29 results on '"Äli Leijen"'
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2. What predicts instructional quality and commitments to teaching: self-efficacy, pedagogical knowledge or integration of the two?
- Author
Äli Leijen, Margus Pedaste, Aleksandar Baucal, Katrin Poom-Valickis, and Liina Lepp
- Subjects
general pedagogical knowledge ,self-efficacy ,instructional quality ,commitments to teaching ,in-service teachers ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
The aim of the paper is to identify different groups of in-service teachers based on their general pedagogical knowledge (GPK) and self-efficacy beliefs and to explore potential differences among these groups regarding their instructional quality and commitments to teaching. A sample of 161 in-service subject teachers (science, mathematics, or Estonian language) who taught in lower secondary schools in Estonia were included in the study. Data was collected with a GPK test and self-reported questionnaires on instructional quality and commitments to teaching in the context of an OECD Teacher Knowledge Survey. Based on the cluster analysis, three groups of in-service teachers were identified: “the over-confident” teachers with average self-efficacy and very low GPK, “the competent” teachers with high self-efficacy and GPK, and “the insecure” teachers with low self-efficacy and average GPK. These three types of teachers were different in terms of instructional quality and commitments to teaching. It seemed that teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs are more important than GPK for instructional quality; however, GPK is more important for teachers’ professional persistence illuminating their general sense of professional identity. Implications of these findings for teacher education and teacher retention will be discussed.
- Published
- 2024
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3. Teacher Education Students’ First-Time Experiences of Video-Recording Their Teaching and Analyzing it
- Author
Liina Lepp, Äli Leijen, Anni Küüsvek, and Karmen Kalk
- Subjects
History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,Social Sciences - Abstract
Video-supported reflection supports the professional development of student teachers and is a natural part of teacher education. The study aims to find out teacher education students’ opinions about recording their teaching and analyzing it, to describe the experiences of recording and analyzing the videos, and to systematize their main areas of learning and development. Based on this, future video-based analysis tasks in teacher training could be planned more effectively. One hundred thirty-six teacher education students carrying out their teaching practicum participated in the study. Data was collected via a questionnaire after the teaching practicum (practical teaching course). The answers to the open questions were analyzed using the qualitative content analysis method, and the results of the answers to the closed questions are described using frequency indicators. The results show that the teacher education students who participated in the study expressed neutral opinions and positive expectations, as well as hesitation, uncertainty, discomfort, and fear before the first-time recording of their lesson and its analysis. For most of the study participants, the experience of recording and analyzing their lesson and observing a fellow student’s lesson video was helpful and increased their self-confidence. The discussion highlights the possibilities of making the experience of video reflection more supportive and useful for teacher education students.
- Published
- 2023
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4. Preface
- Author
Äli Leijen, Tiia Õun, and Tiiu Tammemäe
- Subjects
Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakirja erinumber keskendub kaasavale haridusele, mille mõistel on rahvusvahelises kontekstis mitu tähendust. Eestiski oleks vaja selgemalt kokku leppida, mida kaasava hariduse all mõistetakse, milline peaks olema kaasav hariduskorraldus ja kuidas selleni jõuda. Kuigi suurem osa selle erinumbri artiklitest käsitleb erivajadustega õppijate kaasamist, leiab siit ka kaasavat haridust laiemas tähenduses käsitlevaid artikleid. Ka haridusastmed on erinumbris laialt kaetud, ulatudes alusharidusest kõrgkooliõpinguteni. Erinumbri tõlkeartikkel tutvustab universaalse disaini võimalusi. Kolm järgmist artiklit keskenduvad kaasava hariduse toetamisele lasteaedades. Järgmised kaks artiklit on pühendatud kaasava hariduse temaatikale koolis. Viimane artikkel analüüsib õppijate haridusliku kaasamise dimensiooni kõrgkoolis üliõpilaste keelelisest taustast lähtuvalt. Erinumbri lõpetab raamatututvustus, kus muude teemade kõrval käsitletakse seda, kuidas on Eestis õnnestunud kindlustada võrdne ja õiglane juurdepääs hariduse omandamisele.
