BOOK design, MINIATURE books, FINE books, BOOK collecting, WOOD products, PAPER, BOOKS
The article focuses on the making of the facsimile edition of the book "Nuremberg Chronicle." It states that the materials used in the facsimile are the same with the exception of the composition of the ink and the plywood birch boards. It stresses that it is possible to get a hand made paper that is very close to the original book, but it is financially prohibitive. On the other hand, scanning process is essential in facsimile which will take 3 months. Further, prototype for the facsimile edition features binding process and casting process.
Abstract: The pigment vermilion (HgS) was used to color the fore edge, tail and head of books. Dissemination and quantification of Hg present in the ink used to color books from XVIII and XIX centuries are reported. Mercury is a very toxic element for the human body, therefore it is extremely important to know whether Hg tends to disseminate throughout the paper or stays confined to the borders of the books with less danger for readers. Synchrotron X-ray microprobe was used to evaluate Hg dissemination from the border to the centre of the paper sheet. The diffusion pattern of Hg was compared with the results obtained by a portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer and mean quantitative calculations were obtained by a stationary X-ray fluorescence system with triaxial geometry. The results showed high concentrations of Hg in the external regions, but no diffusion was observed for the inner parts of the paper. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]