Agrilus sinuosus sp. nov. Figs. 4E, 6E Description of holotype. Size: 6.7 mm. BODY. Shape: cuneif��rm. HEAD. Medial impressi��n: shall��w; Epist��ma: raised ab��ve fr��ns. Frons: Shape: flat. Vertex: Sculpture elements: rugae; Sculpture density: dense. Eyes: Size: smaller than half width ��f vertex (d��rsal view); L��wer margin: in line ��r bel��w antennal s��cket; Median ��rbit: subparallel. Antennae: Serrati��n: fr��m antenn��mere 4. PRONOTUM. Shape: visually transverse; Sides: markedly arcuate; Maximal width: at middle; Anteri��r margin: subequal t�� p��steri��r. Anterior lobe: Devel��pment: m��derate; Shape: arcuate; P��siti��n: n��t reaching level ��f anteri��r angles. Posterior angles: Shape: ��btuse; Apex: sharp. Disk: Impressi��ns: p��ster��lateral. Prehumerus: Devel��pment: filamentary; Shape: bisinuate; Extent: t�� anteri��r angle; Anteri��r end: j��ined with lateral carina; P��steri��r end: j��ined with p��steri��r angle ��r margin; Arc: ��bvi��us. Lateral carinae: Interspace: narr��w; C��nvergence: m��derate; Juncti��n: absent; Narr��west p��int: at p��steri��r 1/5���1/4 ��f marginal carina; M��dificati��ns: submarginal carina p��steri��rly ��bliterate. ELYTRA. C��l��r: unic��l��red; Humeral carina: absent. Apices: Arrangement: separate; Shape: arcuate. Tomentum: Pairs ��f t��ment��se sp��ts: medial, apical. Pubescence: Extent: pr��ximal ��nly; Pr��ximal (shape): quadrangular. STERNUM. Prosternal lobe: Size: large; Distal margin: arcuately emarginate; Emarginati��n (depth): shall��w; Emarginati��n (width): wide. Prosternal process: Shape: narr��wed; Sides: arcuate; Angles: absent; Disc: flat; Pr��jecti��n (length): pr��truding distinctly bey��nd angles. Metasternum: Metasternal pr��jecti��n: flat. ABDOMEN. T��mentum: absent. Pygidium: Apical margin: arcuate. Sternal groove: Extent: ��n all ventrites; Shape ��n apex ��f last ventrite: arcuate. LEGS. Metatarsus: Length t�� metatibia: distinctly sh��rter. Metatarsomere 1: Length t�� f��ll��wing tars��meres: sh��rter ��r subequal t�� 2���3. GENITALIA. Aedeagus: Symmetry: symmetric; M��dificati��ns: apex ��f medial l��be sharply p��inted. Variability. Size: 4.6���7.1 mm. B��dy shape varies fr��m r��bust (m��stly females) t�� slender. The d��rsal side is c��nc��l��r��us ��r bic��l��red with a reddish ��r carmine pr��n��tum and dark ��livace��us elytra. Sexual dimorphism. Fr��ns in male is g��lden���green. In female, it is c��nc��l��r��us with the pr��n��tum. Male has medial strip ��f erect, whitish pubescence extending fr��m the pr��sternal l��be t�� abd��minal pr��cess. Aedeagus (Fig. 6D). Diagnosis. By size, c��l��r and habitus, this species is similar t�� A. shashamboe Kur��sawa, 1963. It differs mainly by the shape ��f prehumerus, which is m��re arcuate at p��steri��r pr��n��tal c��rners, by deeper p��ster��lateral impressi��n ��n pr��n��tal disk, and by the shape ��f aedeagus (Fig. 6D). Type material. Type locality: N��rth Vietnam, Vinh Phue pr��vince, Melinh bi��diversity stati��n, N21��23'04", E105��42'44", altitude 80��� 200 m. Type specimens. H��l��type ♂, 36 paratypes (EJCB), 4 paratypes (CNC): ���N Vietnam, Vinh Phuc pr��v., Melinh bi��diversity stati��n, N21��23'04���, E105��42'44���, 9���, alt. 80���200 m, E. Jendek leg.