In Lake Washington, fish production through detritus-based food chains is substantially greater than fish production through the grazing food chain. The lack of significant grazing by fish on the zooplankton is a consequence of both piscivore predation and conditions in the planktivore spawning environment. At low planktivore abundance, squawfish may switch to benthos feeding, exploiting the abundant prickly sculpin. At high planktivore abundance, squawfish feed more heavily on planktivores. Thus, even when reproductive success of planktivores is good, swamping of the squawfish population does not occur and depensatory mortality due to squawfish predation prevents planktivore abundance from increasing to the point where zooplankton resource depletion would occur. Benthic–littoral species are vulnerable to predation essentially only as larva and juveniles. They avoid predation by occupying littoral and epibenthic refugia. Recruitment to the adult population from these refugia may be sufficient to account for the greater rate of benthos exploitation by fish relative to the rate of zooplankton exploitation by fish. Neomysis is an important component of the Lake Washington fish production, since potentially Neomysis is a regulating agent on the zooplankton, and reduction in Neomysis predation on zooplankton, due to decreasing abundance and a deeper vertical distribution, may be partly responsible for the recent reappearance of Daphnia. The response of the fish community to trophic changes in Lake Washington has been slight. No consistent trends in the growth of fish utilizing zooplankton were observed. However, annual growth increments of consumers utilizing the benthic detrital food chain have declined with sewage diversion. The insights gained from analyzing the Lake Washington fish community structure and the Lake Washington carbon budget corroborate the above response of the fish community to trophic changes. Planktivores are predator-controlled and not able to deplete zooplankton resources, and thus would be insensitive to alterations in standing crop of zooplankton. On the other hand, benthic–littoral fish are more resource-limited and would be expected to respond to alterations in their forage base. Key words: ecosystem, fish, production, Lake Washington, eutrophication, predation