Galumnopsis (Galumnopsis) andydoreyae sp. nov. (Figs. 16–30) 2925BB5E-474E-4F9E-9360-4ED3F5F1830A Diagnosis. Bothridial setae fusiform, smooth; whole body smooth, with a scarce punctuated ornamentation; all prodorsal setae present, in and le minute, ro longer than other prodorsal setae; notogastric porose areas A2 lacking, all others present, relatively small and semicircular; ten notogastric setae present reduced to alveoli; dorsosejugal suture present; body semicircular and elongated, prodorsum with a pronounced sharp tip, also visible in dorsal view; only lyrifisure im and ip visible on notogaster; unique median pore present; lyrifissures iad very far from anal plate, situated between ag and ad 3 ; with an internal sclerotized groove separating the podosomal and genito-anal region; porose area postanalis present, elongated, sexual dimorphism absent. Description. Measurements in µm, average values in parenthesis (N=10).Length 325–394 (347),width 227–256. Integument. Body shining black, smooth looking, ornamentations very scarce on the anterior part of notogaster, punctuated with ellipsoidal irregular patterns, pteromorphs very dark and sclerotized, with a branch-like irregular sclerotized lines. Prodorsum smooth with slightly punctuated ornamentation; with a lighter brownish thinning region present from the half part of prodorsum towards anterior part of notogaster. The surface of subcapitulum, genital and anal plates, genital plates with a medial sclerotized line near middle, epimeral and anogenital region with same scarce punctuated ornamentation as notogaster. Prodorsum (Figs. 16, 18, 20). Rostrum sharply pointed, apical tooth notably projected forwards, best seen in lateral view (Fig. 18); lamellar lines L and S present, arched and parallel, line S with a diffuse origin from bothridium, but well defined from middle to the end near podosomal region; porose area dorsosejugal (Ad) absent. All prodorsal setae present (Fig. 24), setae in (13) and setae le (3) smooth and minute, setae ro smooth and longer than other prodorsal setae (16). Bothridial setae (bs) long, stalk thin and curved (L=86), sensillar capitulum at the final third of its dimension, smooth, fusiform, with gradual widening as it approaches apical region (L=170, W=157), ending in gradual thinning, with some internal elongated ornamentation. Notogaster (Figs. 16, 18). Semicircular or pear-shaped; with hy long and well developed; ten pairs of minute setae reduced to alveoli, lx present, without an internal innervation like the others, but always in the same position. Porose areas A2 lacking, all the others present, small sized and semicircular (Fig. 25). Aa (L=6, W=3) bigger than others notogastric porose areas, more elongated than others, situated between hy and hinge; A1 (L=4, W=3) posterior, semicircular or irregular, located at a similar level to gla and posterior to median pore (mp) (Fig. 19); A3 (L=2, W=2) smallest, semicircular and between ip and h 1 . Seta la very lateral and near hinge, lm slightly posterior to Aa and directed towards sagittal line; seta lp near middle line, between them and slightly below are located the median pore (mp); h 3 above gla and lateral to A1, lyrifissure im above h 3 ; h 2 is posterior and near gla and A1, while h 1 is always above A3; p 1 and p 2 below A3, between them is located lyrifissure ip as usual; seta p 3 lateral and in a similar level to h 1 , lyrifissures ips and ih not visible or absent. Pteromorph clearly bilobed (Fig. 26) (L=49, W= 35 in proximal region, 28 in middle and 32 in distal), very dark and sclerotized, heavily centrally notched, with alveoli of c seta near the notch sclerotization, lyrifissure ia as usual, with an irregular pattern of branching sclerotized lines which becomes faint toward the edges. Gnathosoma. Subcapitulum subtriangular shaped (Fig. 21), with an evident projecting pointed apex, slightly rounded at tip, subcapitular setae setiform, smooth. Seta h (3) thin and smooth. Chelicera (Fig. 23) (L=226, W=88), very elongated and thin, cha (108) exceptionally long, micro barbulated from the middle part towards tip; Trägårdh’s organ long, from cha insertion to near tooth articulation; chb not visible. Pedipalp (Fig. 22) chaetotaxy from femur to tarsus 2–1–3–8(1+1). With medium sized femoral seta, genual seta d longer than femoral seta, tibial seta d longer than all the others of the same article, tarsus with ten setae, one pair of ventral setae, one pair of lateral setae, one culminal (cm) and four eupathidic setae (sul, ul 1 , ul 2 , acm), of which acm is fused with solenidion (ω). Epimeral and lateral podosomal regions (Figs. 17–18). Epimeral setal formula: 1–0–3–1; all smooth, and minute. Pd I subtriangular, Pd II thinner and directed anteriorly, dis slightly circular with blunt apex. Circumpedal carina (CP) thick, evident and sclerotized; there is a kind of inner belt which passes towards genital plates