- Published
- 2023
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5. Data sharing practices and data availability upon request differ across scientific disciplines
- Author
Leho Tedersoo, Rainer Küngas, Ester Oras, Kajar Köster, Helen Eenmaa, Äli Leijen, Margus Pedaste, Marju Raju, Anastasiya Astapova, Heli Lukner, Karin Kogermann, and Tuul Sepp
- Subjects
Science - Abstract
Abstract Data sharing is one of the cornerstones of modern science that enables large-scale analyses and reproducibility. We evaluated data availability in research articles across nine disciplines in Nature and Science magazines and recorded corresponding authors’ concerns, requests and reasons for declining data sharing. Although data sharing has improved in the last decade and particularly in recent years, data availability and willingness to share data still differ greatly among disciplines. We observed that statements of data availability upon (reasonable) request are inefficient and should not be allowed by journals. To improve data sharing at the time of manuscript acceptance, researchers should be better motivated to release their data with real benefits such as recognition, or bonus points in grant and job applications. We recommend that data management costs should be covered by funding agencies; publicly available research data ought to be included in the evaluation of applications; and surveillance of data sharing should be enforced by both academic publishers and funders. These cross-discipline survey data are available from the plutoF repository.
- Published
- 2021
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6. Enhancing Schools’ Development Activities on Inclusive Education Through In-service Training Course for School Teams: A Case Study
- Author
Tiina Kivirand, Äli Leijen, and Liina Lepp
- Subjects
inclusive education ,in-service training ,school teams ,schools’ development process ,factors affecting ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
Most countries face the challenge of reconstructing their education systems to ensure equitable quality education for all children in inclusive settings. This challenge is also relevant in Estonia, the context of this study. A long-term in-service training course for school teams (school leaders, support specialists, and teachers) was developed and implemented in Estonia. The main goal of the training course was to develop attitudes, skills, and knowledge of school staff about the concept and meaning of inclusive education (IE) and the effective implementation through inclusive school development strategies. The aim of the current study was to find out how the in-service training course for school teams influences system-wide changes in the implementation of IE at the school level and what factors affect it. Purposeful sampling (two schools) was used, and the qualitative thematic case study research method was chosen to find answers to the research questions. Data were collected from school policy documents, homework assignments of the training course, semi-structured interviews in the middle and at the end of the training course, open-ended questionnaires at the end of the training course, and researcher diary. The results showed that the in-service training course for school teams enhanced cultural and structural changes at the school level. These changes were influenced by factors such as leadership, collaboration, commitment, and contribution of different parties, system-wide approach, resources, and external expertise. The implications of these findings are discussed further in the paper.
- Published
- 2022
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7. Supporting Self-Regulated Learning in Distance Learning Contexts at Higher Education Level: Systematic Literature Review
- Author
Natalia Edisherashvili, Katrin Saks, Margus Pedaste, and Äli Leijen
- Subjects
self-regulated learning ,support interventions ,distance learning ,higher education ,systematic review ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
Shifting learning to distant formats especially at the higher education level has been unprecedented during the past decade. Diverse digital learning media have been emerging which allow learner autonomy, and at the same time, require the ability of efficient regulation of various aspects of the learning process for sustainable academic progress. In this context, supporting students in self-regulated learning (SRL) in an optimal way becomes an important factor for their academic success. The present study attempts through a systematic review of 38 studies to provide an overview of the interventions identified as supporting all areas of SRL (metacognitive, cognitive, motivational and emotional), in its three phases (preparatory, performance, appraisal) in distance education environments at the higher education level. As the study results show, there are a number of SRL support interventions available with proven positive effect on SRL. However, their distribution has been found to be uneven. Whereas metacognition regulation and the performance phase of learning is vastly investigated, the emotion regulation, and the preparatory and appraisal phases of the SRL cycle are somewhat underexplored. As complex and multi-component as the process of SRL is, the combination of various interventions, and specific features, for more comprehensive support has also been found beneficial. Additionally, it has been revealed that the emotion regulation, in most cases, is closely related to motivation regulation, and similar interventions support these two. Future studies can further explore the efficiency and relevance of the identified interventions, taking closer look at the effects of various digital media, learner characteristics as well as different levels of education on learners’ self-regulation needs.
