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1. Tikhonov regularization of a second order dynamical system with Hessian driven damping

2. Global optimization in Hilbert space

3. Modified Extragradient Method for Pseudomonotone Variational Inequalities in Infinite Dimensional Hilbert Spaces

4. Mappings with finite length distortion and prime ends on Riemann surfaces

5. Necessary optimality conditions for a semivectorial bilevel optimization problem using the kth-objective weighted-constraint approach

6. Special Functions as Solutions to the Euler–Poisson–Darboux Equation with a Fractional Power of the Bessel Operator

7. Optimal proximal augmented Lagrangian method and its application to full Jacobian splitting for multi-block separable convex minimization problems

8. $$L^p$$ L p Sobolev Regularity for a Class of Radon and Radon-Like Transforms of Various Codimension

9. Phaseless Sampling and Reconstruction of Real-Valued Signals in Shift-Invariant Spaces

10. A Type of Time-Symmetric Stochastic System and Related Games

11. A note on the refined Strichartz estimates and maximal extension operator

12. A Smoothing Newton Method with a Mixed Line Search for Monotone Weighted Complementarity Problems

13. Modified Halpern Iterative Method for Solving Hierarchical Problem and Split Combination of Variational Inclusion Problem in Hilbert Space

14. Statistical equi-equal convergence of positive linear operators

15. Mean Value Property of Harmonic Functions on the Tetrahedral Sierpinski Gasket

16. Minimal Complex Surfaces with Levi–Civita Ricci-flat Metrics

17. Properties and Inference for a New Class of Generalized Rayleigh Distributions with an Application

18. What are Lyapunov exponents, and why are they interesting?

19. Strong Convergence Theorem on Split Equilibrium and Fixed Point Problems in Hilbert Spaces

20. On the strong divergence of Hilbert transform approximations and a problem of Ul’yanov

21. Generalized Lagrange multiplier rule for non-convex vector optimization problems


23. A Fast Relaxed Normal Two Split Method and an Effective Weighted TV Approach for Euler's Elastica Image Inpainting

24. Solving a system of split variational inequality problems

25. Adaptive regularization with cubics on manifolds

26. Infinite-server queues with Hawkes input

27. Random Discretization of the Finite Fourier Transform and Related Kernel Random Matrices

28. Finite-Time Stabilization of Homogeneous Non-Lipschitz Systems

29. A Variational Model for Joint Motion Estimation and Image Reconstruction

30. The rate of convergence for the cyclic projections algorithm III: Regularity of convex sets

31. Nonlinear frames and sparse reconstructions in Banach spaces

32. Inexact accelerated high-order proximal-point methods

33. Asymptotic Behavior of a Class of Perturbed Differential Equations

34. Estimation of Multicomponent Reliability Based on Progressively Type II Censored Data from Unit Weibull Distribution

35. A new linesearch iterative scheme for finding a common solution of split equilibrium and fixed point problems

36. <math xmlns='' id='M1'> <mi>β</mi> </math>-Stability in <math xmlns='' id='M2'> <mi>q</mi> </math>-th Moment of Neutral Impulsive Stochastic Functional Differential Equations with Markovian Switching

37. The Recursive Properties of the Error Term of the Fourth Power Mean of the Generalized Cubic Gauss Sums

38. MIMO capacity for deterministic channel models: sublinear growth

39. Criteria for statistical convergence with respect to power series methods

40. Solving two-dimensional nonlinear fuzzy Volterra integral equations by homotopy analysis method

41. Efficient procedure to generate generalized Gaussian noise using linear spline tools

42. Strong convergence inertial projection algorithm with self-adaptive step size rule for pseudomonotone variational inequalities in Hilbert spaces

43. Jacobian Nonsingularity in Nonlinear Symmetric Conic Programming Problems and Its Application

44. Second-order optimality conditions and regularity of Lagrange multipliers for mixed optimal control problems

45. Internal stabilization of the plate equation in a square : the continuous and the semi-discretized problems

46. Characterizations of Centralizable Mappings on Algebras of Locally Measurable Operators

47. New Tseng-Degree Gradient Method in Variational Inequality Problem

48. Extended stochastic gradient Markov chain Monte Carlo for large-scale Bayesian variable selection

49. On higher-order proto-differentiability and higher-order asymptotic proto-differentiability of weak perturbation maps in parametric vector optimization

50. Dilations of dual g-frame generators for an abstract wavelet system