Bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks on anda ülevaade Viljandimaal omavalitsuste omandis olevatest metsamaadest. Täpsemalt uuritakse neid metsi, millel on inveteerimise andmed, et selgitada, kas ja kuidas on neid metsakinnistuid seni majandatud. Selgitatakse välja ka edaspidise majandamisega seotud aspekte. Lõputööks vajalike materjalide kogumine toimus 2015. aasta sügisel. Uurimuse läbiviimiseks oli vaja saada infot Viljandimaa omavalitsuste omandis olevatest metsamaadest. Selleks kasutati Registrite ja Infosüsteemide Keskuse (RIK) ekinnisturaamatut. Paljude valdade kinnistute kohta oli info napp või isegi puudulik. Saadud tulemusi kontrolliti ka Viljandimaa omavalitsuste maakasutusspetsialistidega suheldes. Valdav osa saadud infost kattus kinnisturaamatust kogutud allikatega. Metsaga üksustesse on lisatud kinnistud mis vastavad Metsaseaduse § 3 sätestatud definitsioonile. Kinnistuid leiti kokku 36, millel asub metsamaa, nendest üheksal kinnistul on olemas kehtivad inveteerimisandmed. Lisaks leiti 71 muud üksust milleks on peamiselt pargid ja haljasalad. Vastavalt Metsaseadusele kui ka kõik muud alad asuvad peamiselt kohalike omavalitsuste keskuste läheduses või keskustes endis. Seetõttu on paljud üksused moodustatud üldkasutatavaks maaks ja kannavad paljud kinnistud rekreatiivset eesmärki. The aim of this thesis is to provide an overview of the forest lands owned by the local governments of Viljandi County. In particular, the study focuses on forests with accompanying inventory data in order to examine whether and how the forest properties have been managed. Aspects concerning future management are also explored. The data used in this thesis was collected in autumn 2015. To conduct the study, information was needed about forest lands owned by the local governments of Viljandi County. This was gained via the e-land register of the Centre of Registers and Information Systems. Data concerning the properties of many rural municipalities were poor or inadequate. The results were corroborated in communication with the land use specialists of the local governments in Viljandi County. The majority of the information coincided with that gained from the land registry. A property is considered forested, if it conforms to the definition of "Forest and forest land" established under §3 of the Forest Act. There were 36 properties with forest land found, of which nine had valid inventory data. In addition, there were 71 other properties, mainly parks and green areas. According to the Forest Act, all other areas are located primarily in the vicinity of local government centres or inside them. For that reason, many properties have been granted into the public domain and serve a recreational purpose.