- Published
- 2022
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8. Estonian in-service teachers’, pre-service teachers’ and teacher educators’ research literacy
- Author
Liina Malva and Äli Leijen
- Subjects
research literacy ,knowledge of research ,research-based teaching ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Õpetajate uurimistööalane kirjaoskus väljendub teaduspõhises praktikas, oma õpetamise ja õpilaste õppimise uurimises ning õpilaste uurimistööalaste teadmiste omandamise toetamises. Kasutades kombineeritud uurimismeetodit, oli siinse uuringu eesmärk selgitada välja, millised on Eesti õpetajakoolituse üliõpilaste ja õppejõudude ning õpetajate uurimistööalased teadmised ning kirjeldada, kuidas kasutavad õpetajad uurimistööalast kirjaoskust oma õpetamistöös. Tulemused näitavad, et kui õppejõududel on teiste valimirühmadega võrreldes paremad teadmised, siis õpetajate ja üliõpilaste uurimistööalased teadmised on pigem sarnased. Intervjuudest õpetajatega selgus, et igapäevases õpetamistöös rakendatakse uurimistööalaseid teadmisi eelkõige õpilastele uurimistööga seotud ülesannete koostamisel. Teaduspõhisele õpetamisele eelistatakse praktilisi koolitusi ja arutelusid kolleegidega ning enda õpetamist ja õpilaste õppimise uurimist intervjuudes osalenud õpetajad pigem ei rakenda. Tulemused näitavad, et uurimistööalase kirjaoskuse kujunemist tuleb rohkem toetada ning kõige enam toetust vajavad just töötavad õpetajad. Summary
- Published
- 2021
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9. The Dilemma of Inclusive Education: Inclusion for Some or Inclusion for All
- Author
Äli Leijen, Francesco Arcidiacono, and Aleksandar Baucal
- Subjects
inclusive education ,special education ,public discourse ,argumentum model of topics ,dialogue ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
In this paper, we intend to consider different understandings of inclusive education that frame current public and professional debates as well as policies and practices. We analyze two – somewhat opposing – discourses regarding inclusive education, namely, the “inclusion for some” – which represents the idea that children with special needs have a right to the highest quality education which can be delivered by specially trained staff, and the “inclusion for all” – which represents the idea that all children regarding their diverse needs should have the opportunity to learn together. To put the two discourses in a dialogical relation, we have reconstructed the inferential configurations of the arguments of each narrative to identify how the two definitions contribute to position children with and without special needs and their teachers. The results show the possibilities to bridge the two narratives, with respect to the voices they promote or silence, the power relations they constitute, and the values and practices they enact or prevent.
- Published
- 2021
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10. Suunatud refleksiooni protseduuri rakendamise peamised kasutegurid ja kitsaskohad õpetajakoolituse üliõpilaste ja õpetajate hinnangul
- Author
Raili Allas, Äli Leijen, and Auli Toom
- Subjects
suunatud refleksiooni protseduur ,õpetaja professionaalne areng ,refleksioon ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Tänapäeva maailm eeldab, et kõik professionaalid pööravad järjepidevalt tähelepanu oma teadmiste ja oskuste arendamisele. Hariduse valdkonnas rõhutatakse, et õpetaja pidev professionaalne areng on ühtlasi ka jätkusuutliku ja nüüdisaegse haridussüsteemi alus. Samas ei ole piisavalt uurimusi, et seletada, millised meetodid on õpetajate toetamiseks kõige sobivamad. Siinses artiklis uuritakse, kuidas tajuvad õpetajad professionaalse arengu eri etappidel suunatud refleksiooni protseduuri kasutegureid ja kitsaskohti. Uurimuses osales 21 õpetajakoolituse üliõpilast ja 80 õpetajat. Uurimuses keskenduti osalejate hinnangutele, mille kohta koguti andmeid grupiarutelude ja -intervjuudega ning mida analüüsiti temaatilist analüüsi kasutades. Kokkuvõttena tuuakse välja, kuidas rakendada suunatud refleksiooni protseduuri õpetajate toetamiseks professionaalse arengu eri etappidel. Summary
- Published
- 2020
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11. Eessõna
- Author
Äli Leijen, Rain Mikser, and Edgar Krull
- Subjects
Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Uus EHA erinumber keskendub õpetaja professionaalsuse ja professionaalse arengu temaatikale. Tänapäeval oodatakse professionaalidelt järjepidevat teadmiste ja oskuste uuendamist. See on muutnud arusaama sellest, kes on professionaal. Minevikus oli paljudes valdkondades võimalik omandada peamised erialaoskused ja -teadmised esmaõppe käigus ning pidev erialane enesetäiendamine ei olnud tingimata vajalik. Tänapäeval ei ole selline teguviis enam võimalik. Eeldatakse, et iga professionaal, ka õpetaja, täiendab end kogu ametiaja jooksul. Erinumbri keskmes on ühelt poolt üks konkreetne teema Eesti õpetajate töös – kaasava hariduse põhimõtete tähenduslik rakendamine Eesti kontekstis – ja teiselt poolt märksa laiemad küsimused seoses õpetaja professionaalsuse ja professionaalse arenguga.
