SUMMARYMany plants use sophisticated strategies to maximize their reproductive success via outcrossing. Nicotianaattenuata flowers produce nectar with nicotine at concentrations that are repellent to hummingbirds,increasing the number of flowers visited per plant. In choice tests using native hummingbirds, we show thatthese important pollinators learn to tolerate high-nicotine nectar but prefer low-nicotine nectar, and show nosigns of nicotine addiction. Nectar nicotine concentrations, unlike those of other vegetative tissues, areunpredictably variable among flowers, not only among populations, but also within populations, and evenamong flowers within an inflorescence. To evaluate whether variations in nectar nicotine concentrationsincrease outcrossing, polymorphic microsatellite markers, optimized to evaluate paternity in native N. atten-uata populations, were used to compare outcrossing in plants silenced for expression of a biosynthetic genefor nicotine production (Napmt1/2) and in control empty vector plants, which were antherectomized andtransplanted into native populations. When only exposed to hummingbird pollinators, seeds produced byflowers with nicotine in their nectar had a greater number of genetically different sires, compared to seedsfrom nicotine-free flowers. As the variation in nectar nicotine levels among flowers in an inflorescencedecreased in N. attenuata plants silenced in various combinations of three Dicer-like (DCL) proteins, smallRNAs are probably involved in the unpredictable variation in nectar nicotine levels within a plant.Keywords: nectar toxins, Nicotiana attenuata, nicotine, floral visitors, hummingbirds, pollinators, malereproductive success, outcrossing, Archilochus alexandri, putrescine N-methyl transferase 1, Dicer-like genes.INTRODUCTIONFloral nectar frequently contains toxic compounds (Kernervon Marilaun, 1879; Adler, 2000), which have mainly deter-rent functions, and either repel unwanted flower visitorssuch as nectar robbers and nectar thieves (Stephenson,1981; Kessler et al., 2008) and inefficient pollinators (John-sonet al.,2006),orincreasenectarshelf-lifebyantimicrobialproperties (Carter and Thornburg, 2004). The existence ofnectar toxins was long thought to be an unavoidable con-sequence of selection for resistance traits in response tofolivorous herbivores and pathogens, and the accumulationof toxins in nectar and their repellent effects on pollinatorsmay be an example of collateral damage resulting fromdeploying chemical defenses, commonly referred to as the‘pleiotrophy hypothesis’ (Adler, 2000). However, recentstudies suggest that nectar toxins may also increase polli-nator fidelity. For example, high levels of nectar alkaloidswere suggested to benefit plants via increased pollen export(Irwin and Adler, 2008).Flowers of the native tobacco, Nicotiana attenuata, accu-mulate the alkaloid nicotine, which is synthesized in theroots and transported throughout the plant, where itprovides resistance against herbivores (Steppuhn et al.,2004; Steppuhn and Baldwin, 2007). Nectar laced withnicotine protects flowers against nectar robbing and flori-vores, and changes the behavior of an important pollinator,hummingbirds (Archilochus alexandri) (Kessler et al., 2008).Although nicotine is a repellant that decreases nectarremoval by floral visitors (Kessler and Baldwin, 2007), thepresence of this toxin increases plant fitness through bothmaternal and paternal means (Kessler et al., 2008). Theproposed mechanism for the increase in plant fitness isthrough a change in the nectaring behavior of humming-birds, which visit more flowers per plant if a plant producesnicotine (Kessler et al., 2008). Why hummingbirds continueto visit flowers that contain repellent nectar and whethertoxic nectar benefits the plant by increasing outcrossing