1. Radiolarian biostratigraphy of Paleogene deposits of the Russian Platform (Voronesh Anticline)
- Author
Popova, Irina M., Baumgartner, Peter O., Guex, Jean, Tochilina, Svetlana V., and Glezer, Zoya I.
- Subjects
Ultranaporidae ,Archaeodictyomitridae ,Archaeospongoprunidae ,Sethophormididae ,Pterocorythidae ,Polycystinea ,Artostrobiidae ,Spumellaria (awaiting allocation) ,Cnidaria ,Ascomycota ,Aliciidae ,Larnacillidae ,Prunobrachiidae ,Animalia ,Polycystinea (awaiting allocation) ,Retaria ,Porodiscidae ,Actinommidae ,Nassellaria (awaiting allocation) ,Radiolaria ,Taxonomy ,Chromista ,Triospyrididae ,Plagiacanthidae ,Trissocyclidae ,Radiolaria (awaiting allocation) ,Fungi ,Pyloniidae ,Biodiversity ,Nassellaria ,Anthozoa ,Polycystina ,Theoperidae ,Rhizaria ,Radiozoa ,Spumellaria ,Sordariomycetes ,Coccodiscidae ,Spongodiscidae ,Theocotylidae ,Actiniaria - Abstract
Popova, Irina M., Baumgartner, Peter O., Guex, Jean, Tochilina, Svetlana V., Glezer, Zoya I. (2002): Radiolarian biostratigraphy of Paleogene deposits of the Russian Platform (Voronesh Anticline). Geodiversitas 24 (1): 7-59, DOI: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5375608, {"references": ["ABELMANN A. 1990. - Oligocene to Middle Miocene radiolarian stratigraphy of southern high latitudes from Leg 113, sites 689, and 690, Maud Rise. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program) 113: 675-708.", "BAUMGARTNER P. O., O'DOGHERTY L., GORICHAN S., PILLEVUIT A. & DE WEVER P. 1995. - Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous radiolaria of Tethys: occurrences, systematics, biochronology. Memoires de Geologie 23, 1171 p.", "BENYAMOVSKY V. N., MUZILEV N. G., ORESHKINA T. V., RADIONOVA E. P., KHOKHLOVA I. E., ZASTROSHNOV A. S., MYSATOV V. A. & NAZARKOV A. 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