Arsenic is a notorious environmental toxicant known to becarcinogenic for the skin, lung and urinary bladder inhuman beings. The carcinogenicity of trimethylarsineoxide (TMAO), one organic metabolite of inorganicarsenics in humans and experimental animals, was investi-gated here in male Fischer 344 rats in a 2-year carcino-genicity test. TMAO was administered to a total of 129male rats ad libitum at concentrations of 0 (Control), 50or 200 p.p.m. in the drinking water. In animals that died orwere killed from the 87th week until the end of 104th week,incidences of hepatocellular adenomas were 14.3, 23.8 and35.6% in the 0, 50 and 200 p.p.m.-treated groups, respec-tively; the multiplicities were 0.21, 0.33 and 0.53. Both weresignificantly increased in the 200 p.p.m.-treated group.While a variety of other tumors developed in variousorgans, they were present in all groups, including the con-trols, and were histologically diagnosed as those known tooccur spontaneously in F344 rats. To test the contributionof reactive oxygen species (ROS) to TMAO tumorigenicityin the liver, 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) forma-tion was assessed by high performance liquid chromato-graphy.The8-OHdGvaluesforthe200p.p.m.TMAOgroupwere significantly higher than those for the control group.Furthermore, as assessed by the proliferating cell nuclearantigen index, cell proliferation in the normally appearingparenchyma was elevated by the TMAO treatment. Theseresults indicate that TMAO exerts liver tumorigenicitywith possible mechanistic roles for oxidative DNA damageand enhanced cell proliferation.IntroductionArsenic, an environmental toxicant known as a carcinogen forhuman beings (1,2), naturally occurs as a metalloid that existsininorganicaswellasorganicforms.Inorganicexamplesincludethe trivalent meta arsenite [As(III)], and the pentavalentarsenate [As(V)]. Millions of people in many countries arechronically exposed to various levels of arsenic, mainlythrough ingestion of contaminated water and food and tosome extent due to inhalation of arsenic in the ambient air(3). In areas of high arsenic exposure in India, arsenic is foundin drinking water at concentrations that can reach over 200–600 mg/l. According to WHO, the safe level of arsenic in wateris below 10 mg/l and the maximum permissible accepted limitis 50 mg/l (3). From epidemiological studies, the US NationalResearch Council reported that there is conclusive evidencethat ingestion of arsenic may cause bladder, lung and skincancers. Increased risks of other cancers, such as liver andkidney, in exposed people have also been reported (2).Methylation of inorganic arsenics is an important step duringthe process of their elimination in many mammals. Generationof monomethylarsonic acid [MMA(V)], monomethylarsonousacid [MMA(III)], dimethylarsinic acid [DMA(V)], dimethyl-arsinous acid [DMA(III)] and trimethylarsine oxide (TMAO)is due to methyltransferase enzymes in reactions that requireS-adenosyl-methionine and trimethylarsine [TMA(III)] is theproduct of this chemical reduction in vivo, the methylatedarsenic metabolites then being excreted via the urine(Figure 1) (4). During this process, arsenic is almost quantita-tively reduced from arsenate to arsenite in plasma and subse-quently methylated to MMA(V), MMA(III) and DMA(V) inthe liver (5). The population group or ethnicity, gender, age,dose level, route and form of exposure, pregnancy, nutritionand genetic polymorphisms, all affect methylation of arsenic(6,7). For instance, rats metabolize DMA(V) to TMAO to alarger extent [~30% of the administered DMA(V)] than domice, hamsters and humans (~3–6%) (8).Despite extensive research on the toxicity of arsenic, manyquestions remain unanswered, making risk assessment diffi-cult. For instance, it is still not known how the carcinogenicityof arsenic is mechanistically determined. Moreover, there isincreasing debate on whether the metabolic methylation ofarsenic should be considered a toxification or detoxificationprocess (9). Animal studies have shown that the liver is a majortarget organ for arsenic toxicity, being a vital organ for methy-lation of inorganic arsenite (10). However, an experiment inmice revealed that exposure to DMA(V) was without profoundeffect on this organ despite earlier induction of tumors withincreased multiplicity (11). In experiments on rats, two studiesdemonstrated urinary bladder carcinogenicity with long-termexposure to DMA(V), when administered in either the diet ordrinking water (12–14). DMA(V) can act as a tumor promoterin different animal organs, such as bladder, liver, kidney,thyroid and skin (15,16) and dose dependence has been con-firmed for promoting effects on urinary bladder (17) and livercarcinogenesis (18). Yamanaka et al. (19–21) found thatDMA(V) induced DNA damage in mouse and rat lung cellsand increased 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) levels intarget organs of carcinogenicity in the mouse, such as liver,lung, skin and urinary bladder. Recently, another long-term