Abstract The present research was conducted with the aim of providing a local model of organizational self-leadership with an emphasis on training in non-governmental organizations, with the approach of data-based theory, in Moalem Insurance Company. This research is of a mixed type. Participants in the qualitative part are 32 people (7 women and 25 men). In the quantitative part, the statistical population is 720 employees, and the sample size was determined by using Morgan's table to be 251 people. Next, using the snowball sampling method and reaching theoretical saturation, a semi-structured interview was conducted with 18 experts from Moalem Insurance Company. In the quantitative part of the research, a questionnaire was compiled from the output of the three stages of coding and the calculated components. Content validity method was used to evaluate its validity and reliability. To analyze the quantitative data of the questionnaire; structural equation modeling method with PLS approach and Smart_PLS software were used. Based on the obtained results, the native model of organizational self-leadership was calculated. Extended abstract Introduction Organizations are organized societies whose leaders are an elite class of that society (Eacott, 2018) and these elites are the creators of wealth in organizations. The biggest challenge of organizations in the 21st century is competition based on expensive resources, which determines the survival and growth of organizations. Among these sources, organizational leadership and human resources development have a special position and importance. In today's era, human resources have found a central position in organizations in such a way that the employees of any organization are considered the most valuable productive resource of that organization (Nazifkar et al., 2023), and the type of their leadership and guidance is a fundamental and determining factor for the management of organizations. Furthermore, paying attention to the human capital has important organizational and social consequences. Self-development approach is one of the most important new approaches to the development of human capital; and one of the most important and fundamental development mechanisms of this approach is self-leadership and self-management (Abili, Mazari, 2015). Based on this, awareness of the concept of self-leadership and the factors affecting it can have significant effects on organizations and the desired performance of individuals in line with the organizational vision. What is organizational leadership? What should be done to train efficient leaders in organizations? What is the mechanism of leadership development in organizations? Can the phenomenon of self-leadership and its effective training be useful in training effective leaders? These questions and such questions are the basic and important concerns of today's organizations, because the excellence of people, as the main assets of organizations, is one of the key duties and roles of leadership in organizations. Theoretical framework Leadership Leaders are the rarest basic resource of all organizations, and the effectiveness of organizations in today's complex world, which is characterized by the emergence of new changes, implies the existence of competent leaders (Mohtaram, Pakbaz, 2023). On this basis, organizations are continuously searching for effective leaders; leaders who are focused, motivated and inspiring in the face of adversity (Mutsoli, Oginde, 2023). It is very clear that the concept of leadership has a dynamic nature like any other phenomenon, so it is not a matter of discovery but a skill that can be learned. Self-leadership The term self-leadership was first proposed by Charles Manz (1986). The concept of self-leadership is the process of influencing oneself to move oneself in order to achieve the expected result (Manz, & Neck, 2009). In other words, self-leadership is a conscious exercise to control thoughts, behavior and inner feelings; and helps a person to achieve life goals. One of the most obvious abilities that can be developed in human resources is the ability of self-leadership, because self-leadership can potentially lead to creativity and innovation (Najafi Nezhad et al., 2021) as well as the career success of the organization's employees. On the other hand, in the explanation and preparation of the self-developing organization, self-leadership training can provide the sustainable development of human resources and capital and the continuous enjoyment of agile and growing human capital in the organization. NGO An organization is a purposeful group that follows a system, and has clear boundaries that separate it from its surrounding environment (Douma & Schreuder, 2017). Accordingly, a non-governmental organization is an organization that is not directly considered a part of the government structure and is established and managed with the personal funds of individuals and written articles of association. These organizations act based on their goals and vision in recruiting and cultivating human resources. Model A model is a representation of a system using constituent factors and a pattern of causal relationships between factors. In other words, a model is a representation of realities in which systems continuously behave in different and sometimes complex ways due to the internal interaction of components with each other and their external interaction with the environment. This diversity and complexity of the behaviors of a system prompts