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1. An effective Chebotarev density theorem for families of number fields, with an application to $$\ell $$-torsion in class groups

2. The lattices of invariant subspaces of a class of operators on the Hardy space

3. Harnessing the Bethe free energy†

4. Hook formulas for skew shapes II. Combinatorial proofs and enumerative applications

5. Orthogonal Matching Pursuit under the Restricted Isometry Property

6. Decomposing a Graph Into Expanding Subgraphs

7. A Probabilistic Approach to Generalized Zeckendorf Decompositions

8. Spectral conditions for strong local nondeterminism and exact Hausdorff measure of ranges of Gaussian random fields

9. Optimal polynomial decay of functions and operator semigroups

10. On the Conley decomposition of Mather sets

11. Alcove path and Nichols-Woronowicz model of the equivariant K-theory of generalized flag varieties

12. When is the Fourier transform of an elementary function elementary?

13. Toroidal varieties and the weak Factorization Theorem

14. Uniqueness of Coxeter structures on Kac–Moody algebras

15. Multiple drawing multi-colour urns by stochastic approximation

16. Ramanujan coverings of graphs

17. Fine Structure of 4-Critical Triangle-Free Graphs III. General Surfaces

18. The optimal error bound for the method of simultaneous projections

19. The structure of the inverse system of Gorenstein k-algebras

20. On the spectral norm of Gaussian random matrices

21. Approximation properties of -expansions II

22. Extremal functions in de Branges and Euclidean spaces, II

23. Nowhere-Zero Flows on Signed Eulerian Graphs

24. Polynomial Approximation of Anisotropic Analytic Functions of Several Variables

25. The Dirichlet problem for orthodiagonal maps

26. Lebesgue inequalities for Chebyshev Thresholding Greedy Algorithms

27. Interpolation of Fredholm operators

28. Digital nets with infinite digit expansions and construction of folded digital nets for quasi-Monte Carlo integration

29. Falconer distance problem, additive energy and Cartesian products

30. Cancellation for the multilinear Hilbert transform

31. Fermat test with Gaussian base and Gaussian pseudoprimes

32. Invariant measures for Cartesian powers of Chacon infinite transformation

33. Birkhoff-von Neumann Graphs that are PM-compact

34. A Review of Some Works in the Theory of Diskcyclic Operators

35. Stochastic Monotonicity and Duality of kth Order with Application to Put-Call Symmetry of Powered Options

36. On degree sequences forcing the square of a Hamilton cycle

37. Transient and Slim versus Recurrent and Fat: Random Walks and the Trees they Grow

38. Differential and falsified sampling expansions

39. The Excluded Minors for Isometric Realizability in the Plane

40. Almost sure local limit theorem for the Dickman distribution

41. Robust Hamiltonicity of Dirac graphs

42. Polynomiality of monotone Hurwitz numbers in higher genera

43. Odd decompositions of eulerian graphs

44. Probabilistic Consequences of Some Polynomial Recurrences

45. Diffraction intensities of a class of binary Pisot substitutions via exponential sums

46. On a spectral flow formula for the homological index

47. On the stack of semistable G-bundles over an elliptic curve

48. Tight J-frames in Krein space and the associated J-frame potential

49. Topological and algebraic structures on the ring of Fermat reals

50. Covers counting via Feynman calculus