
Showing total 10,240 results
10,240 results

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201. General fractional integrals and derivatives of arbitrary order

202. Eigenfunction Expansions of Ultradifferentiable Functions and Ultradistributions. III. Hilbert Spaces and Universality

203. Decompositions of principal series representations of Iwahori-Hecke algebras for Kac-Moody groups over local fields

204. Common Fixed Points Technique for Existence of a Solution of Urysohn Type Integral Equations System in Complex Valued b-metric Spaces

205. Hölder regularity for the spectrum of translation flows

206. Refinements of Hermite–Hadamard Inequalities for Continuous Convex Functions via (p,q)-Calculus

207. Differential Subordination and Superordination Results Using Fractional Integral of Confluent Hypergeometric Function

208. Applications of Inequalities in the Complex Plane Associated with Confluent Hypergeometric Function

209. p-adic families of automorphic forms in the µ-ordinary setting

210. Boundedness of Integral Operators in Generalized Weighted Grand Lebesgue Spaces with Non-doubling Measures

211. On Some New Contractive Conditions in Complete Metric Spaces

212. Functional relations of solutions of $q$-difference equations

213. The weak core inverse

214. Some New Observations on Generalized Contractive Mappings and Related Results in b-Metric-Like Spaces

215. Almost α-Cosymplectic Pseudo Metric Manifolds

216. New Post Quantum Analogues of Hermite–Hadamard Type Inequalities for Interval-Valued Convex Functions

217. On polynomially integrable Birkhoff billiards on surfaces of constant curvature

218. Second order differentiation formula on RCD∗(K;N) spaces

219. Weak Dependence Notions and Their Mutual Relationships

220. Generalized absolute values, ideals and homomorphisms in mixed lattice groups

221. Fourier multipliers on graded lie groups

222. The fully marked surface theorem

223. Geometric Inequalities of Bi-Warped Product Submanifolds of Nearly Kenmotsu Manifolds and Their Applications

224. Singularities of Hermitian–Yang–Mills connections and Harder–Narasimhan–Seshadri filtrations

225. Estimates of Coefficient Functionals for Functions Convex in the Imaginary-Axis Direction

226. On Singular Distributions With Statistical Structure

227. Interpolative Reich-Rus-Ciric and Hardy-Rogers Contraction on Quasi-Partial b-Metric Space and Related Fixed Point Results

228. Homological dimension of elementary amenable groups

229. Finitary birepresentations of finitary bicategories

230. The KK-theory of amalgamated free products

231. Skew-field of trace-preserving endomorphisms, of translation group in affine plane

232. On integral operators in weighted grand Lebesgue spaces of Banach-valued functions

233. Affine category O, Koszul duality and Zuckerman functors

234. On Some Families of Certain Divisible Polynomials and Their Zeta Functions

235. Multiparametric Contractions and Related Hardy-Roger Type Fixed Point Theorems

236. Analysis of Homotopy Decomposition Varieties in Quotient Topological Spaces

237. Generalized Skew Semi-invariant Submersions

238. Fixed Point Problems on Generalized Metric Spaces in Perov’s Sense

239. Normal form near orbit segments of convex Hamiltonian systems

240. Explicit equations of a fake projective plane

241. Certain Hadamard Proportional Fractional Integral Inequalities

242. New Results on Elliptic Equations with Nonlocal Boundary Coefficient-Operator Conditions in UMD Spaces: Noncommutative Cases

243. A Poisson Problem of Transmission-type for the Stokes and Generalized Brinkman Systems in Complementary Lipschitz Domains in $\mathbb{R}^3$

244. Generic conformally flat hypersurfaces and surfaces in 3-sphere

245. A note on the refined Strichartz estimates and maximal extension operator

246. Densities of Generalized Stochastic areas and windings arising from Anti-de Sitter and Hopf fibrations

247. The structure theory of nilspaces I

248. Uniqueness of compact ancient solutions to three-dimensional Ricci flow

249. Locally constrained curvature flows and geometric inequalities in hyperbolic space

250. Parafermionic bases of standard modules for affine Lie algebras