- Published
- 2020
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12. Läbilõikeline ülevaade üliõpilaste hinnangutest Tartu Ülikooli õpetajakoolituse õppekavade sidususele 2014.–2018. aastal
- Author
Liina Malva and Äli Leijen
- Subjects
õpetajakoolitus ,õpetajakoolituse alusained ja praktika ,õppekava sidusus ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Õpetajakoolitus on praktikaga tihedalt seotud õppevaldkond, kuid siiski on teooria ja praktika sidumine õpetajakoolituses veel paljudes riikides proovikivi (Darling-Hammond, 1999; Hammerness & Klette, 2015). Tartu Ülikoolis hakati selle kitsaskohaga ulatuslikult tegelema 2013. aastast, uuendades õpetajakoolituse alus- ja praktikamoodulit. Selleks, et läbi aastate tehtud muudatuste tulemuslikkust seirata, on alates 2014. aastast igal sügisel alusmooduli üliõpilaste seas (n = 572) kogutud andmeid nende hinnangute kohta õppekava sidususele. Tulemused näitavad, et üliõpilaste hinnangul on märgatavalt paranenud nii teoreetiliste õppeainete kooskõla praktikal kogetuga kui ka võimalused õppekava osi omavahel siduda. Samas leiti, et ülikooli õppetöös on liiga vähe tegevusi, mis valmistaksid üliõpilasi ette õppija arengust lähtumiseks õpetajatöös. Ülikooli õppeained keskenduvad enam õppe kavandamisele ja analüüsile, vähem tegeletakse õppetöö tegevustega. Summary
- Published
- 2020
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13. Kaasava hariduse tähendus ja tõhusa rakendamise tegurid Eesti kontekstis: õpetajaid koolitavate või nõustavate spetsialistide vaade
- Author
Tiina Kivirand, Äli Leijen, Liina Lepp, and Liina Malva
- Subjects
kaasav haridus ,tähendus ,rakendamise tegurid ,tõhusad õpetamismeetodid ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Kaasava hariduse teemalise õpetajakoolituse arendamine on aktuaalne nii Eestis kui ka rahvusvaheliselt. Õpetajate oskuste ja teadmiste kujundamisel on otsustav roll spetsialistidel, kes õpetajaid koolitavad või nõustavad. Seejuures on tähtis, et spetsialistid omaksid ühist arusaama kaasava hariduse tähendusest ning tõhusatest rakendamise viisidest. Siinse uuringu eesmärk oli välja selgitada, kuidas mõistavad õpetajaid koolitavad või nõustavad spetsialistid kaasava hariduse tähendust ja milliseid tegureid nad peavad oluliseks, et tagada kaasava hariduse tõhus rakendumine. Andmeid koguti poolstruktureeritud intervjuudega 15 spetsialistilt. Kvalitatiivse induktiivse sisuanalüüsi tulemused näitasid, et kaasavat haridust mõisteti nii hariduslike erivajadustega laste eraldi õpetamisena eriklassides ja erikoolides kui ka kõigi laste koosõppena. Võtmekomponentidena kaasava hariduse paremal rakendumisel nähti õpetajate koolituse tõhustamist, vajalike ressursside olemasolu, õpetajate toetamist ja motiveerimist ning poolte senisest suuremat koostööd. Summary
- Published
- 2020
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14. Opportunities to Develop Student's Math-Related Agency in Primary Education: The Role of Teacher Beliefs
- Author
Äli Leijen, Aleksandar Baucal, Kristi Pikk, Krista Uibu, Liisi Pajula, and Maarja Sõrmus
- Abstract
Teacher beliefs and practices related to them could provide varying opportunities for students to develop their agency related to learning math. The aim of the current paper is to explore how different math teacher beliefs (concerning the nature of mathematics, constructivist beliefs, and self-efficacy) relate to different dimensions of student agency in primary education. A two-level multilevel model was analyzed to find out to what extent selected teacher beliefs are associated with student math competence and agency dimensions. The study was conducted in Estonia and data from 3rd and 4th grade students (N = 1557) and their teachers (N = 121) was included in the analysis. The results showed that teacher self-efficacy beliefs, constructivist beliefs, and static views on the nature of mathematics were related to students' agency dimensions. Possible explanations and directions for further studies are discussed.