researchers in this field to design models and check the results by applying and making changes in it based on the desired variables and parameters to understand the complexity and describe or predict these behaviors. The first person who designed the self-leadership model was Manz (1986). Based on this model, he described self-leadership as a journey to self-discovery, a method of self-influence, a technique for self-efficacy, a source of behavioral control, and even a process of self-sufficiency. In a research titled investigating the role of self-leadership strategies on employee creativity as a mediator of career success, Shamkhani, Kazemi Laegh (2023) finally concluded that self-leadership strategy has a positive and significant effect on creativity with a role as a mediator of employee career success. In a research titled Self-Leadership as a Support for Empowerment, Klosel (2022) concluded that leadership empowerment should not only be considered as granting freedom of action in decision-making and action, but also the role of support in the development and performance of a role model of leaders should consciously be used; for this purpose, their self-leadership skills should also be continuously developed. In a research titled investigating the effect of self-leadership strategies on general self-efficacy beliefs, Proios et al., (2020) concluded that self-leadership strategies help to improve the general self-efficacy of participants in organizational activities. Self-goal setting, self-reward, self-punishment, and nature reward were found to be stronger predictors. In a study titled Why Self-Leadership Matters, Brownin (2018) concluded that organizational leaders are more sensitive to issues internal to their organization, such as diversity and talent management. These leaders must be able to reflect on their strengths and weaknesses and turn them into learning opportunities. Research methodology The strategy used in the current research is Data-based (Strauss and Corbin). The community of participants (qualitative part) is 32 people and the statistical community (quantitative part) is 720 people. The data collection tool in the qualitative part of the research was a semi-structured interview, which was conducted using the snowball sampling method with 18 experts until reaching theoretical saturation. Also, in order to collect information in the quantitative part of the research, a questionnaire was compiled and made available online to the statistical community of the quantitative part of the research. To analyze the data, the information went through the three steps of coding in such a way that the researcher selected the components while converting them into categories and aggregating and explaining the interrelationship of the categories, finalized the process of achieving a systematic theory by putting these categories together around one central category. In order to analyze the data in the quantitative part of the research, model fitting based on the structural equation model was used through Smart-PLS software. Research findings In the qualitative part, the central phenomenon of the research was determined; the category of organizational self-leadership with an emphasis on training in non-governmental organizations. Also, causal conditions with 7 categories, intervening conditions with 9 categories, background conditions with 7 categories, strategies with 9 categories and finally consequences with 5 categories were counted. In the quantitative part of the research, all categories have a factor loading above 0.50 at the confidence level of 0.95. On the other hand, the basis of significance of the items is that the significant number is greater than the value of ±1.96, which indicates the significance of factor loadings. In the model fitting output, CMIN/DF index was obtained equal to 1.515. The comparative fit indices are more than 90% and the economic indices are also greater than 0.5. Also, the RMSEA index was 0.043, which is less than 0.05. Therefore, the structural model of the research was confirmed. Discussion and conclusion The current research was conducted with the aim of presenting the indigenous model of organizational self-leadership with an emphasis on training in non-governmental organizations. Based on the findings of this research, the main category of statistics is self-leadership training at the individual and organizational level. The results calculated in this study are consistent with the results obtained in the following studies; Manz (1986), Browning (2018), Shamkhani & Kazemi Laegh (2023), Abdolmaleki & Khorasani (2019), Muller & Niessen (2019), Daud (2020), Proios et al., (2020), Liu et al., (2023), and Mousavi et al., (2020). Since self-leadership is a set of thinking, speaking, and acting skills that increase individual performance, improve performance efficiency, creativity and innovation and individual effectiveness; therefore it can be taught. In order to achieve this goal, including the subject of self-leadership skills in elementary school and high school courses; and further, expanding its education in the higher education system can play an essential role in the generation of self-leadership in the society. It is also very clear that training self-leadership skills at the organizational level also leads to self-responsibility, job satisfaction, entrepreneurship, a sense of trust between the members of the organization, better communication in the group, and ultimately more correct group decisions.