Agroeca makarovae Esyunin sp.n. Figs 1—4. MATERIAL. Holotype ♂ (ZMUM), c. 15 km North of Orenburg, Grebeni Vil., birch (Betula) forest, pitfall traps, 30.IX— 7.X.2007, V.O. Koz̕minykh. Paratypes: 1 ♂ (PSU), 1 ♀ (ZMUM), together with the holotype; 1♀ (PSU), Komi Republic, Yaksha Vil., river bank, 23.IX.2003, O.L. Makarova. DIAGNOSIS. The new species is most similar to the group of species distributed to the East of the Urals: A. maculata L. Koch 1879, A. ornata (Banks 1892) and A. mongolica Schenkel, 1936. From the former species, A. makarovae differs in the smaller body size, the shape of the embolic base (triangle in A. maculata) and the wider epigynal fovea. From two other species, the male of new species can be distinguished by the embolic shape, which is characterized by the more narrow, not rounded base and the shorter, not ring-shaped apical part; the female can be distinguished by the median position of the epigynal pockets and the divergent endogynal ducts (two other species have the pockets at the forepart of epigyne and the connivent endogynal ducts). By general appearance, the new species resembles species of Scotina, particularly those of Scotina celans (Blackwall, 1841), but clearly differs from it by the leg spination (the genus Scotina is characterized by numerous spines of metatarsi, 6 to 13, and tibiae, 6 to 22; see Grimm & Vilbel, 1986). DESCRIPTION. Male. Body yellow-grey, 4.6 (4.5—4.7) long. Carapace 2.8 (2.7—2.9) long, 2.1 wide, with the pattern of dark spots, with radial lines from the fovea to margins, and with thin black edging. Abdomen with dark spots dorsally. Tibia and metatarsus I with two pairs of ventral setae. Leg formula: 4123. Leg measurements see in the Table. Chelicera promargin with three teeth and retromargin with two teeth.Leg Femur Patella & tibiaMetatarsusMetatarsus Tarsus Total MaleI1,9(1,8—2,0)2,4(2,3—2,5) 1,3(1,3—1,4) 1,0(1,0—1,1)6,6(6,3—7,0)II1,7(1,6—1,8)2,1(2,0—2,2) 1,2(1,2—1,3) 0,9(0,9—1,0)5,9(5,6—6,2)III1,6(1,5—1,8)1,8(1,7—1,8) 1,5(1,4—1,5) 0,9(0,9—1,0)5,8(5,6—6,0)IV2,2(2,1—2,3)2,7(2,5—3,0) 2,4(2,3—2,4) 1,2(1,1—1,2)8,4(8,0—8,8) FemaleI2,1(2,1—2,2)2,7(2,6—2,8) 1,3(1,3—1,3) 1,1(1,0—1,1)7,1(7,0—7,3)II1,9(1,9—2,0)2,4(2,4—2,5) 1,3(1,3—1,4) 1,1(1,1—1,1)6,7(6,5—7,0)III1,8(1,7—1,9)2,2(2,2—2,2) 1,6(1,5—1,7) 1,0(1,0—1,1)6,7(6,5—6,9)IV2,5(2,4—2,6)3,1(3,0—3,2) 2,7(2,6—2,7) 1,3(1,3—1,3)9,5(9,4—9,7) Palp apically with the embolus (Fig. 2). The embolic base placoid, with lateral knob; embolic tip thin and intorted. Tibial apophysis tabulate and strong, becoming thinner in the apical half and in its tip (Fig. 2). Female. Body 6.7 (6.2—7.1) long. Proportions of the carapace and the coloration as in male. Leg measurements see in the Table. Epigyne narrow-triangulate (Fig. 3). The epigynal pockets are situated medially. Spermathecae Sshaped, diverge from the medial line of the epigyne (Fig. 4). ETYMOLOGY. The species is named after Dr. Olga L. Makarova (Moscow, Russia), who collected a part of the type series of this species from the North Urals., Published as part of Esyunin, S. L. & Kazantsev, D. K, 2007, On the spider (Aranei) fauna of the Pechoro - Ilychskiy Reserve (North Urals), with the description of a new Agroeca species (Liocranidae), pp. 245-250 in Arthropoda Selecta 16 (4) on pages 247-249, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.584085, {"references":["Grimm U., Vilbel B. 1986. Die Clubionidae Mitteleuropas: Corinninae und Liocraninae (Arahnida, Araneae) // Abh. Natur. Vereins in Hamburg. No 27. S. 1 - 91."]}