One of the most important literary outcomes of the postmodern period, the postcolonial novel reifies many of its principles and views, such as the idea of the fall of contemporary culture and the doubts concerning cultural advancement; the revaluation of values; the relativity of meaning; the crisis of representation; the lack of originality; intertextuality; the individual as subjected to discourses, power, desire; various binary oppositions, including West and East, center and margin, self and other; rejection or deconstruction of dominant, Western attitudes; and others. The literary pattern of the Bildungsroman or novel of formation is adopted by the postcolonial writers particularly from Africa and other colonized countries to deal with the problems of the subjugated peoples and their transformation into hybrid identities. The concern of the postcolonial Bildungsroman emerges as the formation of the main character in a colonial environment, who faces the difficulties and crisis caused by his alienation from his native identity and culture, while also physically growing up. Cheikh Hamidou Kane’s novel Ambiguous Adventure reflects and follows the main principles of the postcolonial Bildungsroman and our aim is to identify and analyse these principles in relation to the formation process of the protagonist Samba Diallo in an environment of cultural ambiguity and colonial system, in which he is transformed into a hybrid individual and experiences an identity crisis. Keywords : Hybridity, Identity Crisis, Postcolonial Bildungsroman, Ambiguity, Formation. CHEIKH HAMIDOU KANE'IN KOLONILESME SONRASI BILDUNGSROMANI BELIRSIZ SERUVEN 'DE OLGUNLASMA VE KIMLIK KARMASASI Oz: Postmodern donemin en onemli olusumlarindan biri olan somurgecilik sonrasi edebiyati cagdas kulturun cokusu ve kulturel ilerlemedeki belirsizlik fikriyle; anlam goreceligi, temsiliyet catismasi, ozgunluk eksikligi, metinlerarasilik, soylemlere maruz kalan birey, guc, arzu, cesitli ikili karsitliklar, Bati-Dogu, merkez-kenar, baskin olanin reddi ya da yeniden yapilandirilmasi, ve Bati’nin bakis acisi gibi kavramlarla postmodern donemin temel ilkelerini edebiyat cercevesi icinde somut hale getirir. Bildungsroman edebi gelenegi ya da diger adiyla gelisim romani ozellikle Afrika ve diger somurge ulkelerindeki somurgecilik sonrasi yazarlari tarafindan koloni toplumlarin hibrid kimliklere donusumunu yansitmak amaciyla kabul gormus ve kullanilmistir. Somurge sonrasi Bildungsroman gelenegi ana karakterin fiziksel gelisiminin yani sira somurge ortaminda karsilastigi zorluklari ve yerli kimligine ve kulturune yabancilasmasindan kaynaklanan kisilik krizlerini ortaya koyar. Cheikh Hamidou Kane’in Belirsiz Seruven (Ambiguous Adventure) adli romani somurgecilik sonrasi Bildungsroman geleneginin temel ilke ve ozelliklerini yansitir ve bizim bu calismadaki amacimiz bu ilkeleri ana karakter Samba Diallo’nun hibrid bir kisilige burundugu kulturel belirsizlik ve kolonilesme ortamindaki gelisim sureciyle baglantili olarak tespit ve analiz etmektir. Paris’e egitimini tamamlamak icin giden Samba’nin Bati kulturune alisma cabalari ve bunun sonunda kendi kimligini koruma cabasiyla birlikte kendini bir belirsizlik icerisinde bulmasi yasadigi kimlik catismasinin ve psikolojik cokusunun temel sebebini olusturur. Anahtar Sozcukler: Hibridite, Kimlik Catismasi, Somurgecilik Sonrasi Bildungsroman, Belirsizlik, Gelisim