Michael Burawoy offers an innovative call to reintegrate our discipline. Using Canada as an example, I argue that his proposal underestimates the extent of institutional separatism among branches of sociology. Influenced by antipositivist currents in the humanities over the past two decades, critical sociologists are disconnecting from mainstream empirical research. Simultaneously, the mainstream is moving in a very different direction as it responds to developments in other social sciences, and largely ignores the humanities. I hypothesize that this institutional drift limits the possibility of mutual correction between various branches of sociology, a process that is central to Burawoy's proposal. Possible scenarios for the future of public sociology in Canada are discussed in light of this hypothesis. Keywords: public sociology; critical sociology; disciplines; research Michael Burawoy lance un appel avant-gardiste a reintegrer notre discipline. Or, prenant le Canada a titre d'exemple, l'auteur soutient que sa proposition sous-estime l'etendue du separatisme institutionnel des differentes branches de la sociologie. Il explique que les sociologues critiques sont en train de se couper du courant principal de la recherche empirique, apres avoir ete influences par les courants antipositivistes dans les humanites au cours des deux dernieres decennies. Pendant ce temps, le courant principal se deplace dans une autre direction, a cause de l'influence de changements tres differents dans les autres sciences sociales. L'auteur emet l'hypothese que ces tendances separees reduisent la possibilite de loyaute mutuelle entre les diverses branches de la sociologie, un processus qui est fondamental dans la proposition de Burawoy. Il discute de scenarios possibles pour l'avenir de la sociologie publique au Canada a la lumiere de cette hypothese. Mots cles: sociologie publique; sociologie critique; disciplines; recherche, INTRODUCTION: MUTUAL CORRECTION IN SOCIOLOGY? Sociology enjoys little consensus over its fundamental standards, methods and theories, or the role of politics in its scholarship. Debates over these issues have inflicted [...]