Recent studies have demonstrated the potential of machine learning methods for fast and accurate mineral classification based on microscope thin sections. Such methods can be extremely useful to support geoscientists during the phases of operational geology, especially when mineralogical and petrological data are fully integrated with other geological and geophysical information. In order to be effective, these methods require robust machine learning models trained on pre-labeled data. Furthermore, it is mandatory to optimize the hyper-parameters of the machine learning techniques in order to guarantee optimal classification accuracy and reliability. Nowadays, deep learning algorithms are widely applied for image analysis and automatic classification in a large range of Earth disciplines, including mineralogy, petrography, paleontology, well-log analysis, geophysical imaging, and so forth. The main reason for the recognized effectiveness of deep learning algorithms for image analysis is that they are able to quickly learn complex representations of images and patterns within them. Differently from traditional image-processing techniques based on handcrafted features, deep learning models automatically learn and extract features from the data, capturing, in almost real-time, complex relationships and patterns that are difficult to manually define. Many different types of deep learning models can be used for image analysis and classification, including fully connected deep neural networks (FCNNs), convolutional neural networks (CNNs or ConvNet), and residual networks (ResNets). In this paper, we compare some of these techniques and verify their effectiveness on the same dataset of mineralogical thin sections. We show that the different deep learning methods are all effective techniques in recognizing and classifying mineral images directly in the field, with ResNets outperforming the other techniques in terms of accuracy and precision. In addition, we compare the performance of deep learning techniques with different machine learning algorithms, including random forest, naive Bayes, adaptive boosting, support vector machine, and decision tree. Using quantitative performance indexes as well as confusion matrixes, we demonstrate that deep neural networks show generally better classification performances than the other approaches. Furthermore, we briefly discuss how to expand the same workflow to other types of images and geo-data, showing how this deep learning approach can be generalized to a multiscale/multipurpose methodology addressed to the analysis and automatic classification of multidisciplinary information. This article has tutorial purposes, too. For that reason, we will explain, with a didactical level of detail, all the key steps of the workflow. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]