Abdalla Mohamed, Ahmed Yousif, Healy, Mark G., Siggins, Alma, Tuohy, Patrick, Fenton, Owen, Ó hUallacháin, Daire, and Teagasc
Dairy farms produce dairy soiled water (DSW) during the milking process, which consists of a mixture of water, cow faeces, urine, milk, detergents, and sediment. Land spreading is the most common disposal method for DSW. However, when applied at rates that exceed the nutrient demand of the herbage, or when applied under unfavourable soil and weather conditions, land application of DSW can result in pollutant loss to associate receiving water bodies (ground and surface waters). Constructed wetlands (CWs) and intermittently loaded sand filters (ISFs) have been investigated for the treatment of agricultural wastewaters, and have been shown to provide efficient and sustainable treatment of DSW. Nevertheless, the large surface area requirements for treatment, poor long term phosphorus (P) removal, and media clogging, are the main limitations of these systems. The addition of chemical coagulants to DSW, such as aluminium and ferric salts, have been found to be effective in clarifying DSW and removing organic matter (OM), suspended solids (SS), P, and pathogens. Such chemicals are already being used on Irish farms. For example they have been shown to be effective at reducing gaseous emissions during storage of slurry and DSW and indeed preventing P losses in runoff from subsequent land application of these wastes to fields. To date, a combination of a coagulation process and CWs or ISFs have not been used to treat DSW. The present research introduces a novel coagulation step before wastewater is treated by CWs or ISFs. The hypothesis of this thesis is that the addition of a coagulation process as a pre-treatment step could improve the performance of CWs and ISFs, and overcome the shortcomings of the individual capacities of these systems. In addition, this step would negate the need for CWs to expand in size as their P remediation capacity would be maintained at a high level. This is likely to increase the uptake of such systems on farms in the future. Therefore, the objective of this thesis was to investigate the combined capacities of coagulation-CWs and coagulation-ISFs and compare the results to the individual capacities of conventional CWs and ISFs. To achieve this objective, an optimum chemical coagulant, mixing time and dosage was identified in improving effluent quality of DSW. Following this, replicated pilot-scale hybrid CWs and ISFs, each employing a preliminary coagulation process using ferric chloride (FeCl3), were operated for a 43-wk period on a dairy farm (representing an entire milking season in Ireland). Conventionally designed CWs and ISFs were used as study controls. The hybrid systems performed better and were able to operate effectively at higher hydraulic loading rates than conventional CWs and ISFs. The performance of the hybrid systems exceeded that of the conventional systems, obtained removal efficiencies ≥ 99% for all measured water quality parameters (chemical oxygen demand, SS, P, nitrogen and turbidity), and complied with EU directives concerning urban wastewater treatment. The effluent quality from the conventional ISFs deteriorated over the timeframe of the study until clogging occurred, while the hybrid ISFs continued to perform effectively without any evidence of clogging or P breakthrough. Examination of the filter media in both filter types showed that conventional ISFs retained more biomass than hybrid coagulation-ISFs. Conventional ISFs lost approximately 85% of their initial infiltration capacity in the uppermost layer due to biomass build-up versus 40% loss for hybrid ISFs. Overall, hybrid coagulation-CW/ISFs are a promising technology that require a small area (75% reduction in footprint in comparison to conventional systems) and minimal maintenance, and produce excellent effluent quality. The final effluent from the hybrid system may be legally discharged to receiving waters, or recycled to wash farm yards, protecting water quality and saving water, respectively. In parallel, the sludge portion generated from the coagulation process, can be applied to land as a bio-based fertilizer without adverse impacts on the grass growth, and with the added benefit that there would be a substantially lower risk of nutrient losses from such a fertilizer to waters. This management approach could eliminate or reduce the pollution risk along surface pathways to waters, and minimise the overall net cost compared to land application of raw DSW (without treatment). Future research should focus on the life cycle and circularity assessment of these hybrid systems.