- Published
- 2024
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15. Apoyando la reflexión en el aprendizaje asistido por tecnología
- Author
Külli Kori, Margus Pedaste, Äli Leijen, and Mario Mäeots
- Subjects
Aprendizaje por consultas ,aprendizaje asistido por tecnología ,entornos de aprendizaje ,reflexión de apoyo ,revisión de literatura ( ,revision de literatura ,Education (General) ,L7-991 ,Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 - Abstract
La reflexión ha sido considerada como un proceso que conduce a un aprendizaje más profundo y a una estructura de conocimiento integrada. Varios estudios sostienen que la reflexión es más eficaz cuando reciben apoyo específico. El aprendizaje asistido por tecnología es reconocido como un facilitador efectivo que apoya el aprendizaje del estudiante. Este estudio, presenta una revisión de artículos de investigación que han introducido el tema del apoyo a la reflexión, en el contexto del aprendizaje asistido por tecnología en los últimos seis años (2007-2012). Se distinguen tres tipos de soporte: herramientas técnicas, herramientas técnicas con orientación predefinida, y herramientas técnicas con interacción humana guiada. La mayoría de los artículos analizados se basaron en evidencia empírica sobre la efectividad del apoyo a la reflexión. Algunos artículos sólo dieron una discusión argumentativa para justificar como la reflexión debe ser apoyada. Se demostró que todos estos tipos de apoyo podrían tener un efecto positivo en la reflexión; Sin embargo, no todos los estudios encontraron efectos positivos.
- Published
- 2017
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16. Automated Feedback Is Nice and Human Presence Makes It Better: Teachers’ Perceptions of Feedback by Means of an E-Portfolio Enhanced with Learning Analytics
- Author
Pihel Hunt, Äli Leijen, and Marieke van der Schaaf
- Subjects
in-service teachers ,feedback ,e-portfolio ,learning analytics ,Education - Abstract
While there is now extensive research on feedback in the context of higher education, including pre-service teacher education, little has been reported regarding the use of feedback from teachers to other teachers. Moreover, literature on the potential advantages that the use of technology, for example electronic portfolios and learning analytics, has in improving feedback in the in-service workplace practices, is also sparse. Therefore, the aim of this exploratory case study was to explore how in-service teachers perceived the peer feedback they received and provided through a web-based electronic portfolio during a professional development course carried out in their workplace. Questionnaire and interview data were collected from 38 teachers who received feedback through a learning analytics enhanced electronic portfolio and from 23 teachers who received feedback only by the electronic portfolio. Additionally, one individual and four focus group interviews were conducted with 15 teachers who were the feedback providers. Several common topics were identified in the interviews with the feedback receivers and providers, involving the benefits and challenges of human interaction and the flexibility of the feedback process that the electronic portfolio offered. The results also revealed better feedback experience within the group of teachers who received extra feedback by means of learning analytics. It is concluded that although an electronic portfolio provides a useful tool in terms of flexibility in the provision and receipt of feedback, the need for human interaction was acknowledged.
