Introduction A subset A of a Banach space X is called limited, if every W*-null sequence (xn*) in X* converges uniformly on A; that is, supa∈Ax∈A |< xn*. a >| → 0. Every relatively compact set is limited and if every limited subset of X is relatively compact, then X has the Gelfand-Phillips (GP) property. For example, every separable Banach space and every Schur space have the GP property [13]. If A ⊆ X* and every weakly null (resp. weakly null limited) sequence (xn) in X converges uniformly on A, we say that A is an L−set (resp. L−limited set). Each relatively weakly compact set in X* is an L−limited set and if the converse also holds, X has the L−limited property [3, 21]. A bounded linear operator T: X → Y between two Banach spaces is limited completely continuous if it carries limited weakly null sequences in X to norm null ones in Y. The class of all limited completely continuous operators from X to Y is denoted by Lcc(X.Y) [22]. A sequence (xn) in a Banach space X is called weakly p−summable with 1 ≤ p < ∞, if for each x* ∈ X*, the sequence (x* (xn)) ∈ lp and a sequence (xn) ⊆ X is said to be weakly p-convergent to x ∈ X if (xn − x) ∈ lpw(X), where lpw(X)denoted the space of all weakly p-summable sequences in X. The weakly ∞-convergent sequences are the weakly convergent sequences. A bounded subset A ⊆ X is relatively weakly p−compact if every sequence in A has a weakly p−convergent subsequence. If limit of each weakly p−convergent subsequence is in A, then that A is called a weakly p−compact set. A bounded linear operator T: X → Y between two Banach spaces is p−convergent (resp. limited p-convergent) if it carries weakly p−summable (resp. limited weakly p−summable) sequences in X to norm null ones in Y [7, 26]. Recently the concepts of p-Schur and limited p−Schur properties in Banach spaces are introduced. In fact, a Banach space X has the p−Schur (resp. limited p−Schur) property if all weakly p−compact (resp. limited weakly p−compact) subsets of X are relatively compact, or equivalently every sequence (xn) ∈ lpw(X) (resp. limited sequence (xn) ∈ lpw(X) is norm null [26, 8]. The aim of this paper is to study the class of almost L−limited sets of order p in dual Banach lattices and disjoint limited p-convergent operators. Also, we characterize Banach lattices in which two classes of almost L−limited sets of order p and L−limited sets of order p in their dual coincide. In particular, a positive answer to an open question posed in [21] is given. In fact, we show that although L−limited subsets of E* strictly contain w*-sequentially compact sets, but w*-sequentially compact subsets are relatively weakly compact if and only if L−limited subsets are relatively weakly compact. Moreover, some results of the disjoint limited p−Schur property as a generalization of the limited p−Schur property are investigated and some important consequences about this property are established. In this article we assume that 1 ≤ p < ∞, unless otherwise stated. We recall some definitions and notations from Banach lattice theory. The norm ||.|| of a Banach lattice E is order continuous if for each generalized net (xa) such that xa ↓ 0 in E, (xa) converges to 0 for the norm ||.||, where the notation xa ↓ 0 means that the net (xa) is decreasing, its infimum exists and infa a (xa) = 0. A subset A of E is called solid if |x| ≤ |y| for some y ∈ A implies that x ∈ A and the solid hull of A is the set sol(A) = {y ∈ E: |y| ≤ |x|, for some x ∈ A}. Throughout this article, X denotes a Banach space, X* refers to the dual of X, E denotes a Banach lattice, E+ = {x ∈ E ∶ x ≥ 0} is the positive cone of E and BE is the closed unit ball of E. A subset of a Banach lattice is called order bounded if it is contained in an order interval. For terminologies concerning Banach lattice theory we refer the reader to [1, 20]. Material and Methods In this paper the class of almost L−limited sets of order p in dual Banach lattices and disjoint limited p−convergent operators are studied. Also, Banach lattices in which two classes of almost L−limited sets of order p and L−limited sets of order p in their dual coincide, are characterized. In particular, a positive answer to an open question posed in [21] is given. Moreover, some results of the disjoint limited p−Schur property as a generalization of the limited p−Schur property are investigated and some important consequences about this property are obtained. Results and discussion The followings are the main results of our paper. Theorem. For a Banach lattice E, the following are equivalent: (a) E is a Grothendieck space, (b) E has the L− limited property, (c) E has the pL−limited property. Theorem. Let E be a σ-Dedekind complete Banach lattice. Then the following are equivalent: (a) E has the disjoint limited p−Schur property, (b) for each Banach space Y, Lpcd(E. Y) = L(E. Y), (c) Lpcd(E. l∞) = L(E. l∞). Theorem. Let E be a σ-Dedekind complete Banach lattice. Then E has the disjoint limited p−Schur property if and only if every disjoint limited positive sequence (xn) ∈ lpw(E) is norm null. Theorem. Let E be a σ-Dedekind complete Banach lattice with the type q (with 1 < q ≤ 2. p ≥ q'). Then the following are equivalent: (a) E has the p−wDP* property, (b) clpd(E. Y) = Cpd(E. Y), for each Banach space Y, (c) Clpd(E. c0) = Cpd(E. c0). 0 Theorem. For a Banach lattice E, the following are equivalent: (a) each almost pL−limited set in E* is a pL−limited set, (b) for each Banach space Y, Lpcd(E. Y) = Lpc(E.Y), (c) Lpcd(E, l∞) = Lpc(E, l∞). Conclusion The following conclusions are obtained from this research. Banach lattices in which almost pL−limited sets and pL−limited sets are relatively weakly compact are studied. As an application, we give a connection between the L−limited property and Grothendieck Banach lattices. Also, some results of the disjoint limited p−Schur property as a generalization of the limited p−Schur property are investigated and some important consequences about this property are established. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]