Quran, on different occasions, has condemned the popular culture of the era of ignorance. Notions of vanity, the status of ignorant rules, and prejudice are the constituent components of this culture. Analysis of customs and laws that govern the life of modern man reveal the components of ignorance in the present age of modern societies such as fear of Islam, humanism, Europeanism, usury, human trafficking, consumption of psychotropic drugs, and promotion of unsuitable clothing. Considering the moral teachings of Islam, ways to remove components of moral ignorance are identified in Islamic moral and ethical resources. Accordingly, this study also uses content analysis to identify components of ignorance in modern societies and by reflecting on the Quran and the Makarem Al-Akhlaq Prayer, it has mentioned some of the ways to deal with the culture of ignorance such as virtue vocation, self-construction and practice of humility, following the mind and the narrative rationales, moderation etc.