To authenticate to the full-text of this article, please visit this link: Byline: MIA ARP FALLOV (1) Abstract: Abstract How are we to understand the spread of the notion of capacity building in neighbourhood regeneration and policies to fight social exclusion? In this article, capacity building is understood as central to the mode of contemporary governance and the strategies of 'the third way' in England and Denmark. The article explores the concept of community capacity building and its relations to social capital. It argues that the Foucaultian concept of 'management of possibilities' is a useful 'grid of intelligibility' for a mode of government that works by constructing particular subjectivities of inclusion. It argues further that Bourdieu's notion of 'habitus' enables analysis of how processes of capacity building are embodied and how the capacity building approach is legitimized. Using local experiences of neighbourhood regeneration, it discusses how community capacity building depends on particular forms of social capital and involves the naturalization of particular capacities. The advantage of this perspective lies in disclosing how inclusion becomes dependent on acquiring a particular curriculum of capacities relating to the area and its inhabitants. Resume Comment apprehender la progression de la notion de renforcement des capacites dans le cadre de la regeneration de quartiers et des politiques de lutte contre l'exclusion sociale? Le renforcement des capacites est considere ici comme un element central de la gouvernance contemporaine et des strategies de 'la troisieme voie' en Angleterre et au Danemark. L'article explore le concept de renforcement des capacites communautaires, ainsi que ses rapports avec le capital social. 'Amenager la probabilite', le concept de Foucault, constitue une 'grille d'intelligibilite' pour un mode de gouvernement qui fonctionne en developpant des subjectivites d'inclusion specifiques. De plus, la notion d''habitus' de Bourdieu permet d'analyser comment les processus de renforcement des capacites se concretisent et comment l'approche du renforcement des capacites trouve sa legitimite. En s'appuyant sur des experiences locales de regeneration de quartiers, l'article etudie la maniere dont le developpement des capacites communautaires depend de formes specifiques de capital social et exige l'acclimatation de certaines capacites. Cette perspective a pour avantage de reveler de quelle facon l'inclusion devient dependante de l'acquisition d'un programme de capacites propre a la zone et a ses habitants. Author Affiliation: (1)Department of Sociology, Social Work and Organization, Aalborg University, Denmark Article note: Mia Arp Fallov (, Department of Sociology, Social Work and Organization, Aalborg University, Kroghsstraede 7, 9220 Aalborg O, Denmark.