Hoplopeza colombiana sp. nov. (Figs 2A–G, 5A–G, 7A–B, 8) urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: Diagnosis. Antenna dark brown (Fig. 2C); occiput without pruinosity, shiny black (Fig. 2D, E). Scutum shiny black, except posterior margin of postpronotal and postalar callus covered with dense yellow pruinosity (Fig. 2E); fore leg yellow, except tarsomeres 3–5 brown (Fig. 2A); fore tibia with several long, slender yellow hairs at mid apical half on ventral face (Fig. 2A); mid femur with 1 anterior apical black seta; hind femur slightly swollen with one preapical wide black ring and 3 strong black anterodorsally spaced setae (Fig. 2 F). Left epandrial lamella without spines along inner margin (Fig. 5A, B); hypoproct with irregular apex (Fig. 5G). basal medial cell; br = basal radial cell; CuA = anterior branch of cubital vein; cua = anterior cubital cell; CuA+CuP = anterior branch of cubital vein + posterior branch of cubital vein; CuA = anterior cubital vein; dm = discal medial cell; M 1 = first branch of media; M 4 = fourth branch of media; R 1 = anterior branch of radius; R 2+3 = second branch of radius; R 4+5 = third branch of radius; Rs = radial sector. Description. Holotype male. Body length: 4.5 mm (Fig. 2A). Wing length: 4.0 mm (Fig. 2G). Head. Frons shiny black, very narrow at lower margin, narrower than anterior ocellus, slightly widening towards anterior ocellus (Fig. 2D). Face bare, 1.5 times length of frons. Antenna (Fig. 2C), dark brown, postpedicel lanceolate, covered with dense brownish microtrichia; 1 pair of short proclinate ocellar setae. Proboscis short, yellow; palpus very small, covered with dense, dark yellow pruinosity with 1 long, slender seta near apex. Occiput smooth, shiny black; postocular setae dark, long and stout, and row of occipital yellow setae, longer than postocular setae. Thorax (Fig. 2E). Antepronotum black, covered with dense gray pruinosity. Scutum black, shiny, except posterior margin of postpronotal lobe brown, with anterior dark yellow spot; postalar callus dark yellow. Pleura brown, except yellow spot on upper margin of katepimeron, anterior margin of laterotergite, posterior margin of metanepisternum and metepimeron yellowish. Pleura with dense yellow pruinosity, except bare middle region of katepimeron. Scutellum black, except lateral and apical margins brown, with yellow pruinosity; 1 thin, short pair of lateral setae and 1 long, strong, dark yellow apical pair of scutellar bristles. Mediotergite black, with yellow pruinosity. Acrostichals uniserial; dorsocentrals biserial, short, slender and sparse on scutum; notopleuron with grey pruinosity, 2 bristles long, strong, upper longer and stronger, about half-length of scutum, lower seta yellow, shorter, about 1/3 length of upper bristle; several slender and short postpronotal setae; 1 anterior stronger, longer (about 1/3 length of scutum) bristle and 1 posterior short, slender postalar seta. Wing (Fig. 2G). Membrane light brown; pterostigma brown, elongate and narrow; R 1 long, ending at apical 1/2 of wing; vein bm-m slightly sinuous; vein CuA evanescent, not reaching CuP vein, arising near two-third length of bm cell; CuA+CuP long, ending just short of wing margin; veins M 1 and M 4 reaching wing margin. Halter yellow. Legs. Yellow (hind leg greenish yellow), except hind tibia with base and apex dark brown; hind femur slightly swollen, with dark brown preapical wide ring (Fig. 2F); tarsomere 1 of fore and mid legs brown at apex; fore, mid and hind tarsomeres 3–5 brown. Chaetotaxy: fore femur with row of slender yellow setae along anterodorsal surface and 1 long, yellow, slender anteroventral basal seta. Mid femur with 1 long anteroapical black seta. Hind femur with 3 long, strong setae on anterodorsal surface: 1 at basal 1/3, 1 near middle and 1 preapical. Fore tibia with several slender yellow ventral setae at mid apical half. Mid tibia with 1 short dorsal and 2 strong anterodorsal setae on apical half; 2 long, slender light brown setae: 1 anteroventral and 1 posteroventral. Hind tibia with 2 black apical spurs: 1 shorter anterodorsal and 1 long anteroventral. Abdomen (Fig. 2A). Shiny. Syntergites 1+2 brown, with greenish yellow spot on lateral margins; tergites 2–7 brown, with anterior margins yellow, weakly sclerotized; tergites 7 and 8 completely brown. All segments with short, long, slender yellow setae. Male terminalia (Fig. 5A–G). Right surstylus basally broad, with several long and strong setae on ventral margin, dorsal margin serrated, apex elongated, digitiform with rounded apex (Fig. 5A, B, E). Left surstylus shorter than right, almost subrectangular, with slightly elongated and rounded apex (Fig. 5A, B, D). Asymmetrical cerci, strongly sclerotized, digitiform, covered with brown, slender, long setae; left cercus slightly longer than right (Fig. 5A, B). Right epandrial lamella broader than left, rounded sides, with strong, dark rounded-tipped spines along inner margin in dorsal view (Fig. 5A, E). Left epandrial lamella as long as wide with strong setae along inner margin on dorsal view (Fig. 5A, D). Phallus elongate, phallic shaft gradually arched, cylindrical, without