- Published
- 2021
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17. School Effectiveness in Multilingual Education: A Review of Success Factors
- Author
Laura Kirss, Ülle Säälik, Äli Leijen, and Margus Pedaste
- Subjects
multilingual education ,bilingual education ,effective schools ,effectiveness factors ,literature review ,Education - Abstract
School effectiveness research (SER) and bi/multilingual education research have been largely developed as separate research paradigms. Hence, SER research does not facilitate clear conclusions on bi/multilingual (the term ‘multilingual’ is used henceforth) education and its effectiveness. Despite the intensification of multilingual education research over the last four decades, only a few authors and studies have focused on offering a compact overview of what factors need to be in place for the programs to be effective. These works are neither recent nor systematic. In this article, we aim to contribute to this research gap by systematically reviewing the research evidence on specific factors explaining multilingual student success in multilingual education programs. The findings of this systematic literature review integrate the current evidence regarding the critical factors conducive to student success in multilingual education. The results reveal that the reviewed studies mostly discussed school level factors and only occasionally talked about state/regional or individual level factors. We also underscore the critical role of leadership in making multilingual education successful. The implications of this review are twofold: by using a conceptual framework to discuss the success factors, the interdependence of the variables shaping multilingual education is highlighted, while the results collect the latest evidence for decision makers in multilingual education.
- Published
- 2021
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18. Designing and Implementing an In-Service Training Course for School Teams on Inclusive Education: Reflections from Participants
- Author
Tiina Kivirand, Äli Leijen, Liina Lepp, and Tiiu Tammemäe
- Subjects
inclusive education ,in-service training ,school teams ,learning experience ,Education - Abstract
Significant and effective implementation of inclusive education (IE) has been a major challenge in many countries during the last decades. Although teachers’ knowledge and skills are considered a key factor for successful inclusive practice, the whole school staff commitment and contribution to implementing IE policies are equally important. Collaboration between different professionals such as teachers, school leaders, and support specialists is crucial. This study aimed to design and implement an in-service training course for school teams (teachers, support specialists, school leaders) on IE in the Estonian context and to explore how participants experienced learning as a team in this course. The results of this study showed that the main aspects of the in-service training for school teams valued by participants were: (1) All topics covered in a systematic and coherent way gave a good opportunity to focus on relevant issues, which should be considered in the schools’ self-development activities in the field of IE; (2) practical approach to training structure helped to identify priority areas that need to be developed in particular schools; (3) learning from each other both within their own school team and across school teams contributed to finding the best solutions for meaningful implementation of IE. The implication of these findings is further discussed in the paper.
- Published
- 2021
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19. Teaching during COVID-19: The Decisions Made in Teaching
- Author
Liina Lepp, Triinu Aaviku, Äli Leijen, Margus Pedaste, and Katrin Saks
- Subjects
distance learning ,COVID-19 ,teaching and learning in emergencies ,science teachers ,qualitative research ,Education - Abstract
The emergency caused by COVID-19 and the transition to distance learning has made teachers face novel decision-making situations. As the teachers’ pedagogical decisions have an impact on the students’ learning experience, the aim of this study was to describe and explain what influenced the teachers’ teaching-related decisions and how these decisions were reflected in the teaching process during distance learning. The study was based on semi-structured interviews with 16 Estonian basic school science teachers. The data were analyzed using qualitative thematic analysis. The results show that teachers’ teaching-related decisions were influenced by factors that were related to the existence of digital tools as well as to the ability to use them purposefully in the home settings of teachers and students. Teachers’ teaching decisions were mostly motivated by short-term goals, such as maintaining students’ social interaction and supporting student motivation. The desire of teachers to keep students’ and teachers’ own workload affordable was also considered as a factor influencing teachers’ teaching-related decisions. According to the interviews, the switch of focus to workload and well-being and valuing socialization and student motivation over subject matter competences seems to be unique for this new situation.
