Song D, Sun Z, Wang W, Yin S, and Zhang C
- Subjects
Weight estimation ,Edge device ,Computer science ,business.industry ,Machine vision ,Computer vision ,Artificial intelligence ,YAK ,business - Abstract
In the field of stock farming, body dimensions and weight of a yak may reasonably reveal its growing characters, productivity and genetic characteristics. However, it is arduous for the herdsman to manually measure the body and dimension of yaks. Fortunately, with the development of mobile computing and edge devices, it is preferable and possible for the herdsman to estimate the yaks weight and size with handheld devices (e.g., mobile phones). This paper aims at providing machine visual-based yak body height and weight estimate method for edge devices. In our method, to begin with a foreground image of the yak is extracted; and measuring point identification is carried out to identify measuring points of the yak. Then, a ratio of its body dimensions is acquired. Both body dimensions and weight of the yak are acquired through comparison with relevant data. 25 yaks in different age groups were randomly selected from a herd to perform experiments. As indicated by corresponding experimental results, the foreground extraction approach has the potential to generate split images with good boundaries. As for the measuring point identification method selected for the yak, it features preferable accuracy and stability. For example, estimated values of its standing height, body length, chest depth, hipcross height and body weight, average errors between the measured values and them are proven to be 1.95%, 3.11%, 4.91%,3.35% and 7.79% respectively. By contrast to the traditional measuring approaches, the proposed method may improve measurement efficiency and reduce stimulation caused by manual measurement to the yak.
- Published
- 2020
35. An Untargeted Metabolomics Investigation of Jiulong Yak (Bos grunniens) Meat by 1H-NMR
- Author
Enrico Fiore, Luca Laghi, Chenglin Zhu, Massimiliano Petracci, Cheng Li, Zhu, Chenglin, Petracci, Massimiliano, Li, Cheng, Fiore, Enrico, and Laghi, Luca
- Subjects
Health (social science) ,Meat packing industry ,pathway analysi ,Longissimus Thoracis ,Carnosine ,Plant Science ,Creatine ,lcsh:Chemical technology ,01 natural sciences ,Health Professions (miscellaneous) ,Microbiology ,03 medical and health sciences ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,meat ,Valine ,Meat ,Metabolome ,Pathway analysis ,Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy ,Yak ,medicine ,lcsh:TP1-1185 ,Food science ,Carnitine ,Raw meat ,030304 developmental biology ,yak ,0303 health sciences ,business.industry ,010401 analytical chemistry ,food and beverages ,0104 chemical sciences ,pathway analysis ,proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy ,chemistry ,metabolome ,business ,Food Science ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Yak represents the main meat source for Tibetan people. This work aimed to investigate the metabolome of raw meat from Jiulong yaks, focusing on specimens farmed and harvested locally through traditional procedures. Untargeted nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-NMR) was selected as the analytical platform. Samples from longissimus thoracis, trapezius, triceps brachii and biceps femoris muscles, with different prevalences of red and white fibers, were selected. Among the fifty-three metabolites quantified in each of them, carnitine, carnosine, creatine and taurine are known for their bioactive properties. Twelve molecules were found to be differently concentrated in relation to muscle type. Longissimus thoracis, compared to biceps femoris, had higher concentrations of carnosine and formate and lower concentrations of mannose, inosine, threonine, IMP, alanine, valine, isoleucine, tyrosine, phenylalanine and leucine. A metabolic pathway analysis suggested that the main pathways differing among the muscles were connected to the turnover of amino acids. These results contribute to a deeper understanding of yak raw meat metabolism and muscle type differences, which can be used as an initial reference for the meat industry to set up muscle-specific investigations. The possibility of simultaneously quantifying several bioactive compounds suggests that these investigations could revolve around meat&rsquo, s nutritional value.
- Published
- 2020
36. Songkram River Basin: Floating Vernacular Architecture
- Author
Sarawuth Pintong
- Subjects
geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,business.industry ,Circular economy ,Environmental resource management ,Vernacular architecture ,Fishing ,Drainage basin ,YAK ,business ,Local wisdom ,Tourism ,Sustainable tourism - Abstract
Songkram river basin is located in the Upper North Eastern of Thailand (so called Isan). As a part of the 4 factors, one of the vernacular architecture of Songkram river basin, “Pae Sadung Yak”, the unique local fishery raft that strongly shown the sense of simplicity and wisdom. This research extract new design concept of vernacular architecture which will transform this bamboo fishing raft into the new application as a floating resort. The results of this research are not only preserving the intangible heritage local wisdom of this particular “Rock Salt”, but also the creation of circular economy which could elevate the wealthier status of the people in the area and attract people from different cultures such as the outsider or tourists and lead them to experience the new “Isan lifestyle” which handcrafted design for sustainable tourism.