and finishes posterior to CP. Prodorsal leg niche (N) and lateral prodorsal ridges (T, E) present, exobothridial (ex) alveoli above E. Anogenital region (Fig. 19). Six pairs of genital setae smooth and thin inserted in formula 3–3 (g 1–3 ) horizontally on the anterior edge of genital plate, g 4–6 vertically in a row, one pair of aggenital (ag) (3) thin, smooth, two pairs of anal setae (an 1–2 ) (3) and three pairs of adanal setae (ad 1–2 ) (13), ad 3 (5) located below iad, both anterior and far from anal plates. Porose area postanalis (Ap) present, elongated (L=37, W=5). Legs (Figs. 27–30). Measures made in widest and longest regions of each article, mean of N=10. Monodactylous legs with a strong curved claw; punctuated ornamentation on femora.Leg setation and solenidia from I–IV (solenidium in parenthesis). Femora 4–4–2–2; genua 3(1)–3(1)–1(1)–2; tibiae 4(2)–4(1)–3(1)–3(1); tarsi 20(2)–15(2)–15–12. Leg I (Fig. 27) Femur L= 90, W=46; genu L=44, W=12; tibia L=47, W=29; tarsus L=70, W=20. Solenidium σ (102) long and inserted distally; φ 1 (110) similar in length than σ, inserted slightly medial, anterior to φ 2 which is distal and smaller (50); ω 1 (45) anterior to all tarsal setae, medium sized, ω 2 (55) posterior to ft´´, medium sized but longer than ω 1 , between them are situated ft´´ and famulus (ε) (3), short, blunt at the tip. Leg II (Fig. 28) Femur L=80, W=37; genu L=25, W=15; tibia L=35, W=20; tarsus L=48, W=15. Solenidium σ (65) medium sized, distally; φ (75) similar in size than σ, distally inserted; ω 1 (35) and ω 2 (37) identical in shape, blunt apex, between them is situated ft´ dorsally. Leg III (Fig. 29) Femur L=42, W=32; genu L=18, W=13; tibia L=43, W=18; tarsus L=50, W=15. Solenidium σ (35) with a blunt apex, longer than l´, medially inserted; φ (60) long, inserted in a small protuberance near the anterior edge. Leg IV (Fig. 30) Femur L=50, W=40; genu L=30, W=13; tibia L=50, W=20; tarsus L=62, W=15. φ (55) medium sized, inserted medially in a small protuberance, similar in length to tarsal ft´. Type material. Holotype (male) mounted on slide 19-03-2016, Mexico, Veracruz, Estación de Biología Tropical, Los Tuxtlas, sample from soil. 17 paratypes on slide and 20 more on ethanol 70% with the same data. This material is deposited in the Colección de Collembola de México y Ácaros Edáficos, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México. Etymology. The species is named in honor of PhD Andy Dorey Ruiz Huerta, who has dedicated her efforts to the study and treatment of respiratory diseases in Mexico, including research on COVID-19, and also, the fiancé of the senior author. The epithet is a noun in the genitive case obtained directly from the modern feminine personal name Andy Dorey according to Art. 31.1.2. of the international code of zoological nomenclature. Remarks. The 11 species of this group are distributed in Africa (6), America (4), and Oceania (1), which denotes mainly a Gondwanan distribution. Most of the representatives of this genus share a common morphological pattern (except Galumnopsis Saggita Balogh, 1970), the reason why they look very similar to each other, and the main features to distinguish the species are the shape of sensillar setae, presence or absence of prodorsal seta, porose area dorsosejugalis, porose area postanalis, position of seta ad 3 in ventral plate and recently we observed that the position of seta h 1 on the notogaster can be a very useful character for species delimitation. This new species shares clavate sensillar setae with another six members but can be distinguished by a special combination of characters. It can be differentiated from G. clavata Mahunka, 1983 by the smooth body surface against foveolated, all notogastric porose areas well defined, the presence of median pore, lyrifissure im anterior to h 3 and not between h 3 and lp, seta h 2 and h 3 near to A1 and seta h 1 above A3; from G. holoscripta Grandjean, 1931 it differs in cheliceral insertion apodeme scar near height of Aa and lm, position of seta h 1 , disposition of genital setae, Aa and A1 vertically aligned, bigger distance between ad 2 and ad 3 in ventral plate, and finally Ap not illustrated or mentioned in G. holoscripta, probably absent; from G. longisetosus Mahunka, 1986 it can be easily distinguished by the short lamellar setae and sensillar setae without minute spicules; from G. ruginervis Balogh, 1962 in having a minute lamellar setae, median pore at height of A1 and position of gla posterior to A1; from G. sellnicki Balogh, 1960 in the presence of lamellar setae, Ap bigger in size, sensillar setae less globular in shape and a curved dorsosejugal suture instead of straight in the later species; finally, it can be distinguished from G. secunda (Sellnick, 1923) in the scar of chelicera insertion posterior to Aa, h1 above A3 and not between them, Ap bigger in size, im far from A1 and the absence of Ad.