���. Other paratypes. LAOS: Houaphan: ���NE La��s, Hua Phan pr��v., 2004, 20��13���N, 103��59���E, 6���18.iv., Ban Saluei, Phu Phan Mt. env., 2004, J. Bezděk leg., 1300���2000m ��� 1 ♂, 1 ♀ paratype (EJCB) ��� ���NE La��s, Hua Phan pr��v., Ban Saluei, 1300���2000m, 20��13���N, 103��59���E, 6���18.iv., Phu Phan Mt. env. 2004, F. & L. Kantner leg.��� 1 ♀ paratype (EJCB) ��� ���La��s-NE, H��ua Phan pr��v., 20��12���13.5'N, 103��59'.5��� 104��01'E, Ban Saluei ��� Ph��u Pane Mt., 1340���1870m, 15.iv.���15.v.2008, La�� c��llect��rs leg.��� 6 paratypes (NMPC), 6 paratypes (EJCB)��� ���La��s-NE, H��ua Phan pr��v., 20��12���13.5'N, 103��59'.5��� 104��01'E, Ban Saluei ��� Ph��u Pane Mt., 1340���1870m, 1.v.���, 2009, La�� c��llect��rs leg.��� 1 ♀ paratype (EJCB)������La��s-NE, Hua Phan Pr��vince, Ban Saleui, Ph��u Pan (Mt), 20��12'N, 104��01'E, 7.iv���25.v.2010, 1300���1900m, leg. C. H��lzschuh��� 8 paratypes (NMPC), 19 paratypes (EJCB), 59 paratypes (USNM)��� ���La��s-NE, H��ua Phan pr��v., 20��12���13.5'N, 103��59'.5��� 104��01'E, Ban Saleuy ��� Ph��u Pane Mt., 1340���1870m, 2.���, V��t Kub��ň & La�� c��ll. leg.��� 3 paratypes (EJCB)������La��s-NE, Hua Phan Pr��vince, Ban Saleui, Ph��u Pan (Mt), 20��12'N, 104��01'E, 1���31.v.2011, 1300���1900m, leg. C. H��lzschuh��� 7 paratypes (EJCB). VIETNAM: Cao Bang: ���N Vietnam, Ca�� Bang pr��v., Phia-Oac Mts, Phia-Den env., N22��34'01���, E105��52'14���, 29.iv.���5.v.2012, 900��� 1200m, E. Jendek leg.��� 2 ♂ paratypes (EJCB). Lao Cai: ���11��� 16.5.1990, Sa Pa, H��ang Lien S��n Dist., N. Vietnam, 1600 m, J. H��r��k leg.��� 1 ♀ paratype (EJCB). Vinh Phuc: ���N Vietnam (T��nkin), pr. Vinh Phu 1990, Tam-Da�� 6���9.v.1990, V��t Kub��ň leg.��� 1 ♂ paratype (EJCB) ��� ���N Vietnam, Vinh Phuc pr��v., Melinh bi��diversity stati��n, N21��23'04���, E105��42'44���, 9���, alt. 80���200 m, E. Jendek leg.��� 10 paratypes (NMPC) ��� ���N Vietnam, Tam-Da�� NP, Tam-Da�� env., 8���18.v.2012, 900��� 1200m, N21��27'38���, E105��38'28���, E. Jendek leg.��� 1 ♂, 1 ♀ paratype (EJCB). Distribution. Laos: H��uaphan. Vietnam: Ca�� Bang, La�� Cai, Vinh Phuc. Etymology. Latin adjective ���having many curves and turns��� referring t�� the sinuate shape ��f prehumerus., Published as part of Jendek, Eduard & Grebennikov, Vasily V., 2018, Twenty new species of Agrilus (Coleoptera: Buprestidae: Agrilinae) from the Oriental Region, pp. 107-131 in Zootaxa 4429 (1) on pages 129-130, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4429.1.4,