Much of the literature and progress related to global learning in higher education has been on curricular programs: knowledge of different societies and cultures, examining solutions to problems facing international communities, and so on. However, little research is found on the effect of cocurricular programs on these outcomes or on best practices for engaging college students in global issues through other forms of campus involvement. The purpose of this resource guide is to be a collection of information that those who work with college students outside of the classroom can use to promote global knowledge, competencies, community, and social responsibility within their own campus environment. It is organized into five main sections: (1) Global learning, perspective, and citizenship; (2) Advising students with global interests; (3) Global engagement programming on campus; (4) Volunteering internationally; and (5) Organizations to support global involvement. Also found throughout this resource are basic overviews of some theories, models, and how-to guides related to global learning that practitioners can further explore, if useful for particular campus programs or staff development activities. Until more research is done, it will be hard to define what practices are most effective. However, "Engaging Global Citizens outside the Classroom" serves as a guide to help professionals begin thinking more intentionally about how they can meet student needs and support the academic outcomes of global initiatives on campus.