- Published
- 2020
37. Veterinary and sanitary examination of yak slaughter products in case of invasive diseases in the conditions of the Primorsky Territory
- Author
Dmitrii Zamaratskii, Guli Koltun, Margarita Simakova, and Viktoriia Podvalova
- Subjects
lcsh:GE1-350 ,Veterinary medicine ,education.field_of_study ,business.industry ,Population ,0211 other engineering and technologies ,food and beverages ,02 engineering and technology ,YAK ,010501 environmental sciences ,Biology ,Beef cattle ,Animal slaughter ,01 natural sciences ,Dictyocaulosis ,Almost Every Day ,Livestock ,021108 energy ,business ,education ,lcsh:Environmental sciences ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences - Abstract
Primorsky Territory is a platform for the intensification of the livestock industry in order to provide the population with high-quality meat products. However, the introduction of new species of animals (yaks, camels, highly productive breeds of cattle) to the territory of the region contributes to the emergence and spread of invasions among them. Fascioliasis, dictyocaulosis, piroplasmidosis are natural focal parasitic diseases of animals that are widespread in the Primorsky Territory. They are detected almost every day during the veterinary and sanitary examination of animal slaughter products. Despite the absence of a threat of infection with these diseases for humans through meat and by-products, there remains a risk of deterioration in the quality of such products and the development of defects in meat raw materials, which leads to the impossibility of further sale and consumption. Yaks were brought to the Primorsky Territory in 2010 as an experiment, and in 2015, farmers actively used these animals as beef cattle, since their simplicity in keeping significantly reduced the cost of the meat production process. The conditions of keeping yaks in the Primorsky Territory contributed to their infection with parasitic diseases, the extent of the invasion of which reached 60% and more.
- Published
- 2020
38. Mohair, cashmere and other animal hair fibres
- Author
Lawrance Hunter
- Subjects
education.field_of_study ,Veterinary medicine ,Engineering ,SILK ,Camel hair ,business.industry ,Mohair ,YAK ,education ,business ,Agricultural economics ,Animal hair - Abstract
Although luxury animal fibres, excluding silk, represent far less than 0.1% of global fibre production of 100 million tons (10 x 1010 kg), they play a very significant role in the luxury, high-value-added end of the market, notably the apparel market, being renowned for their special and mostly unique features, notably comfort and softness. This chapter covers the production, properties, processing and end-uses of the various luxury animal fibres, with the exclusion of silk, with the main focus on the down (undercoat) fibres of those animals with two fibre coats.
- Published
- 2020
39. The agony and remorse in the poetryand the poem of Dasan Jeong Yak-yong-Focusing on events and pre-communion in pre-exile period
- Author
BongNam kim
- Subjects
Literature ,History ,Poetry ,business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,YAK ,Remorse ,business ,Period (music) ,media_common - Published
- 2018
- Author
Yaroslava Larina and Lutsii Kalina
- Subjects
Meat packing industry ,business.industry ,General partnership ,Ukrainian ,language ,Organizational culture ,Strategic management ,Profitability index ,YAK ,Marketing ,business ,Mechanism (sociology) ,language.human_language - Abstract
This paper aims at suggesting organizational economic mechanism of partnership between enterprises on marketing basis and reveals the purpose of its realization. It defines the essence of this mechanism, principles of development, as well as the main purposes of formation. The main arguments are proposed for benefits of formation of the mechanism on meat processing enterprises in the cooperation process with other market participants. The analysis of the reasons of low level of partnership between meat processing enterprises was conducted and ways to eliminate the defects are proposed. The model of organizational economic mechanism of marketing based partnership between enterprises was formed in a six-dimensional chart, which characterizes the difficulty and versatility of relations as well as the necessity of the system approach. It is determined that the significance of organizational economic marketing mechanism of partnership implementation is a requirement for the success of each economic participant’s strategic efforts. Keywords: organizational economic mechanism, marketing, partnership, enterprise