Hisanori Fujita, Y. Fujita, S.Y. van der Werf, Gabriel Martínez-Pinedo, T. Shinada, Takeo Kawabata, M. Yoshifuku, Tetsuo Noro, H. Fujimura, Junichiro Kamiya, Y. Shimbara, Z. Janas, G.P.A. Berg, M. Yosoi, E. Caurier, Karlheinz Langanke, R.G.T. Zegers, T. Adachi, Kichiji Hatanaka, K. Hara, and E. Roeckl
Under the assumption that isospin is a good quantum number, symmetry is expected for the transitions from the ground states of T = 1, T z = ±1 nuclei to the common excited states of the T z = 0 nucleus situated between the two nuclei. The symmetry can be studied by comparing the strengths of Gamow-Teller (GT) transitions obtained from a (p, n)-type charge-exchange reaction on a target nucleus with T z = 1 with those from the β-decay of the T z = - 1 nucleus. The A = 58 system is the heaviest for which such a comparison is possible. As a part of the symmetry study, we measured the GT transitions from 58Ni (T z = 1) to 58Cu (T z = 0) by using the zero-degree (3 He, t) reaction at 150 MeV/nucleon. With the achieved resolution of 50 keV, many hitherto unresolved GT states have been identified. The GT transition strengths were obtained for states up to 8 MeV excitation, i.e., near to the Q window limitation ( Q EC = 9.37 MeV) of the β-decay from 58Zn (T z = - 1) to 58Cu. The strength distribution is compared with that from shell-model calculations.