30 results on '"Non fiction"'
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2. Prescriptum.
- Author
Hajduk-Gawron, Wioletta
- Abstract
Copyright of Postscriptum Polonistyczne is the property of Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Slaskiego and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
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3. Literatura non fiction nad Dunajem. Recepcja wybranych polskich utworów na Węgrzech
- Author
László Kálmán Nagy
- Subjects
współczesna literatura węgierska ,non fiction ,recepcja literatury polskiej za granicą ,Language and Literature - Abstract
W artykule zostały zaprezentowane wybrane zagadnienia dotyczące problematyki literatury non fiction na Węgrzech oraz recepcja niektórych polskich utworów. W kulturze węgierskiej literatura non fiction do dziś nie uzyskała właściwej pozycji i w pewnym sensie uważana jest za twórczość marginalną, która nie ma stałego miejsca w narodowym kanonie. Jest ona konsekwentnie pomijana w nowych opracowaniach historycznoliterackich i brakuje ciągłości w prezentacji tego dorobku. Gatunek ten uzyskał w latach 30. pewien rozgłos i popularność dzięki socjograficznemu nurtowi prozy węgierskiej reprezentowanemu przez Gyulę Illyésa. Natomiast od drugiej połowy XX wieku np. ojciec węgierskiego reportażu Árpád Pásztor należy już do kręgu zapomnianych pisarzy, choć na początku XX stulecia jako korespondent stołecznych pism przysyłał reportaże z różnych krajów świata. Literaturoznawcy zapomnieli także o zmarłym w 2022 roku Györgyu Moldovie, który w okresie realnego socjalizmu uchodził za najbardziej znanego i popularnego autora literatury non fiction. Wiele wybitnych polskich tekstów non fiction, np. Ryszarda Kapuścińskiego, było w stanie wypełnić pewną lukę w kulturze węgierskiej dzięki zaangażowanym w polską kulturę węgierskim tłumaczom-polonistom. Do najciekawszych pozycji non fiction z punktu widzenia kultury węgierskiej należą w ostatnim okresie książki Andrzeja Stasiuka, Ziemowita Szczerka i Krzysztofa Vargi.
- Published
- 2024
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4. Rodolfo Walsh: de la resistencia al compromiso revolucionario.
- Author
Lombardo, Martín
- Subjects
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JUNTAS , *ARMED Forces , *OPEN letters , *JOURNALISM , *VISION - Abstract
Introduction Rodolfo Walsh's work is an undisputed part of Latin American journalism. Operación masacre, a point of reference when talking about pioneering texts that combine journalism, chronicle and literature, usually monopolizes most of the studies on Walsh's work. Objective In order to broaden the analysis, this article aims to focus on the author's journalistic work and detect the invariants and variables that occurred over time. Method From a literary-journalistic register, we approach the life and work of Rodolfo Walsh. We then opted for a reading of Walsh's three major journalistic works and an analysis of those works in their political context. We stand on the many critics who have studied the author, as well as the personal diaries that Walsh has left after his death. Results The diachronic study of Walsh's work provides us with the criticisms that Walsh has made of the different Argentine institutions: military forces, unions, journalism, justice. Likewise, the search for justice appears as a constant in his work. Conclusions Rodolfo Walsh's journalistic vision is condensed in the last text that he has published while alive, the open letter to the military junta. In that text he makes explicit his vision about journalism and the commitment that this vision of journalism implies. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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5. Nominare l’attuale. Alessandro Gazoia, Roberto Calasso
- Author
Roberto Lapia
- Subjects
essai ,terrorisme ,Non fiction ,Calasso (Roberto) ,Gazoia (Alessandro) ,Romanic languages ,PC1-5498 - Abstract
Selon Francesco Orlando, les textes littéraires peuvent devenir des documents qui nous parlent de ce qui, dans la société, agit sous trace et qui n’a pas encore été pleinement compris voire articulé. Il s’agirait d’œuvres qui fonctionnent tels de grands négatifs photographiques : c’est le cas de Giusto terrore de Alessandro Gazoia et de L’innominabile attuale de Roberto Calasso. Dans ces deux textes semble se manifester une volonté géognostique de la part des deux auteurs, qui, à travers le carottage de la réalité qui nous entoure, tentent de sonder et d’interpréter les recoins les plus profonds de notre présent, en partant d’un point focal : la terreur, voire le terrorisme contemporain, notamment celui de matrice djihadiste.