- Published
- 2021
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20. Haridusliku mängu mõju osalejate akulturatsioonihoiakutele
- Author
Ivar Männamaa, Aurika Komsaare, and Äli Leijen
- Subjects
akulturatsioonihoiakud, hariduslikud mängud, hoiakute muutumine, mudeldusmäng "Allikad", mängupõhine õpe, teadmise ülekanne ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Euroopa põgenikekriis nõuab Eesti koolisüsteemilt valmisolekut sisserändajatest õpilaste vastuvõtmiseks. Elanikkonna hoiakud mõnest muust religioossest või kultuurilisest grupist pärinevate sisserändajate suhtes pole alati pooldavad (Beilmann, 2016; Laineste, Raus, Timmi, Vetik, & Vihalemm, 2011), ent sisserändajate peredest pärit õpilaste kohanemist kooliga mõjutab ka kaasõpilaste suhtumine. Koolikaaslaste suhtumise ja hoiakute kujundamisel on mitmes valdkonnas edukalt rakendatud mänge, ent pole teada, kuivõrd mõjutavad nende käigus omandatud kogemused õpilase hoiakuid väljaspool mängu (Chin, Dukes, & Gamson, 2009; Wouters, van Nimwegen, van Oostendorp, & van der Spek, 2013). Praegune uuring võimaldab hinnata mängu mõju põlisrahvusest osalejate akulturatsioonihoiakute muutumisele. Uuringus kasutati sekkumisvahendina mudeldusmängu „Allikad” (Männamaa, 2015; Männamaa, Vetik, & Liiv, 2011), akulturatsioonihoiakuid hinnati 12 väitest koosneva küsimustiku abil. Analüüs näitas erinevust mängus osalenud õpilaste eel- ja järeltesti tulemustes (p < 0,05). Tulemused osutavad sellele, et eesmärgipäraselt loodud mäng võib aidata kaasa õpilaste akulturatsioonihoiakute muutumisele. Summary
- Published
- 2016
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21. Supporting Teacher Agency during a Collaborative Inquiry-Based In-Service Teacher Education Course
- Author
Äli Leijen, Margus Pedaste, and Liina Lepp
- Abstract
Teacher agency has been explored in many studies in different contexts, however research on supporting agency is somewhat limited. In this study, we aimed to support teacher agency in a collaborative inquiry-based in-service course developed based on the ecological model of teacher agency and earlier empirical studies. We conducted a study among 57 course participants to explore the potential impact of the course on participants' agency and investigated which role the motives to join the course had on participants' agency dynamics. Data were collected with questionnaires. The results showed that participants' agency was supported to some degree during the collaborative inquiry-based in-service training course, teachers' motives to join the course were somewhat related to professional agency dynamics.
- Published
- 2024
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22. School Leaders' Vision Is the Strongest Predictor of Their Attitudes towards Inclusive Education Practice
- Author
Margus Pedaste, Äli Leijen, Tiina Kivirand, Pille Nelis, and Liina Malva
- Abstract
School leaders have an important role in supporting implementation of inclusive education practices in schools. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how school leaders' attitudes towards inclusive education are formed. We used the Attitudes Toward Inclusive Education Scale that was developed to measure different facets of attitudes towards inclusive education "for all" students. The instrument was completed by 301 school leaders in Estonia. Three factors describing attitudes in facets of inclusive education practices, vision, and supports were distinguished. Structural Equation Modelling revealed that school leaders' practices towards implementing inclusive education approaches are driven more strongly by their vision than the support available to them, although both aspects have a significant effect on their attitudes towards these practices. However, participation in in-service courses focusing on inclusive education and working as a school leader in a special school had negative association with school leaders' attitudes towards inclusive education practices.
- Published
- 2024
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23. Video-Based Collaborative Learning: A Pedagogical Model and Instructional Design Tool Emerging from an International Multiple Case Study
- Author
Alberto A. P. Cattaneo, Frank De Jong, José L. Ramos, Sirpa Laitinen-Väänänen, Margus Pedaste, Äli Leijen, Alessia Evi-Colombo, Ricardo Monginho, Marije Bent, Erick Velasquez-Godinez, and Rik Van Steenbergen
- Abstract
The educational potential of video is a long-lasting, multi-faceted topic, and the affordances of technological advancement have recently revitalised this discussion. However, teachers are still far from competently integrating or becoming accustomed to video-based pedagogy, especially in collaborative pedagogy. To provide teachers and teacher educators with sound principles for implementing video-supported collaborative learning (VSCL), this contribution analyses 12 VSCL case studies by five teacher-education institutions. The analysis verifies the benefits of a VSCL pedagogy for learning, and on this basis, we propose a pedagogical model for effective VSCL and a related instructional design tool. We also discuss implications for practice and research.