protuberances, distal articulation filiform, not bifid (Fig. 5F). Hypandrium subtriangular with several long, slender ventral setae at apex (Fig. 5C, F). Dorsal connection between lamellae narrow and short (Fig. 5A, B). Bacilliform sclerites divided, right basally fused with hypoproct, shorter and bare; left longer with apical half with scattered setae (Fig. 5G). Subepandrial sclerite with basal margin rounded, slightly widening toward at apex. Hypoproct sclerotized, subcylindrical with irregular apex (Fig. 5G). Female. Similar to male, except as noted: Body length: 5.0– 5.5 mm (Fig. 2B). Wing length: 4.5–5.0 mm. Abdomen. Tergites 2–4 brown with lateral yellow patches, segment 8 proximal half yellow. Terminalia (Fig. 7A, B). Tergite 8 and sternite 8 fused. Tergite 8 broad with posterolateral subtriangular extension. Sternite 8 subrectangular divided posteriorly into pair of extended sclerites with acute posterior apex. Tergite 10 undivided, separate from cercus. Membrane between sternite 8 and 10 hyaline with small spines arranged in longitudinal row. Sternite 10 undivided, slightly sclerotized, apex subtriangular. Cercus short, digitiform, length nearly twice width, bearing long, fine setae. Distribution. This species is known from Colombia (Antioquia) (Fig. 8). Type Material. HOLOTYPE m#: COLOMBIA: Antioquia department, Belmira Páramo de Santa Inés, El Morro location, 3005–3080 m, 6.634233; -75.658654, Forest. Malaise trap floor, 25-mar–5-abr-2017, Proy. Moscas de las flores, A.L. Montoya, C. Rodriguez & J.P. Carmona (CEUA 32646, dry pinned; genitalia preserved in glycerine in microvial). PARATYPES: COLOMBIA: Antioquia department, Belmira Páramo de Santa Inés, Río Arriba rural settlement, Laguna de Sabanas location, 2950–3050 m, 6.634233, -75.8654, Forest, Malaise trap floor, proy. Moscas de las Flores, 2–12.xii.2017, J. Torres-Toro & J.P. Carmona (1 m# CEUA 103671, 1 f# CEUA 102980, both body in 96% ethanol); same data except, Emergence trap (3 f#, CEUA 103672, body in 96% ethanol); same data except, pan trap, 16–27.ix.2017, A.L. Montoya & J.P. Carmona (2 m# CEUA 103106, wing mounted in Euparal on microscope slide; 1 f# CEUA 103107 body in 96% ethanol); same data except, sweep net (2 m# CEUA103104); same data except, 25.iii.–5.iv.2017, A.L. Montoya, C. Rodriguez & J.P. Carmona (1 m# CEUA 102474, 1 f# CEUA 102475, both with body in 96% ethanol); same data except, 25.iii.–5.iv.2017, Malaise trap floor (1 f#, CEUA 102828, body in 96% ethanol), Malaise trap canopy (2 f#, CEUA 102825, body in 96% ethanol), Malaise trap canopy (2 f# CEUA 102827, both body in 96% ethanol); Antioquia department, Belmira Páramo de Santa Inés, La Candelaria rural settlement, El Morro location, 3185–3200 m, 6.645901, -75.670441, Páramo, Malaise trap canopy, 21–30.vi.2017, C. Rodríguez & A.L. Montoya (1 f# CEUA 102956, body in 96% ethanol); same data except, Grassland, 21–30.vi.2017, C. Rodriguez & A.L. Montoya (1 f# CEUA 102824, body in 96% ethanol); same data except, 25.iii.–5.iv.2017, A.L. Montoya, C. Rodriguez & J.P. Carmona (1 f# CEUA 102823, body in 96% ethanol); Antioquia department, San José de La Montaña municipality, Páramo El Congo rural settlement, El Congo, 3165– 3190 m, 6.762229, -75.723144, Páramo, emergence trap, 20–30.vi.2017, A.L. Montoya & A. Sepúlveda (1 f# CEUA 102982, body in 96% ethanol) same data except, 25.iii–5.iv.2017 (1 f# CEUA 102822), 16–27.ix.2017, C. Henao-Sepúlveda (1 m# CEUA 103096); Antioquia department, Envigado municipality, Parcelación Nubarrones location, 2000 m, 6.139736, -75.5538545, forest, Malaise trap floor, 11.ix.2016 – 7.viii.2018, M. Wolff & C. Henao-Sepúlveda (1 f# CEUA 32633, 1 f# 32634, 1 f# 32635, 1 f# 32636, 1 f# 32637, 1 f# 32638, 1 f# 32639, 1 f# 32640, 1 f# 32641, 1 f# 32642, 1 f# 32643, all with body in 96% ethanol), same data except, Malaise trap canopy, 25.iii.–5.iv.2017 (1 f#, CEUA 102822, body in 96% ethanol); Antioquia, Yarumal municipality, El Respaldo rural settlement, La Maruja farm location, 2200 – 2600 m, 6.91046, -76.42792, forest, Malaise trap floor, 15.xii.2016, C. Henao-Sepúlveda (2 f# CEUA 32644, body in 96% ethanol); same data except, 1–22.iv.2017, C. Henao-Sepúlveda & D. Medina (1 f# CEUA 32645, body in 96% ethanol). Etymology. The specific epithet colombiana (nominative, adjective feminine) of this species refers to the country of Colombia, where the type specimens were collected. Remarks. Hoplopeza colombiana sp. nov. and H. chloropa Bezzi, 1909 share the shiny occiput, but the two species are easily separated by the absence of the row of long spiny setae on the hind basitarsomere in the new species, which is present in H. chloropa. Moreover, in terminalia structures H. colombiana can be differentiated from H. chloropa, by the absence of strong apical spine on the left cercus, which is present in H. chloropa (Rafael 1995, fig. 7). Hoplopeza colombiana sp. nov. can be differentiated from H. rafaeli sp. nov. by the shiny occiput, which is pruinose in H. rafaeli. In male terminalia, the strong curved spines along the inner margin of the left epandrial lamella are absent in H. colombiana, whereas they are present in H. rafaeli.