- Published
- 2019
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6. Vidas precarias: los migrantes centroamericanos en las crónicas de Óscar Martínez
- Author
Emanuela Jossa
- Subjects
Non fiction ,chronique journalistique ,Martinez (Óscar) ,méthode immersive ,migrants ,Romanic languages ,PC1-5498 - Abstract
L’objectif de l’article est d’analyser le travail de non-fiction du journaliste salvadorien Óscar Martínez, Los migrantes que no importan, publié en 2010. Pendant deux ans, le journaliste a croisé le chemin des migrants d’Amérique centrale, depuis la frontière sud du Mexique jusqu’aux Etats-Unis, et a raconté les harcèlements subis par les hommes et les femmes fuyant la pauvreté ou la violence dans leur pays. Ses textes analysent également les causes du phénomène migratoire en Amérique centrale, dans un but éthique et politique clair. Cet article établit un dialogue avec d’autres essais critiques sur la non-fiction et démontre que les chroniques d’Óscar Martínez sont le fruit d’une recherche formelle précise et d’un usage judicieux de différentes stratégies narratives caractérisant le genre.
- Published
- 2019
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7. Les Journaux en public d’Enrico Deaglio
- Author
Claudio Milanesi
- Subjects
journalisme ,non fiction ,Deaglio (Enrico) ,Berlusconi (Silvio) ,Mani Pulite ,Forza Italia ,Romanic languages ,PC1-5498 - Abstract
Si l’emergence de la non fiction novel dans le contexte italen ne fait plus de doute, les caractères qui en font un genre à part restent à préciser. Il convient d’en étudier les formes de composition, et d’en déceler les composantes narratives. Enrico Deaglio est l’un des auteurs les plus originaux qui se sont distingués dans le genre. L’article étudie les limites chronologiques et la géographie, les sources, les méthodes et styles de composition, les modalités du discours de trois de ses ouvrages des années quatre-vingt-dix, Raccolto rosso (1993), Besame mucho (1995), Bella ciao (1996).
- Published
- 2019
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8. Miradas sobre el territorio
- Author
Yael Natalia Tejero Yosovitch
- Subjects
Non fiction ,chroniques ,Guerriero (Leila) ,Cristoff (María Sonia) ,Romanic languages ,PC1-5498 - Abstract
Les chroniques Los suicidas del fin del mundo (2005), de Leila Guerriero et Falsa calma. Un recorrido por los pueblos fantasma de la Patagonia (2005), de María Sonia Cristoff, racontent les histoires des territoires argentins traversés par diverses formes d’isolement. Les textes font partie d’une tradition littéraire argentine qui commence avec l’organisation de l’expérience visuelle de l’ordre colonial et continue dans l’essai d’interprétation national des XIXe et XXe siècles. Dans ces travaux, le regard sur le paysage et la topographie contient une réflexion sur l’interaction entre la société, l’État et l’environnement géographique et les projets de la nation en conflit.
