Credit by its nature is a classic economic category which has been already researched in considerable number of scientific works. However, multi aspects character of credit and credit relations in general, its constant transformation in society lead to increased interest concerning cognition of this definition by scientists, Credit relations, as well as money relations, as of today penetrate the whole society and its economic sphere. Actually, credit is one of the movable forces of the country’s economic development. Importance of money-credit relations within economic system of the state and its further functioning stipulates increase of scientific interest of peculiarities arise study and credit development as an economic category. Objective of the article is defining types of credits, their systematization and classification by definite peculiarities. Within the article, main types of credits were analyzed, which can be defined as of today by analyzing of the peculiarities of credit relation functioning and development. Classification of all types of credits was implemented on account of the main peculiarities identification, to the number of which the following were related: under the order of provision, under creditor character, or by the character of the borrowers and by the terms depending on the crediting object, under percentage rate, by means of funds issue and by branch direction of credit, under risk level, by means of credit remuneration and credit payment, at presence of collateral. Combined, all defined peculiarities and relevant types of credit, shall create integrated system of credits classification, which at the present moment comprises the most known and distributed their types. As any other object, system of credits types is constantly in the process of its dynamic development. Transformation of the state’s economic state, change of political configuration of the society development and other exogenous factors stipulate as well continuous change of credit system itself, search and creation of new mechanisms of credits submission by different types of credit institutions, etc. As it is presented by experience of credit market development of Ukraine, it is in continuous state of its dynamic development, and difficulties arise in development of some financial institutions is being changed by activation and rapid development of other credit institutions. Thus, system of credits types classification is constantly being added by new types of credits and relevant peculiarities, under which they can be studied and separated as a single group. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]