The BIF-hosted iron ore system represents the world's largest and highest grade iron ore districts and deposits. BIF, the precursor to low- and high-grade BIF hosted iron ore, consists of Archean and Paleoproterozoic Algoma-type BIF (e.g., Serra Norte iron ore district in the Carajas Mineral Province), Proterozoic Lake Superior-type BIF (e.g., deposits in the Hamersley Province and craton), and Neoproterozoic Rapitan-type BIF (e.g., the Urucum iron ore district). The BIF-hosted iron ore system is structurally controlled, mostly via km-scale normal and strike-slips fault systems, which allow large volumes of ascending and descending hydrothermal fluids to circulate during Archean or Proterozoic deformation or early extensional events. Structures are also (passively) accessed via downward flowing supergene fluids during Cenozoic times. At the depositional site the transformation of BIF to low- and high-grade iron ore is controlled by: (1) structural permeability, (2) hypogene alteration caused by ascending deep fluids (largely magmatic or basinal brines), and descending ancient meteoric water, and (3) supergene enrichment via weathering processes. Hematite- and magnetite-based iron ores include a combination of microplaty hematite–martite, microplaty hematite with little or no goethite, martite–goethite, granoblastic hematite, specular hematite and magnetite, magnetite–martite, magnetite-specular hematite and magnetite–amphibole, respectively. Goethite ores with variable amounts of hematite and magnetite are mainly encountered in the weathering zone. In most large deposits, three major hypogene and one supergene ore stages are observed: (1) silica leaching and formation of magnetite and locally carbonate, (2) oxidation of magnetite to hematite (martitisation), further dissolution of quartz and formation of carbonate, (3) further martitisation, replacement of Fe silicates by hematite, new microplaty hematite and specular hematite formation and dissolution of carbonates, and (4) replacement of magnetite and any remaining carbonate by goethite and magnetite and formation of fibrous quartz and clay minerals. Hypogene alteration of BIF and surrounding country rocks is characterised by: (1) changes in the oxide mineralogy and textures, (2) development of distinct vertical and lateral distal, intermediate and proximal alteration zones defined by distinct oxide–silicate–carbonate assemblages, and (3) mass negative reactions such as de-silicification and de-carbonatisation, which significantly increase the porosity of high-grade iron ore, or lead to volume reduction by textural collapse or layer-compaction. Supergene alteration, up to depths of 200 m, is characterised by leaching of hypogene silica and carbonates, and dissolution precipitation of the iron oxyhydroxides. Carbonates in ore stages 2 and 3 are sourced from external fluids with respect to BIF. In the case of basin-related deposits, carbon is interpreted to be derived from deposits underlying carbonate sequences, whereas in the case of greenstone belt deposits carbonate is interpreted to be of magmatic origin. There is only limited mass balance analyses conducted, but those provide evidence for variable mobilization of Fe and depletion of SiO2. In the high-grade ore zone a volume reduction of up to 25% is observed. Mass balance calculations for proximal alteration zones in mafic wall rocks relative to least altered examples at Beebyn display enrichment in LOI, F, MgO, Ni, Fe2O3total, C, Zn, Cr and P2O5 and depletions of CaO, S, K2O, Rb, Ba, Sr and Na2O. The Y/Ho and Sm/Yb ratios of mineralised BIF at Windarling and Koolyanobbing reflect distinct carbonate generations derived from substantial fluid–rock reactions between hydrothermal fluids and igneous country rocks, and a chemical carbonate-inheritance preserved in supergene goethite. Hypogene and supergene fluids are paramount for the formation of high-grade BIF-hosted iron ore because of the enormous amount of: (1) warm (100–200 °C) silica-undersaturated alkaline fluids necessary to dissolve quartz in BIF, (2) oxidized fluids that cause the oxidation of magnetite to hematite, (3) weakly acid (with moderate CO2 content) to alkaline fluids that are necessary to form widespread metasomatic carbonate, (4) carbonate-undersaturated fluids that dissolve the diagenetic and metasomatic carbonates, and (5) oxidized fluids to form hematite species in the hypogene- and supergene-enriched zone and hydroxides in the supergene zone. Four discrete end-member models for Archean and Proterozoic hypogene and supergene-only BIF hosted iron ore are proposed: (1) granite–greenstone belt hosted, strike-slip fault zone controlled Carajas-type model, sourced by early magmatic (± metamorphic) fluids and ancient “warm” meteoric water; (2) sedimentary basin, normal fault zone controlled Hamersley-type model, sourced by early basinal (± evaporitic) brines and ancient “warm” meteoric water. A variation of the latter is the metamorphosed basin model, where BIF (ore) is significantly metamorphosed and deformed during distinct orogenic events (e.g., deposits in the Quadrilatero Ferrifero and Simandou Range). It is during the orogenic event that the upgrade of BIF to medium- and high-grade hypogene iron took place; (3) sedimentary basin hosted, early graben structure controlled Urucum-type model, where glaciomarine BIF and subsequent diagenesis to very low-grade metamorphism is responsible for variable gangue leaching and hematite mineralisation. All of these hypogene iron ore models do not preclude a stage of supergene modification, including iron hydroxide mineralisation, phosphorous, and additional gangue leaching during substantial weathering in ancient or Recent times; and (4) supergene enriched BIF Capanema-type model, which comprises goethitic iron ore deposits with no evidence for deep hypogene roots. A variation of this model is ancient supergene iron ores of the Sishen-type, where blocks of BIF slumped into underlying karstic carbonate units and subsequently experienced Fe upgrade during deep lateritic weathering.