- Published
- 2019
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9. Il dramma di Mayzeling analizzato e rappresentato da G.A. Borgese
- Author
Stefano Magni
- Subjects
tragédie ,fait divers ,Non fiction ,enquête historique ,Borgese (Giuseppe Antonio) ,Mayerling ,Romanic languages ,PC1-5498 - Abstract
Le drame de Mayerling a inspiré de nombreuses œuvres de fictions. Les faits, d’ailleurs s’y prêtent : le 30 janvier 1889, Rodolphe – le prince héritier, marié, de la famille Habsbourg – est trouvé mort dans des circonstances mystérieuses dans un lit de son pavillon de chasse, à Mayerling, à côté d’une femme, elle aussi sans vie. Les versions officieuses et officielle(s) se diffusent immédiatement. Au début des années 1920, G.A. Borgese s’est consacré à ce drame en écrivant deux livres sur les faits : La tragedia di Mayerling, texte en prose, et L’Arciduca, une pièce de théâtre, parcourent l’un la vie entière des deux héros, l’autre la dernière nuit des deux amants, en tentant d’analyser et reconstruire ce qui a réellement poussé ces deux aristocrates à se donner une mort commune.
- Published
- 2019
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10. « Tutto era innominabile ma niente era inimmaginabile »
- Author
Cinzia Scarpino
- Subjects
Non fiction ,essay ,Didion (Joan) ,The White Album ,Manson (Charles) ,new journalism ,Romanic languages ,PC1-5498 - Abstract
Joan Didion’s «The White Album» – the key essay of the 1979 nonfiction book of the same name – offers the reader a reflection on the ethical and aesthetic predicament of chronicling the countercultural Zeitgeist of 1960s California by imposing a narrative line on «stories without a narrative». To do so, Didion hones her authorial persona as survivor and witness to the end of a decade that finds its metaphorical climax in the Manson Murders. «The White Album» is therefore by all means a narrative of survival: Didion survives her life in «a senseless killing neighborhood» in L.A., the paranoia of her time, her own multiple sclerosis diagnosis, and her overexposed subjectivity. This essay looks at some of the stylistic devices through which Didion weaves her narrative by juxtaposing disparate and highly idiosyncratic images of that season.
- Published
- 2019
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11. Le dire-vrai sur un savoir-faire
- Author
Gerardo Iandoli
- Subjects
autobiographie ,non fiction ,journal intime ,faits divers ,Pascarella (Selene) ,Romanic languages ,PC1-5498 - Abstract
L’article analyse Tabloid Inferno de Selene Pascarella. Dans la première partie, il analyse le genre du texte : il s’agit d’une forme particulière de non fiction, c’est-à-dire une autobiographie sous forme d’aveu, ce qui permet à l’autrice de décrire son ancien travail de journaliste : elle couvrait les faits divers dans des revues de piètre qualité. En analysant sa vie, elle observe ainsi les différentes façons de représenter les délits qui sont souvent mystifiés. Ainsi la deuxième partie de cet article a pour objectif de montrer que le texte est aussi un essai de critique textuelle sous forme de narration.
- Published
- 2019
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12. Archivo, memoria, cementerio
- Author
Néstor Ponce
- Subjects
mémoire ,science-fiction ,Non fiction ,récit hybride ,Convertini (Horacio) ,dystopie ,Romanic languages ,PC1-5498 - Abstract
Écrivain reconnu par sa production de romans policiers, Horacio Convertini s’investit dans les terrains de la science-fiction pour proposer un récit hybride dans une Argentine du futur, détruite par la corruption, les dictatures, les populismes et la négligence. Au milieu des ruines de cette Argentine malheureuse, émerge la figure d’un colonel messianique qui se propose de sauver le pays. Le présent de la diégèse renvoie à un passé récent, dans lequel le lecteur doit chercher les pistes pour comprendre la dimension du malheur. La mémoire agit comme une archive qu’il faut pénétrer pour dévoiler le rapport entre l’histoire et la science-fiction.
- Published
- 2019
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13. Entre témoignage, archives et invention
- Author
Laura Balaguer
- Subjects
documentaire ,Non fiction ,roman témoignage ,film ,Ardito (Ernesto) ,Molina (Virna) ,Romanic languages ,PC1-5498 - Abstract
En 2004, Gaby Meik publie un roman témoignage où elle retrace ses premières années de militantisme. Ernesto Ardito et Virna Molina terminent leur documentaire El futuro es nuestro en 2014 où ils reconstruisent les vies de ces adolescents. En 2017, ils réalisent leur film, Sinfonía para Ana, une adaptation du roman de Gaby Meik. Comment ces œuvres retracent-elles à travers différents genres l’histoire de ces jeunes au milieu des années 70 ? Quelles répercussions ont-elles dans la société actuelle argentine ? Quel a été le processus de création des réalisateurs pour Sinfonía para Ana qui, basé sur des faits réels, propose un regard subjectif et poétique sur une époque clé de l’histoire argentine ?
