Background: Since 1982, Thailand had been reported 372,874 ases of HIV/AIDS, and 98,153 deaths. The north of Thailand has een report as the highest prevalence areas. There were almost 00,000 hill tribe populations live there as a marginalized and vulerable people under lacked of access to health care and limited ducation. Most of them emigrated from China last 200 years ago. hiang Rai Province is the most favorite living area of hill tribe eople. Methods: The retrospective cohort study design aimed to invesigates the TB and HIV situation among hill tribe marginalized nd vulnerable population. The systematic data collection with the ompletedquestionnairewas conducted in the12hospitals, Chiang ai Province. All questionnaires had been tested for reliability and alidity before use. Survival and Cox’s regression were analysis. Results: Of 629 cases of TB reported during 2009-2011 form 12 ospitalswere recruited into the study. 60.7%weremale23.8%aged 1-60 years old, and followed by 41-50 years old (20.2%) (min=1, ax =93). Of 84.6%were pulmonary TB and extra pulmonary 15.4%, 4.6%recieving AFB testing, 77.4%new cases. The results of treatent found that 22.7% were cure, 28.6%complte, 4.3%defults, .1%death, and1.9% failure. Prevalence ofHIV/AIDS amonghill tribe B caseswas 17.2%. Of 88.1% had treatment on CAT1, and 4.6%CAT2, nd 2.3%CAT4. Male had greater pulmonary TB (p-vale =0.044), nd HIV+ than female (p-value =0.023). Survival analysis found hat beingmale (p-value =0.01), non-HIV(p-value