This paper reviews the current work on mouse genetics, brain, and behaviour in my laboratory. It starts with an historical account of our research and shows how certain research themes, such as olfaction, learning, social behaviour, and environmental effects in rodents have led to our current research on behavioural phenotyping of inbred, mutant, knockout, and transgenic mice. We are concerned with finding neural and behavioural sequelae to genetic manipulations in mice and use a battery of tests to detect behaviours that are altered in genetically modified mice. In this way we are working to dissociate neural and behavioural effects of different gene manipulations in mouse models of neurodegenerative diseases. Sensory, motor, cognitive, affective, and social behaviours may all be affected by gene manipulation, thus careful behavioural techniques, with attention to the mice themselves, the apparatus, and procedure, experimenter variables, and environmental effects are necessary in order to determine a reliable and valid mouse behavioural phenotype. As both the genome and the environment have significant effects on the behavioural phenotype, our future research will utilize an epigenetic approach to examine how environmental cues modulate gene expression in the behavioural phenotyping of transgenic mice. Resume Cet article examine les travaux en cours dans mon laboratoire sur la genetique, le cerveau et le comportement de souris. Il debute par un historique de nos recherches et demontre la facon dont certains sujets de recherche comme l'olfaction, l'apprentissage, le comportement social et les effets de l'environnement chez les rongeurs ont mene a notre recherche actuelle sur la determination du phenotype comportemental de souris consanguines, mutantes, deficientes et transgeniques. Nous cherchons a trouver des sequelles neurales et comportementales aux manipulations genetiques des souris. Nous utilisons une panoplie de tests visant a detecter des comportements alteres chez les souris genetiquement modifiees. De cette facon, nous travaillons a dissocier les effets neuraux et comportementaux de diverses manipulations genetiques dans des modeles de souris portant sur des maladies neurodegeneratives. Les comportements sensoriels, moteurs, cognitifs, affectifs et sociaux peuvent tous etre affectes par la manipulation genetique. Ainsi, des techniques comportementales consciencieuses, portant une attention aux souris elles-memes, aux instruments, aux procedures, aux variables de l'experimentateur et aux effets de l'environnement, sont necessaires afin de determiner un phenotype comportemental fiable et valide des souris. Comme le genome et l'environnement ont tous deux des effets importants sur le phenotype comportemental, notre recherche future comportera une approche epigenetique visant a etudier la facon dont les indicateurs environnementaux modulent l'expression genetique dans la determination du phenotype comportemental des souris transgeniques. This paper gives an overview of our research on the behavioural phenotyping of mouse models of neurodegenerative disease. Because this research grew out of previous projects, this paper begins with an historical account of our research program. This shows how one research project grows from another in unexpected ways, the relatedness of seemingly unrelated projects, and the importance of many colleagues and students who have contributed and continue to contribute to our work. Early Research Projects As an undergraduate, I was interested in Robert Rosenthal's work on experimenter effects in behavioural research (Rosenthal, 1966) and in particular on his research on experimenter bias in the training of rats (Rosenthal & Fode, 1963). My honours thesis, completed under the supervision of Dr. Charles W. Tolman at the University of Victoria (Brown, 1970) was on experimenter bias effects on rat maze learning. It is interesting that our current studies of learning and memory in mutant and transgenic mice are still concerned with the problems of experimenter error and experimenter bias (Schellinck, Cyr, & Brown, in press). …