- Published
- 2019
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14. Bouleverser la non fiction : Haïti chez Michel Soukar
- Author
Margarita Aurora Vargas Canales
- Subjects
Non fiction ,roman historique ,Soukar (Michel) ,intrigues politiques ,Romanic languages ,PC1-5498 - Abstract
L’écrivain Haïtien Michel Soukar (1955-) a publié trois romans: 1) Cora Géffrard, Mémoire d’encrier (2009), 2) La prison des jours, Mémoire d´encrier (2012) et 3) La dernière nuit de Cincinnatus Leconte, Mémoire d´encrier (2013). Les trois parlent de trois faits historiques dans l’histoire haïtienne: le premier de l’assassinat de la fille du Président Fabre Géffrard, Cora Géffrard en 1861, le deuxième du résistant Antoine Pierre-Paul contre les forces de l’Occupation étatsunienne (peut-être 1915-1917) et le troisième de l’assassinat du Président Cincinnatus Leconte en 1912 juste avant l’Occupation étatsunienne. Cependant, les faits historiques (la non fiction) sont bouleversés à travers l’écriture de Michel Soukar. Dans cet article on analysera les voies, c’est-à-dire les stratégies narratives et le traitement littéraire des protagonistes dans les romans de Soukar pour problématiser les notions de fiction et de non fiction.
- Published
- 2019
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15. Like a Rolling Stone: histoire et littératurechez Hayden White
- Author
Rodrigo Díaz Maldonado
- Subjects
postmodernisme ,histoire ,Ginzburg (Carlo) ,Non fiction ,vérité ,preuve ,Romanic languages ,PC1-5498 - Abstract
L’article présente quelques-unes parmi les principales thèses de Hayden White sur la relation entre histoire et fiction. L’on commencera par aborder l’œuvre de White en examinant les critiques menées à son encontre par de proéminents historiens (Momigliano, Ginzburg, Chartier, Iggers) l’accusant en particulier de promouvoir un relativisme radical ou encore d’être postmoderne. À partir des réponses apportées par White à ces critiques, l’article se concentre sur l’analyse de trois aspects de la pensée de White: 1) les caractéristiques saillantes de son relativisme, 2) la nature de la relation qu’elle établit entre histoire et littérature et 3) la dimension éthique qu’elle confère au discours historique.
- Published
- 2019
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16. Caccia alla volpe: nel labirinto della non fiction
- Author
Clotilde Bertoni, Tomaso Montanari, Gianluigi Simonetti. Ed. Clotilde Bertoni, Niccolò Scaffai
- Subjects
Non fiction ,Etica e letteratura ,Letteratura contemporanea ,Geography. Anthropology. Recreation ,Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar ,P101-410 ,Translating and interpreting ,P306-310 - Abstract
Con questo numero inauguriamo una nuova rubrica, Campo aperto, che ospiterà discussioni e polemiche su opere recenti e questioni controverse. Partiamo con un confronto che, incentrato su Max Fox o le relazioni pericolose di Sergio Luzzatto (2019), si dilata in ragionamento sul rapporto tra etica e letteratura e sulle caratteristiche della non fiction contemporanea.
