
Showing total 67 results
67 results

Search Results

1. Back pain beliefs in adolescents and adults in Australasia: A cross-sectional pilot study of selected psychometric properties of paper-based and web-based questionnaires in two diverse countries.

2. Cognitive impairment in older hospital inpatients: prevalence, care needs and carer perceptions.

3. Effects of stick design features on perceptions of characteristics of cigarettes.

4. A Clinical-Community Comparison of Parent-Child Emotion Conversations About the Past and the Anticipated Future.

5. Placement quality has a greater impact on employability than placement structure or duration.

6. Barriers to the provision of optimal care to dying patients in hospital: a cross-sectional study of nurses' perceptions.

7. Quality of nursing doctoral education in seven countries: survey of faculty and students/graduates.

8. Relationships of individual and organizational support with engagement: Examining various types of causality in a three-wave study.

9. Mental health interprofessional education for health professions students: bridging the gaps.

10. Community variation in adolescent alcohol use in Australia and the Netherlands.

11. Routine use of clinical management guidelines in Australian general practice.

12. Outcomes and opportunities: a nurse-led model of chronic disease management in Australian general practice.

13. Behavior and weight correlates of weight-control efforts in Australian women living in disadvantage: The READI study.

14. No genuine self-forgiveness without accepting responsibility: Value reaffirmation as a key to maintaining positive self-regard.

15. Provision of a Multidisciplinary Post-Suicidal, Community-Based Aftercare Program: A Longitudinal Study.

16. The effects of variant descriptors on the potential effectiveness of plain packaging.

17. A Rasch analysis of the lumbar spine instability questionnaire.

18. The impact of brief lifestyle self-management education for the control of seizures.

19. The effects of training group exercise class instructors to adopt a motivationally adaptive communication style.

20. The evolution of multiagency partnerships for safety over the course of research engagement: experiences from the NoGAPS project.

21. Barriers to insulin treatment among Australian Torres Strait Islanders with poorly controlled diabetes.

22. Forced air warming to maintain normo THERMIa during SEDation in the cardiac catheterization laboratory: protocol for the THERMISED pilot randomized controlled trial.

23. Cognitive Bias Modification Training During Inpatient Alcohol Detoxification Reduces Early Relapse: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

24. Medical student satisfaction, coping and burnout in direct-entry versus graduate-entry programmes.

25. Responses to a worsening environment: relative deprivation mediates between place attachments and behaviour.

26. Transcendental Meditation for the improvement of health and wellbeing in community-dwelling dementia caregivers [TRANSCENDENT]: a randomised wait-list controlled trial.

27. Research Evaluation of an Australian Peer Outdoor Support Therapy Program for Contemporary Veterans' Wellbeing.

28. Athlete support personnel and anti-doping: Knowledge, attitudes, and ethical stance.

29. Changes in physical functioning over 6 years in older women: effects of sitting time and physical activity.

30. Factors Influencing Clinicians' Attitudes about Aggression in Australian Acute Old Age Psychiatry Inpatient Units: A Cross Sectional Survey Design.

31. Impact of acute administration of escitalopram on the processing of emotional and neutral images: a randomized crossover fMRI study of healthy women.

32. The science of attracting foster carers.

33. Validation of the Job Demands-Resources model in cross-national samples: Cross-sectional and longitudinal predictions of psychological strain and work engagement.

34. Medical education and moral segmentation in medical students.

35. Stereotype Threat Reduces Motivation to Improve: Effects of Stereotype Threat and Feedback on Women’s Intentions to Improve Mathematical Ability.

36. Factors That Enhance English-Speaking Speech-Language Pathologists' Transcription of Cantonese-Speaking Children' s Consonants.

37. Self-concepts and educational outcomes of Indigenous Australian students in urban and rural school settings.

38. Which Gay Men Would Increase Their Frequency of HIV Testing with Home Self-testing?

39. HIV-Negative Gay Men's Perceived HIV Risk Hierarchy: Imaginary or Real?

40. Blind prescribing: A study of junior doctors' prescribing preparedness in an Australian emergency department.

41. The Prevalence and Determinants of Chinese Medicine Use by Australian Women: Analysis of a Cohort of 10,287 Women Aged 56-61 Years.

42. Signed Language Working Memory Capacity of Signed Language Interpreters and Deaf Signers.

43. Facilitators and regulators: infant sleep practices and maternal subjective well-being.

44. Deficits in social perception in opioid maintenance patients, abstinent opioid users and non-opioid users.

45. Glycemic index, glycemic load and endometrial cancer risk: results from the Australian National Endometrial Cancer study and an updated systematic review and meta-analysis.

46. Development and reliability testing of a self-report instrument to measure the office layout as a correlate of occupational sitting.

47. Improving the attractiveness of an emergency medicine career to medical students: An exploratory study.

48. Tobacco, caffeine, alcohol and illicit substance use among consumers of a national community managed mental health service.

49. Psychosocial safety climate as an antecedent of work characteristics and psychological strain: A multilevel model.

50. Victims’ perceptions of traditional and cyberbullying, and the psychosocial correlates of their victimisation.