Visual pigments can be spontaneously activated by internal thermal energy, generating noise that interferes with real-light detection. Recently, we developed a physicochemical theory that successfully predicts the rate of spontaneous activity of representative rod and cone pigments from their peak-absorption wavelength (λmax), with pigments having longer λmax being noisier. Interestingly, cone pigments may generally be ~25 fold noisier than rod pigments of the same λmax, possibly ascribed to an ‘open’ chromophore-binding pocket in cone pigments defined by the capability of chromophore-exchange in darkness. Here, we show in mice that the λmax-dependence of pigment noise could be extended even to a mutant pigment, E122Q-rhodopsin. Moreover, although E122Q-rhodopsin shows some cone-pigment-like characteristics, its noise remained quantitatively predictable by the ‘non-open’ nature of its chromophore-binding pocket as in wild-type rhodopsin. The openness/closedness of the chromophore-binding pocket is potentially a useful indicator of whether a pigment is intended for detecting dim or bright light. DOI:, eLife digest At the back of our eyes is a thin layer of cells that contain light-absorbing pigment molecules. These cells convert light energy into electrical signals that the brain then interprets to allow us to see. In this cell layer, the so-called cone cells work in bright light and provide us with the sense of color, whereas rod cells are for vision in dim light. Each visual pigment consists of a protein with a pocket-like space that holds a compound called a chromophore. Light causes the chromophore to change shape inside the pocket, which in turn activates the pigment. However, the pigments can also become activated at random, even in darkness. These false signals, nicknamed “dark light”, are caused by heat instead of light and essentially create a kind of visual noise that can interfere with vision. In 2011, researchers found that pigments that are most sensitive to the longer wavelengths of light (that is, light redder in color) tend to be noisier. The researchers also found that cone pigments are noisier than rod pigments even if they are most sensitive to the same wavelengths of light. To understand what causes this difference between cone and rod pigments, Yue, Frederiksen et al. – who include many of the researchers involved in the 2011 study – made use of mice with a mutated pigment in their rod cells. The mutant pigment was more sensitive to light of shorter wavelengths and, importantly, it behaved like a cone pigment in some ways but kept the closed pocket that is found in rod pigments. Indeed,Yue, Frederiksen et al. showed that the noise level of this mutant pigment could be accurately predicted from the wavelength it was most sensitive to and how closed its pocket was (in other words, the pocket's “closedness”). Further analyses revealed that an open pocket seems to be common to cone pigments from different species. So, it appears that cone pigments are noisier because they have a more open pocket, and the extra space might allow the chromophore to move around and change shape more easily. Going forward, more visual pigments need to be tested to confirm the relationship between the openness of the chromophore-binding pocket and spontaneous activity. If confirmed, it might be possible to one day predict whether a pigment is intended for dim- or bright-light vision simply by knowing whether its chromophore-binding pocket is more open or closed. DOI: