The soil phosphorus (P) test in Portugal is based on extraction with ammonium lactate (AL) at acidic pH. Because this test is rarely used in other countries, it is desirable to see whether the AL-P values correlate with the more commonly used P tests. In this work, we compared AL-P with bicarbonate-extractable P (Olsen's method) for a group of 48 samples from Portuguese acidic soils differing widely in P status. Despite their contrasting composition, both reagents extracted phosphate from the same sources, albeit in different proportions. Both Olsen P and AL-P were strongly correlated with resin-extractable and dilute electrolyte-desorbable P, which are respectively related to the soil contents in phytoavailable P and P that can be released to runoff or drainage water. Olsen P and AL-P were strongly correlated (R2 = 0.870), the correlation became stronger when three overfertilized soils were excluded (Olsen P = 2.35 + 0.45 AL-P; R2 = 0.908; P ≤ 0.001, n = 45). No correlation was observed for a group of soils recently fertilized with Gafsa phosphate probably because the acidic AL reagent dissolved residual calcium phosphate, thus overestimating the soil content in desorbable P. On the basis of the present results and the AL-P-based fertility classes used for fertilizer recommendation purposes, Olsen P-based fertility classes were tentatively proposed for Portuguese acidic soils. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]