- Published
- 2020
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- Subjects
Copyright of Itinerarios (1507-7241) is the property of University of Warsaw and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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18. Diamela Eltit
- Author
Lazzara, Michael J., Barrientos Olivares, Mónica, Olivera-Williams, Rosa, Brix, Catherine M., Fischer, Carl, and Ramanathan, Sowmya
- Subjects
communities ,power ,gender ,body ,dictatorship ,non fiction ,essays ,contemporary literature ,Chile ,bic Book Industry Communication::D Literature & literary studies::DN Prose: non-fiction::DNF Literary essays ,bic Book Industry Communication::D Literature & literary studies - Abstract
Diamela Eltit’s literary work emerged on the Chilean cultural scene in the 1980s when the Pinochet regime (1973-1990) had consolidated its project of extermination, censorship, and neoliberal shock therapy. Forced to write in a suffocating atmosphere of restriction and violence, Eltit boldly cultivated a radical, insurrectional poetics aimed at questioning the very underpinnings of authoritarian power and discourse. While Eltit’s novels, published between 1983 and the present, provide a remarkable vision of Chile that has evolved over the past decades, she offers a different vantage point through her prolific and rigorous cultivation of literary essays. Translated for the first time into English, this collection of Eltit’s essays allows readers to delve into her key concerns as a writer and intellectual: the neoliberal marketplace; the marginalization of bodies in society; questions of gender and power; struggles for memory, truth, and justice after dictatorship; and the ever-complex relationships among politics, ethics, and aesthetics.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Kieling, Alexandre and Lázaro Roncador, Natália
- Subjects
INFORMATION resources ,PRODUCTION increases ,TRUTH ,MOTION pictures ,NONFICTION ,REALITY television programs - Abstract
Copyright of Esferas is the property of Esferas and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
20. Chronique, fiction, roman de non-fiction: Pouvoir et impouvoir de la fiction face au narcotrafic.
- Author
OLIVIER, Florence
- Abstract
Copyright of Caravelle: Cahiers du Monde Hispanique et Luso-Bresilien is the property of Presses Universitaires du Mirail and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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21. Die diepblou see (Francois Loots)
- Author
Reinhardt Fourie
- Subjects
Afrikaans literature ,Francois Loots ,Non fiction ,Jan Hofmeyr ,African languages and literature ,PL8000-8844 - Published
- 2018
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22. Per un superamento delle 'due culture'. I nuovi albi illustrati di divulgazione per l'infanzia e l'intreccio possibile e fecondo tra scienza e arte.
- Author
- Abstract
In our modern world, there is a clash between scientific research and the humanities, between the exact, experimental, objective knowledge offered us by the natural sciences and the unprovable but touching insights, enlightenments, and awareness acquired through literature, poetry, art, philosophy, and our sensitive, emotional immersion in the world. The two kinds of knowledge are usually kept separate or deemed opposite in our Western culture, but they come together in an illuminating way within and thanks to a new genre of picturebook for children that has been spreading at an international level over the last decade and demands critical analysis. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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23. Ironia o persuasione? La scelta di Emmanuel Carrère nel Regno
- Author
Alessandro Cinquegrani
- Subjects
Ironia ,Persuasione ,Retorica ,Non Fiction ,Emmanuel Carrère ,Geography. Anthropology. Recreation ,Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar ,P101-410 ,Translating and interpreting ,P306-310 - Abstract
The aim of this essay is that one to understand the relationship between irony and persuasion into the work by Emmanuel Carrère, in particular referring to L’Adversaire and Le Royaume, which are deeply related. This study will demonstrate that Carrère and Michelstaedter, even if they do not have a direct relation, use similar words to express their thought; this justifies the recall to the author from Trieste as a theoretical and philosophical support for the analysis of the works by the French author. Through a deep comparison of the works and a consistent number of quotations, it will be analysed in particular: 1. The passage from the fiction to the non fiction; 2. The relationship, not linear, between these two aspects and those called persuasion and rethoric by Michelstaedter; 3. The oppositive relationship between irony and persuasion (referring to the definitions by Bergson and Pirandello); 4.The persistence of irony and rhetoric in Le Royaume which are denied by an ending leading to persuasion. The reached results show that The Royaume ends an open path with L’Adversaire and an entire season in the production by Carrère characterised by the use of irony and unbelief. In the ending of his last book, the French author chooses to sacrify his own identity of a writer and of a skeptical intellectual to hug that one of a persuade man.
