
Showing total 238 results
238 results

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1. The existence of solutions and generalized Lyapunov-type inequalities to boundary value problems of differential equations of variable order

2. Explicit order 3/2 Runge-Kutta method for numerical solutions of stochastic differential equations by using Itô-Taylor expansion

3. A Type of Time-Symmetric Stochastic System and Related Games

4. Modified Halpern Iterative Method for Solving Hierarchical Problem and Split Combination of Variational Inclusion Problem in Hilbert Space

5. Complex Dynamical Behaviors of Lorenz-Stenflo Equations

6. Comparison of the Effectiveness of Different Methods for Constructing Exact Solutions to Nonlinear PDEs. Generalizations and New Solutions

7. Normalized Weighted Bonferroni Harmonic Mean-Based Intuitionistic Fuzzy Operators and Their Application to the Sustainable Selection of Search and Rescue Robots

8. Numerical Analysis for the Fractional Ambartsumian Equation via the Homotopy Herturbation Method

9. Fractional Levy Stable and Maximum Lyapunov Exponent for Wind Speed Prediction

10. Classical Lagrange Interpolation Based on General Nodal Systems at Perturbed Roots of Unity

11. The Mittag-Leffler Fitting of the Phillips Curve

12. Solving ODEs by Obtaining Purely Second Degree Multinomials via Branch and Bound with Admissible Heuristic

13. Finite-Time Stabilization of Homogeneous Non-Lipschitz Systems

14. The Role of the Mittag-Leffler Function in Fractional Modeling

15. The Stationary Distribution and Extinction of Generalized Multispecies Stochastic Lotka-Volterra Predator-Prey System

16. Noether Theorem for Nonholonomic Systems with Time Delay

17. The stationary distribution of a stochastic rumor spreading model

18. A relaxed generalized Newton iteration method for generalized absolute value equations

19. A delayed synthetic drug transmission model with two stages of addiction and Holling Type-II functional response

20. Stability of general pathogen dynamic models with two types of infectious transmission with immune impairment

21. On the nonstandard numerical discretization of SIR epidemic model with a saturated incidence rate and vaccination

22. Efficiently Implementing the Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Hurst Exponent

23. Discrete Fractional COSHAD Transform and Its Application

24. Dissipativity Analysis of Descriptor Systems Using Image Space Characterization

25. Dynamical Analysis of a Modified Lorenz System

26. Symbol Error Rate as a Function of the Residual ISI Obtained by Blind Adaptive Equalizers for the SIMO and Fractional Gaussian Noise Case

27. A New Jacobian-Like Method for the Polyhedral Cone-Constrained Eigenvalue Problem

28. Square-mean asymptotically almost periodic solutions of second order nonautonomous stochastic evolution equations

29. On finite-time stability and stabilization of nonlinear hybrid dynamical systems

30. Method of Markovian summation for study the repeated flow in queueing tandem M|GI|∞ → GI|∞

31. Endpoint estimates for multilinear fractional singular integral operators on Herz and Herz type Hardy spaces

32. Some generalized fractional integral inequalities with nonsingular function as a kernel

33. Lyapunov-type inequalities for Hadamard fractional differential equation under Sturm-Liouville boundary conditions

34. Fully nonlocal stochastic control problems with fractional Brownian motions and Poisson jumps

35. Numerical solution of fractional differential equations with temporal two-point BVPs using reproducing kernal Hilbert space method

36. Dynamics of a nonlinear SIQRS computer virus spreading model with two delays

37. Bifurcation analysis of a special delayed predator-prey model with herd behavior and prey harvesting

38. The effect of multiplicative noise on the exact solutions of nonlinear Schrödinger equation

39. The recurrence formula for the number of solutions of a equation in finite field

40. A counterexample to a compact embedding theorem for functions with values in a Hilbert space

41. Integral transforms of an extended generalized multi-index Bessel function

42. Multistep hybrid viscosity method for split monotone variational inclusion and fixed point problems in Hilbert spaces

43. Hopf Bifurcation in an Augmented IS-LM Linear Business Cycle Model with Two Time Delays

44. Generalized iterative method for the solution of linear and nonlinear fractional differential equations with composite fractional derivative operator

45. A new computational for approximate analytical solutions of nonlinear time-fractional wave-like equations with variable coefficients

46. Lyapunov-type inequalities for Hadamard type fractional boundary value problems

47. Multiple positive periodic solutions of a Gause-type predator-prey model with Allee effect and functional responses

48. Gaussian Regularized Periodic Nonuniform Sampling Series

49. The Existence and Uniqueness of the Solution of a Nonlinear Fredholm–Volterra Integral Equation with Modified Argument via Geraghty Contractions

50. A Bimodal Extension of the Exponential Distribution with Applications in Risk Theory