
Showing total 10,259 results
10,259 results

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1. New White Papers Illuminate B2G Best Practices for Boosting PR ROI Through News-Savvy Website Designs and Smarter Trade Show Publicity

2. Trevelino/Keller Working to Wipe Out Toilet Paper Concerns

3. Rhetorical Move Structure in High-Tech Marketing White Papers

4. In pursuit of original thinking: a selection of CMS papers

5. Celebrating Humanity: Olympic marketing and the homogenization of multiculturalism. (Research Paper)

6. AXA UK, Real Life Supporters and sponsorship of the Football Association Challenge Cup. (Research Paper)

7. Implementing innovative ideas in a city: good solutions on paper but not in practice?

8. There Could be More to Marketing than you Might Have Thought! an Invited Paper, by Professor Roger Layton

9. The Implication of Customer Service in Higher Education: Review Paper

11. INVITED PAPER: Customer and consumer confidence in the livestock industry—Professional ethics11Proceedings of the 2014 ARPAS Symposium at the Joint Annual Meeting in Kansas City, Missouri

13. White Papers on Employer Branding and on Social Media as a Teaching Tool, as well as Three Contributions on Leadership

14. A Reference Work on the Science and Art of Writing a Scientific Paper

15. Call for Papers—In Search of a New Alignment in Service Research: An Unprecedented, Dual-Journal Call For Papers

16. Customer Citizenship Behavior in Online Commerce Community: A Conceptual Paper

18. DR4 communication in the South African context: A conceptual paper

19. Paper on job satisfaction of SBI EmployeesJob Satisfaction of Public Sector Bank Employees (A Case study of Udaipur and Rajsamand Districts S.B.I.)

20. Big data and data protection paper from ICO

21. Where does business research go from here? Food-for-thought on academic papers in business research

22. Special Issue: 'From Family Identity to Family Firm Image and Reputation: Exploring Facets of the Perception of Family Influence in Branding, Marketing, and Other Messaging' Call for papers

24. In brief: the National Retail Planning Forum Briefing Paper series

25. Technical documentation in global community service-learning: A brief, practical look at the indirect effects of student 'Paper Work' and the Stirrings of Social Justice in Rural India

26. Finnish managers' careers in ICT and paper business sectors

27. A genre analysis of high-tech marketing white papers: A report of research-in-progress

29. Co-authoring scientific papers in management: international academic'spoints of view

31. Branding and governance in sports. Best papers from the 'Managing Sport' tracks at the EURAM Annual Meeting in Istanbul 2013

32. PR Newswire Paper Offers Marketers Simple Checklist for Content Strategy Success

33. Practice papers all power to the consumer? Complexity and choice in consumers' lives

34. Intranet effectiveness: a public relations paper-and-pencil checklist

35. The strategic value of direct marketing: Expanding its role within the company, Paper 2

36. Additive Scholarship and Divisive Credits: The Case of Multiple Authors in Marketing Papers

37. PR Newswire Releases White Paper Exploring Role of Earned Media in Inbound Marketing

39. Additional Papers: Dancing in step — The choreography of loyalty partnerships. Can Nectar succeed where Shell Smart failed?

40. Special Issue Call for Papers

43. Academic Papers

44. Commentary on the Mort et al. Paper: Journal Rankings: Does One Size Fit All?

45. Evaluating and measuring: applying a management perspective on sports. Best papers from the 'Sport as a Business' track at the EURAM annual meeting, Tallinn 2011

47. Managing sport: governance and performance. Best papers from the 'Sport as Business' track at the EURAM Annual Meeting in Rome 2010

48. Keynote paper From marketing mix to relationship marketing ‐ towards a paradigm shift in marketing

49. What Makes a Paper Influential and Frequently Cited?

50. The Evaluation of Research Papers (Or How to Get an Academic Committee to Agree on Something)