Why spend a lot of money on simplified training simulators modelling the power system, when the real system with no simplifications can be used for operator training? Procuring a simulator for training of operating personnel is often too expensive. This holds true especially for a small power system with limited resources. Nevertheless training is very important to ensure a proper quality of supply by reducing brown-outs and black-outs. In the ELKRAFT power pool the operator training is done by introducing planned alert states during daily operation, and a very realistic situation is thereby achieved. As it often happens during disturbances, unforeseen and unexpected situations are likely to occur. The achievement of a general understanding of the need for everybody doing, what is expected, is an additional benefit compared with the use of a training simulator. The cost of a training programme of this type is estimated as USD 10-15,000 each time, which is very reasonable considering that the training is done in the actual control room instead of in simplified training rooms. As a benefit, additionally to the training of the control centre personnel, the whole power system (power stations, grid, and personnel) is also tested and trained.