
Showing total 41 results
41 results

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1. Pharmacokinetics of TKM-130803 in Sierra Leonean patients with Ebola virus disease: plasma concentrations exceed target levels, with drug accumulation in the most severe patients

2. The pharmacokinetics of dexmedetomidine during long-term infusion in critically ill pediatric patients. A Bayesian approach with informative priors

3. Changes in cytochrome P450s-mediated drug clearance in patients with hepatocellular carcinomain vitroandin vivo: a bottom-up approach

4. Characterization of Intestinal and Hepatic CYP3A-Mediated Metabolism of Midazolam in Children Using a Physiological Population Pharmacokinetic Modelling Approach

5. Pharmacokinetic–Pharmacodynamic Modeling of the Effectiveness and Safety of Buprenorphine and Fentanyl in Rats

6. Pharmacokinetic‐pharmacodynamic modelling of S (−)‐atenolol in rats: reduction of isoprenaline‐induced tachycardia as a continuous pharmacodynamic endpoint

7. Bioanalytical Approaches to Quantify 'Total' and 'Free' Therapeutic Antibodies and Their Targets: Technical Challenges and PK/PD Applications Over the Course of Drug Development

8. A population pharmacokinetic model for R- and S-citalopram and desmethylcitalopram in Alzheimer’s disease patients with agitation

9. Extracting Drug-Drug Interaction from the Biomedical Literature Using a Stacked Generalization-Based Approach.

10. Characterization of Drug Efficacy Regions Based on Dosage and Frequency Schedules

11. PET imaging-based evaluation of aerosol drugs and their delivery devices: nasal and pulmonary studies

12. When is protein binding important?

13. Model based dose personalization in clinical trials

14. Estimating a drug's elimination rate-constant or half-life from a single blood sample: a practical approach with particular benefits for critically ill/vulnerable patients

15. Prediction of disease-related metabolites using bi-random walks

16. Fully-automated deep learning-powered system for DCE-MRI analysis of brain tumors

17. A novel integrated action crossing method for drug-drug interaction prediction in non-communicable diseases

18. Semi-physiologic model validation and bioequivalence trials simulation to select the best analyte for acetylsalicylic acid

19. Propagation of Error in Ocular Pharmacokinetic Parameters Estimate of Azithromycin in Rabbits

20. Link Prediction in Criminal Networks: A Tool for Criminal Intelligence Analysis

21. A semi-mechanistic gastric emptying pharmacokinetic model for 13C-octanoic acid: An evaluation using simulation

22. Efficiency of Enterohepatic Circulation, its Determination and Influence on Drug Bioavailability

23. Evaluation of a compartmental model for estimating tumor hypoxia via FMISO dynamic PET imaging

24. Does the Anesthetic Urethane Influence the Pharmacokinetics of Antifungal Drugs? A Population Pharmacokinetic Investigation in Rats

25. Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Modellingof GnRH Antagonist Degarelix: A Comparisonof the Non-linear Mixed-Effects Programs NONMEM and NLME

26. Characterization of the mechanism of drug-drug interactions from PubMed using MeSH terms

27. Spatio-temporal simulation of first pass drug perfusion in the liver

28. A Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model for Inhalation and Intravenous Administration of Naphthalene in Rats and Mice

29. Extracting drug-drug interaction from the biomedical literature using a stacked generalization-based approach

30. Building a 3D Virtual Liver: Methods for Simulating Blood Flow and Hepatic Clearance on 3D Structures

31. Anatomical, physiological and metabolic changes with gestational age during normal pregnancy: a database for parameters required in physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling

32. Algorithm to control 'effect compartment' drug concentrations in pharmacokinetic model-driven drug delivery

33. In vivo methods for the assessment of topical drug bioavailability

34. A limited sampling strategy for estimating individual pharmacokinetic parameters of coagulation factor VIII in patients with hemophilia A

35. Convex Optimization-Based Compartmental Pharmacokinetic Analysis for Prostate Tumor Characterization Using DCE-MRI

36. Pharmacokinetic study with N-Ile1-Thr2-63-desulfato-r-hirudin in rabbits by means of bioassay

37. The isolated perfused rat kidney model: a useful tool for drug discovery and development

38. Control-relevant modeling of the antitumor effects of 9-nitrocamptothecin in SCID mice bearing HT29 human colon xenografts

39. Limited sampling strategies for estimating cyclosporin area under the concentration-time curve: review of current algorithms

40. A sequential algorithm for the non-linear dual-sorption model of percutaneous drug absorption

41. Approximate maximum likelihood population pharmacokinetic models for the design of dosage regimens