- Published
- 2016
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24. Facts, Politics, Creativity. Political Commitment in Contemporary Narrations Through Two Case Studies: Presente and Piove all’insù
- Author
Carlo Tirinanzi De Medici
- Subjects
Rastello ,Vasta ,Murgia ,Nori ,Bajani ,Non fiction ,romanzo ,Anni Zero ,Walter Benjamin ,Diario ,Anni di piombo ,Impegno ,Geography. Anthropology. Recreation ,Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar ,P101-410 ,Translating and interpreting ,P306-310 - Abstract
Il saggio affronta due modalità di scrittura contemporanee che si sono prestate ad un uso impegnato, politico-civile: le forme a bassa finzionalità e quelle romanzesche. Dopo un'analisi teorica che parte da Benjamin e cerca d'identificare le recenti perturbazioni nel sistema narrativo, il saggio affronta il diario a otto mani "Presente" rilevando come l'aderenza ai fatti sia progressivamente messa in discussione in favore di uno spunto creativo - antirealistico che mette in crisi le strategie veridittive della forma-diario come mezzo per descrivere l'attualità. Il secondo libro in analisi è il romanzo "Piove all'insù", di cui si sottolinea la distanza da altre narrative "storiche" o "metastoriche", e dai vari "romanzi della memoria" diffusi in tempo recente, sottolineando come al centro del libro di Rastello ci sia una spinta utopistica, decisamente anti-fattuale, alla base della volontà di azione politica. Le conclusioni rilevano come entrambe queste forme, pur così diverse, non ritengono possibile agire sullo stato di cose – impegnarsi – senza utilizzare la carica figurale tipica della letteratura.
- Published
- 2016
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25. Venezia 74: fuoco e fuori fuoco nel cinema di non fiction
- Author
Alberto Brodesco
- Subjects
Venice ,non fiction ,1974 ,Visual arts ,N1-9211 ,Literature (General) ,PN1-6790 - Published
- 2017
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26. Periferias genéricas: la crónica y el documental frente a las urbanizaciones privadas
- Author
Mercedes Alonso
- Subjects
no ficción ,crónica ,documental ,barrio privado ,alteridad ,non fiction ,Fine Arts ,Language and Literature - Abstract
Resumen: En la Argentina de la primera década del siglo XXI, las urbanizaciones cerradas fueron escenario de diversas obras de ficción literaria y fílmica que parecían hacer eco a la atención mediática que reclamaban tanto la consolidación del fenómeno como una serie de hechos policiales de amplia repercusión. Sin embargo, resultaron prácticamente ausentes de los géneros no-ficcionales del cine y la literatura tradicionalmente enfocados a la representación de lo marginal. Ese virtual vacío llama la atención sobre el documental La ciudad que huye (2006) de Lucrecia Martel y la crónica Mundo privado. Historias de vida en countries, barrios privados y ciudades cerradas (2007) de Patricia Rojas. Por su singularidad, los dos permiten pensar no solo las posibilidades narrativas del barrio privado sino las configuraciones genéricas y los imaginarios que se les asocian y que parecen entrar en contradicción con estos espacios vinculados al privilegio. Palabras claves: No ficción, barrios cerrados, literatura y cine. Abstract: In the first decade of the XXI century Argentina, gated communities were the setting of a wide number of filmic and literary fictions that seemed to echo the attention the media was giving to the phenomenon due to its consolidation and the impact of a series of crimes that took place in them. However, they remained absent from non-fiction both in literature and film, genres traditionally concerned with the representation of the margin. This virtual representational void calls attention to the documentary short La ciudad que huye (Lucrecia Martel, 2006) and Mundo privado. Historias de vida en countries, barrios privados y ciudades cerradas (Patricia Rojas, 2007). These works uniqueness enables us to ponder on the spaces narrative possibilities, on non-fiction as genre and on its usual themes and subjects that seem to reject these privileged scenarios. Key words: Non-fiction, Gated communities, Literature and Film.
