Laura Kapitzky, Chunshui Zhou, Theresa J. Berens, R. Scott Lokey, Pedro Beltrao, Nevan J. Krogan, M. Madan Babu, Julie Wu, David P. Toczyski, Nadine C. Gassner, Arthur Wuster, and Stephen J. Elledge
Chemogenomic screens were performed in both budding and fission yeasts, allowing for a cross-species comparison of drug–gene interaction networks. Drug–module interactions were more conserved than individual drug–gene interactions. Combination of data from both species can improve drug–module predictions and helps identify a compound's mode of action., Understanding the molecular effects of chemical compounds in living cells is an important step toward rational therapeutics. Drug discovery aims to find compounds that will target a specific pathway or pathogen with minimal side effects. However, even when an effective drug is found, its mode of action (MoA) is typically not well understood. The lack of knowledge regarding a drug's MoA makes the drug discovery process slow and rational therapeutics incredibly difficult. More recently, different high-throughput methods have been developed that attempt to discern how a compound exerts its effects in cells. One of these methods relies on measuring the growth of cells carrying different mutations in the presence of the compounds of interest, commonly referred to as chemogenomics (Wuster and Babu, 2008). The differential growth of the different mutants provides clues as to what the compounds target in the cell (Figure 2). For example, if a drug inhibits a branch in a vital two-branch pathway, then mutations in the second branch might result in cell death if the mutants are grown in the presence of the drug (Figure 2C). As these compound–mutant functional interactions are expected to be relatively rare, one can assume that the growth rate of a mutant–drug combination should generally be equal to the product of the growth rate of the untreated mutant with the growth rate of the drug-treated wild type. This expectation is defined as the neutral model and deviations from this provide a quantitative score that allow us to make informed predictions regarding a drug's MoA (Figure 2B; Parsons et al, 2006). The availability of these high-throughput approaches now allows us to perform cross-species studies of functional interactions between compounds and genes. In this study, we have performed a quantitative analysis of compound–gene interactions for two fungal species (budding yeast (S. cerevisiae) and fission yeast (S. pombe)) that diverged from each other approximately 500–700 million years ago. A collection of 2957 compounds from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) were screened in both species for inhibition of wild-type cell growth. A total of 132 were found to be bioactive in both fungi and 9, along with 12 additional well-characterized drugs, were selected for subsequent screening. Mutant libraries of 727 and 438 gene deletions were used for S. cerevisiae and S. pombe, respectively, and these were selected based on availability of genetic interaction data from previous studies (Collins et al, 2007; Roguev et al, 2008; Fiedler et al, 2009) and contain an overlap of 190 one-to-one orthologs that can be directly compared. Deviations from the neutral expectation were quantified as drug–gene interactions scores (D-scores) for the 21 compounds against the deletion libraries. Replicates of both screens showed very high correlations (S. cerevisiae r=0.72, S. pombe r=0.76) and reproduced well previously known compound–gene interactions (Supplementary information). We then compared the D-scores for the 190 one-to-one orthologs present in the data set of both species. Despite the high reproducibility, we observed a very poor conservation of these compound–gene interaction scores across these species (r=0.13, Figure 4A). Previous work had shown that, across these same species, genetic interactions within protein complexes were much more conserved than average genetic interactions (Roguev et al, 2008). Similarly we observed a higher cross-species conservation of the compound–module (complex or pathway) interactions than the overall compound–gene interactions. Specifically, the data derived from fission yeast were a poor predictor of S. cerevisaie drug–gene interactions, but a good predictor of budding yeast compound–module connections (Figure 4B). Also, a combined score from both species improved the prediction of compound–module interactions, above the accuracy observed with the S. cerevisae information alone, but this improvement was not observed for the prediction of drug–gene interactions (Figure 4B). Data from both species were used to predict drug–module interactions, and one specific interaction (compound NSC-207895 interaction with DNA repair complexes) was experimentally verified by showing that the compound activates the DNA damage repair pathway in three species (S. cerevisiae, S. pombe and H. sapiens). To understand why the combination of chemogenomic data from two species might improve drug–module interaction predictions, we also analyzed previously published cross-species genetic–interaction data. We observed a significant correlation between the conservation of drug–gene and gene–gene interactions among the one-to-one orthologs (r=0.28, P-value=0.0078). Additionally, the strongest interactions of benomyl (a microtubule inhibitor) were to complexes that also had strong and conserved genetic interactions with microtubules (Figure 4C). We hypothesize that a significant number of the compound–gene interactions obtained from chemogenomic studies are not direct interactions with the physical target of the compounds, but include many indirect interactions that genetically interact with the main target(s). This would explain why the compound interaction networks show similar evolutionary patterns as the genetic interactions networks. In summary, these results shed some light on the interplay between the evolution of genetic networks and the evolution of drug response. Understanding how genetic variability across different species might result in different sensitivity to drugs should improve our capacity to design treatments. Concretely, we hope that this line of research might one day help us create drugs and drug combinations that specifically affect a pathogen or diseased tissue, but not the host., We present a cross-species chemogenomic screening platform using libraries of haploid deletion mutants from two yeast species, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. We screened a set of compounds of known and unknown mode of action (MoA) and derived quantitative drug scores (or D-scores), identifying mutants that are either sensitive or resistant to particular compounds. We found that compound–functional module relationships are more conserved than individual compound–gene interactions between these two species. Furthermore, we observed that combining data from both species allows for more accurate prediction of MoA. Finally, using this platform, we identified a novel small molecule that acts as a DNA damaging agent and demonstrate that its MoA is conserved in human cells.