DOI: 10.15276/mdt.2.1.2018.7 Ansoff, I. (1989). Stratehycheskoe upravlenye [Strategic Management]. (L. Evenco, Trans). Moscow: Economics [in Russian]. Bohynia, D.P., Kulykov T.H., & Shamota V.M. (2001). Sotsialno-ekonomichnyi mekhanizm rehuliuvannia rynku pratsi ta zarobitnoi platy [Socio-economic mechanism of regulation of the labor market and wages]. Kyiv: Institute of Economics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine [in Ukrainian]. Butenko, N.V. (2015). Orhanizatsiino-ekonomichnyi mekhanizm upravlinnia partnersko-korporatyvnymy vidnosynamy [Organizational economic mechanism of partner-corporate relations]. Business Inform, 5, 248–254 [in Ukrainian]. Getman, O.O. (2011). Orhanizatsiino-ekonomichnyi mekhanizm pidvyshchennia konkurentospromozhnosti pidpryiemstva na zasadakh marketynhu [Organizational-economic mechanism for increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise on the basis of marketing] Dnipropetrovsk: DDFA [in Ukrainian]. Illiashenko, S.M., & Ovcharenko, M.I. (2013). Zasady orhanizatsiino-ekonomichnoho mekhanizmu upravlinnia rozvytkom korporatyvnoi kultury promyslovoho pidpryiemstva [Principles of the organizational economic mechanism for managing the development of corporate culture of an industrial enterprise]. Efektyvna ekonomika – Effective economy, 9. Retrieved from: http: //www. economy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=2315 [in Ukrainian]. Kozachenko, G.V. (2003). Orhanizatsiino-ekonomichnyi mekhanizm yak instrument upravlinnia pidpryiemstvom [Organizational economic mechanism as an enterprise management tool]. Ekonomika. Menedzhment. Pidpryiemstvo – Economics. Management. Enterprise, 11. 27–38 [in Ukrainian]. Kolotova, N.B. (2015). Pryntsypy marketynhu vidnosyn innovatsiinykh proektiv mashynobudivnykh pidpryiemstv [Principles of marketing of relations of innovation projects of machine-building enterprises]. Ekonomichnyi analiz - Economic analysis, Vol. 21, 2, 115–121 [in Ukrainian]. Kutsenko, A.V. (2008). Orhanizatsiino-ekonomichnyi mekhanizm upravlinnia efektyvnistiu diialnosti pidpryiemstv spozhyvchoi kooperatsii Ukrainy [Organizational economic mechanism for managing the efficiency of the enterprises of consumer cooperatives in Ukraine] Poltava: RVV PUSKU [in Ukrainian]. Lysenko, Yu.O., & Yegorov P. (1997). Orhanizatsiino-ekonomichnyi mekhanizm upravlinnia pidpryiemstvom [Organizational economic mechanism of enterprise management]. Ekonomika Ukrainy - Economy of Ukraine, 1, 86–87 [in Ukrainian]. Parkhomets, M.K., & Hudak V.V. (2014). Orhanizatsiino-ekonomichnyi mekhanizm zabezpechennia dokhidnosti silskohospodarskykh pidpryiemstv: teoriia, metodyka, praktyka [Organizational economic mechanism for providing profitability of agricultural enterprises: theory, methodology, practice]. Ternopil: TNEU [in Ukrainian]. Pavlenko, A.F., Voichak, A.V., Kardash, V.Ya., & Pylypchuk V.P. (2005). Teoriia i praktyka marketynhu v Ukraini [Theory and practice of marketing in Ukraine] Kyiv: KNEU [in Ukrainian].
- Published
- 2018
41. Should We Yak Back? Information Seeking among Yik Yak Users on a University Campus
- Author
Elizabeth Price
- Subjects
Academic year ,Information seeking ,business.industry ,05 social sciences ,Internet privacy ,050301 education ,Public institution ,YAK ,Library and Information Sciences ,Electronic mail ,World Wide Web ,University campus ,Sociology ,0509 other social sciences ,050904 information & library sciences ,business ,0503 education ,Mobile device ,Qualitative research - Abstract
Academic librarians have embraced tools such as e-mail or chat that allow them to deliver reference services virtually, but not many studies have advocated for using social networking sites (SNS) as a medium for answering user questions. Even as reference departments field fewer questions requiring in-depth resources or responses, librarians have not consistently examined how SNS might be employed for simple informational inquiries from university students who already view those sites as information-seeking tools. One such SNS is Yik Yak, a mobile app launched in 2013 that allows users to pose anonymous questions in a limited geographic range, such as a college or university campus. This study is an exploratory analysis of the postings on Yik Yak in the geographic area of a four-year, regional public institution during the 2015–2016 academic year. It argues that libraries should be more intentional about monitoring emerging information ecosystems such as Yik Yak to share their knowledge with users and to identify potential issues with library services.
- Published
- 2018
42. Effects of Acepromazine and Midazolam Along with Ketamin on Haematological Parameters In yak
- Author
Tjprc and Tage Rina Tage Rina
- Subjects
Acepromazine ,business.industry ,Anesthesia ,medicine ,Midazolam ,YAK ,business ,medicine.drug - Published
- 2018
43. Properties of Yak Wool in Comparison to Cashmere and Camel Hairs
- Author
Liu Chan, Xinjin Liu, and Xie Chunping
- Subjects
010407 polymers ,Textile industry ,business.industry ,Materials Science (miscellaneous) ,02 engineering and technology ,YAK ,021001 nanoscience & nanotechnology ,Pulp and paper industry ,01 natural sciences ,0104 chemical sciences ,Wool ,Dispersion (optics) ,0210 nano-technology ,business ,Mathematics - Abstract
Recently, yak wool has got more and more attentions for its good quality and competitive price in textile industry. However, for its large dispersion and stiffness, there are still some difficultie...
- Published
- 2017
44. Chuzan Virus in Yaks, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China
- Author
Meng Wang, Qiaoying Zeng, Abdul Rasheed Baloch, Shaobo Chen, Yun Wang, Fang Xu, Yangyang Pan, and Lili Tian
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Microbiology (medical) ,China ,Veterinary medicine ,Genes, Viral ,Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau ,Epidemiology ,Cattle Diseases ,lcsh:Medicine ,Genome, Viral ,Biology ,Reoviridae ,Chuzan virus ,lcsh:Infectious and parasitic diseases ,Qinghai tibetan plateau ,Palyam virus ,03 medical and health sciences ,Research Letter ,Animals ,viruses ,lcsh:RC109-216 ,Geography, Medical ,Orbivirus ,Phylogeny ,yak ,geography ,Plateau ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Palyam Virus ,business.industry ,lcsh:R ,Outbreak ,Reoviridae Infections ,Chuzan Virus in Yaks, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China ,030104 developmental biology ,Infectious Diseases ,RNA, Viral ,Cattle ,Livestock ,business ,CHUV - Abstract
We detected Chuzan virus (CHUV) in domestic yaks from the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, western China, indicating CHUV probably has been transmitted to yaks in recent years. Awareness for CHUV surveillance and transmission and livestock health management in these special regions should be raised to avoid outbreaks and animal loss.
- Published
- 2018
45. Livestock limits snow leopard’s space use by suppressing its prey, blue sheep, at Gongga Mountain, China
- Author
Gai Luo, Jianghong Ran, Qiang Dai, Dong Zhao, Pei Zhang, Yongjie Wu, Huaming Zhou, and Chuangming Yang
- Subjects
media_common.quotation_subject ,Conservation ,Competition (biology) ,Predation ,Blue sheep ,Grazing ,Ungulate ,QH540-549.5 ,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics ,Nature and Landscape Conservation ,media_common ,Ecology ,Pseudois nayaur ,biology ,business.industry ,Panthera uncia ,fictional_universe ,fictional_universe.character_species ,biology.organism_classification ,Geography ,Habitat ,Snow leopard ,Livestock ,business ,Yak - Abstract
The habitats of snow leopards (Panthera uncia) are heavily utilized as pasturelands on the Tibetan Plateau. Livestock can benefit the snow leopard populations via providing extra prey resources. However, livestock can negatively impact upon the distribution of snow leopards by competing with their wild prey. Therefore, how grazing affects snow leopard space use is variable and its underlying mechanisms are unclear. We used 188 camera traps to systematically investigate the activities of snow leopards, their main wild prey, i.e., blue sheep (Pseudois nayaur), and livestock (i.e. yaks) across 650 km2 of Gongga Mountain. We found that: (1) snow leopards were detected only in areas with higher occurrences of blue sheep, and the presence of blue sheep was crucial in driving snow leopard space use. (2) The detection frequencies of snow leopards and blue sheep were lower at sites with yaks than without yaks. (3) Yaks limited snow leopard space use mainly by competing with its main prey, blue sheep. Our results highlight that the competition pressure of livestock on wild ungulates can limit the activities of snow leopards. Grazing management should be improved for conservation of snow leopards at Gongga Mountain.