- Published
- 2015
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27. Leggere i Classici in Oriente. Il mito della letteratura occidentale in Dai Sijie, Murakami Haruki, Azar Nafisi
- Author
Niccolò Scaffai
- Subjects
Orientalismo ,Letteratura europea ,Responsabilità ,Romanzo ,Non fiction ,Seconda guerra mondiale ,Dittatura ,Geography. Anthropology. Recreation ,Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar ,P101-410 ,Translating and interpreting ,P306-310 - Abstract
This study focuses on three recent literary works (fiction and non-fiction novels) written by authors of Asiatic origins: the French-speaking Chinese writer, Dai Sijie, the Iranian professor, Azar Nafisi, and the Japanese writer, Murakami Haruki. In the titles of these international bestsellers (Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress, Reading Lolita in Tehran, and Kafka on the Shore), we find an oxymoron: the name of a famous, canonical Western writer or character is used in an unusual context, linked to the geography of the near or far East. The consequent effect of estrangement can restore strength to literature, perhaps with greater determination than is possible in Western cultures. By using (and reversing) the coordinates of Edward Said’s idea of Orientalism and, as in Kafka on the Shore, certain concepts of the Lacanian theory, this study analyzes the transfer of the European literary myths towards Eastern cultures.
- Published
- 2011
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28. Operación masacre: la fundación mitológica del testimonio
- Author
Rossana Nofal
- Subjects
narrativa argentina ,literatura testimonial ,novela-testimonio ,non fiction ,Rodolfo Walsh ,Operación Masacre ,American literature ,PS1-3576 ,Latin America. Spanish America ,F1201-3799 - Abstract
A partir de Operación masacre, de Rodolfo Walsh, la autora distingue, en este ensayo, el testimonio de otras narrativas. Señala que no es literatura de bandidos, porque el sustrato son memorias de víctimas o de sobrevivientes de la impune violencia de Estado. Afirma que tampoco es reportaje o crónica periodística: en estos últimos no median una serie de entrevistas orales ni se plantean imágenes históricas totalizadoras. La autora insiste en el carácter revolucionario del testimonio, que busca construir una verdad absoluta, un discurso sin fisuras. A diferencia de la novela-testimonio, que es instrumento de conocimiento, este género tendría un sentido fundamentalmente histórico. Sostiene que, en Argentina, las víctimas directas de la violencia son quienes pueden solicitar reparación; por eso, los escritores de testimonio de la posdictadura se debaten entre la pertenencia al grupo de víctimas y la voluntad de asumir las causas políticas. Nofal concluye que Walsh, a diferencia de ellos, toma la palabra y dice la verdad desde su lugar de ciudadano y desde el espacio literario.
- Published
- 2010
29. A constant state of flux [Overview of Australian children's publishing]
- Author
Morrow, Robin
- Published
- 1999
30. Lo 'real posverídico' del caso Cassez-Vallarta revisado por Jorge Volpi
- Author
Cécile Quintana
- Subjects
non fiction ,crime ,post-truth ,Mexico ,justice ,Literature (General) ,PN1-6790 ,French literature - Italian literature - Spanish literature - Portuguese literature ,PQ1-3999 - Abstract
Una novela criminal by Jorge Volpi (2018) is one of the most famous and emblematic non fiction novels of last decade. Using no fiction criticism (Bessière, Ruffel), we will study how the Mexican writer, in the tradition of Truman Capote’s New Literary Journalism, reopens the judicial archive about such a controversial case as Florence Cassez-Israel Vallarta’s, both charged with kidnapping and accused of being part of the criminal band The Zodiac. His very lucid review of the file uses the concept of post-truth (Zenetti) to highlight the erratic relation concerning the facts on which the accusation is based. Beyond this particular case, we will analyze epistemological questions concerning the way in which certain political discourses today create and deliver truth.
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