- Published
- 2021
46. Ардын сурган хүмүүжүүлэх ухаан тогтвортой хэллэгээр илрэх нь (ямааны бэлчээрт нөлөөлөлтийн жишээгээр)
- Subjects
ямаа ,geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,тогтвортой хэллэг, ардын билиг зүй ,Folklore ,business.industry ,Pastoralism ,Forestry ,YAK ,Pasture ,lcsh:Social Sciences ,lcsh:H ,нүүдлийн мал аж ахуй ,Industrialisation ,бэлчээр ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Ethnology ,lcsh:Q ,Livestock ,Ардын сурган хүмүүжүүлэх ухаан ,lcsh:Science ,Domestication ,business ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Mongolians have a pastoralism and they domesticated animals as sheep, goats, camel, cattle,horses and yak. Pastoralism (specially-goats) to affect Mongolian’s custom, making a living,culture, language and others. Pastoralism based on interaction of nature-livestock-man butrecently livestock’s increasing, cultivation, industrialization and others are effected in regressionof pasture. Mongolians are inheriting about above interaction-herding pedagogy for nextgenerations by folk pedagogy, folklore, idioms.
- Published
- 2017
47. Yik Yak and the knowledge community
- Author
Sara West
- Subjects
Knowledge management ,business.industry ,05 social sciences ,Internet privacy ,Collective intelligence ,050301 education ,Professional communication ,02 engineering and technology ,General Medicine ,YAK ,Interactivity ,020204 information systems ,0202 electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering ,Ephemerality ,Social media ,Sociology ,Knowledge community ,business ,0503 education ,Anonymity - Abstract
Yik Yak is an anonymous, location-based social networking application that is extremely popular on college campuses across the United States. Because it is known mainly for the controversies it breeds, both scholars and professionals have largely overlooked Yik Yak's complexities and have instead focused on its more negative traits. This article discusses Yik Yak as a site for critical research, especially in the field of technical and professional communication. Yik Yak fuses physical and virtual space, places an emphasis on interactivity, and subverts traditional user hierarchies. By examining these characteristics and the posts that users generate, this article explores how Yik Yak serves as an impetus for the formation of knowledge communities---communities in which individuals work together to create and maintain collective knowledge. This article also advocates further critical study of Yik Yak communities and posits Yik Yak communication patterns have important implications for communication designers.
- Published
- 2017
48. A Study on the Analysis of Current Conditions of Outdoor Sportswear Brands using SNS Social Big Data
- Subjects
Service (business) ,business.industry ,Big data ,Advertising ,YAK ,Psychology ,business - Abstract
This study aims to understand consumers’ needs and provide preliminary data capable of providing products or service differentiated from competitors by analyzing SNS social big data on outdoor sportswear. For the foregoing, this study selected Kolon Sports, North Face, Black Yak, Eider and Nepa as subjects of research, and produced the following conclusions by analyzing the frequency of mention, associated words and positive/negative associated words on the SNS(twitter, blog) through the Social MaxtixTM service of Daum Soft Inc. for a period of one month from November 29 to December 29, 2016. First, the brand which was mentioned the most on the SNS out of outdoor sportswear brands was Kolon Sports as 3,445 cases on twitter and 156 on blog. Second, the word shown associated the most with outdoor sportswear brand was Attribute showing unique characteristics of outdoor sportswear, which was total 23,376 cases, and Third, as for positive/negative associated words on outdoor sportswear brands, results show that total 2,494 cases were associated with positive words.
- Published
- 2017
49. Eavesdropping on the user experience: Learning how students perceive the library through Yik Yak
- Author
Elizabeth Price and Rebecca Richardson
- Subjects
Engineering ,Multimedia ,business.industry ,05 social sciences ,Eavesdropping ,YAK ,Library and Information Sciences ,050905 science studies ,computer.software_genre ,Education ,User experience design ,0509 other social sciences ,050904 information & library sciences ,business ,computer - Published
- 2017
50. Development of technology for a whole-meat product from kyrgyz yak meat
- Author
Ya.M. Uzakov, T.R. Koshoeva, and L.A. Kaimbaeva
- Subjects
Product (category theory) ,YAK ,Business ,Food science - Published
- 2020
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