- Published
- 2024
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24. Factorial structure of SILL revisited: adaptation of SILL for Estonian EFL learners
- Author
Katrin Saks, Äli Leijen, Kandela Õun, and Karin Täht
- Subjects
exploratory factor analysis ,questionnaire ,reliability ,t-test ,English ,Estonian ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 ,Finnic. Baltic-Finnic ,PH91-98.5 - Abstract
The present study aims to contribute to the understanding of the taxonomy of language learning strategies (Oxford 1990: 14–22) and its measuring instrument, the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL), through the adaptation process of the Estonian version. The translated version of the SILL was pilot-tested with a sample of 337 tertiary students. Cronbach’s alpha (0.91) reveals an acceptable reliability of the instrument. The t-test that was conducted in addition to descriptive analysis, to check for gender differences, did not reveal any significant differences. The results of the exploratory factor analysis did not support the 2- or 6-factor structures but the 9-factor analysis provides a good comparison to similar studies published in 1995 (Oxford, Burry-Stock 1995). The ethnic and gender differences of the results are discussed from the cultural perspective.
- Published
- 2015
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25. Nutiseadmete kasutamise profiilid loodusainete ja matemaatika õppimise kontekstis
- Author
Margus Pedaste, Olev Must, Äli Leijen, Mario Mäeots, Leo Siiman, Külli Kori, and Liina Adov
- Subjects
info- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia ,nutiseadmed ,kasutajaprofiilid ,klasteranalüüs ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Nutiseadmeid kasutatakse sageli igapäevaelus, kuid ei ole teada, mil viisil ja kui laialdaselt rakendatakse neid õppimise eesmärgil. Selle väljaselgitamiseks korraldati ülevaateuuring, milles osales 3521 õpilast 6. ja 9. klassist. DIGCOMPi raamistikust lähtudes hindasid õpilased, kui sageli nad kasutavad nutiseadmeid õppimiseks loodusainetes ja matemaatikas. Õpilased jagati hierarhilise klasteranalüüsi abil viide rühma: sünnipärased digikodanikud, infoinimesed, suhtlevad infoinimesed, loomeinimesed ja nutiseadmete mittekasutajad. Neist nelja esimese profiilid iseloomustavad eri viisil nutiseadmete kasutajaid, keda on kokku ligikaudu pool valimisse kuulunud õpilastest. Teise poole moodustavad nutiseadmete mittekasutajad, kelle seas saab eristada täpsemaid alarühmi (kokku 11). Alarühmade võrdlemine võimaldab kavandada viise, kuidas kujundada nutiseadmete kasutamise harjumust. Samuti ilmneb uurimistulemustest, et 6. ja 9. klassi õpilased ning poisid ja tüdrukud kuuluvad eri rühmadesse erineva tõenäosusega. Summary
- Published
- 2017
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26. Muusikaüliõpilaste refleksiooni toetamine pilliõppes
- Author
Tuulike Kivestu, Äli Leijen, and Kadri Steinbach
- Subjects
refleksioon, muusikaharidus, pilliõpe, konstruktivism ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Tänapäevase muusikahariduse valdkonnas rõhutatakse aktiivõppe, sh refleksiooni olulisust. Sellest hoolimata puudub erimetoodika, mis toetaks õppijate refleksiooni pilliõppes. Selle uurimuse tarbeks korraldati ühe Eesti kõrgkooli muusikaõppe üliõpilaste (N = 11) hulgas ekspertide valideeritud refleksiooni toetamise mudeli prooviuuring. Mudel koosnes neljast tsüklist ja baseerus refleksiooni põhiprotsesside (kirjeldamise, hindamise, suhestumise ja refleksiooniprotsessi reflekteerimise) toetamisel. Uurimuse eesmärk oli selgitada välja, millised on muusikaõppe üliõpilaste kogemused refleksioonimudeli rakendamisel ja kuivõrd kasulikuks nad hindavad rakendatud refleksiooniülesandeid pillimänguoskuste arendamise seisukohalt. Üliõpilaste kogemuste ja hinnangute kohta koguti andmeid fookusrühma intervjuudega. Rakendatud refleksiooni toetamise mudeli puhul väärtustasid üliõpilased kõrvaltvaataja positsiooni võimaldamist, üksikasjade märkamist ja mitmekülgse tagasiside saamist kaasüliõpilastelt. Uurimistulemuste põhjal arendati mudelit edasi, et see toetaks tõhusamalt üliõpilaste refleksiooni pilliõppes ning aitaks kaasa individuaalse erialase arengu kavandamisele. Summary
- Published
- 2014
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27. Eessõna
- Author
Äli Leijen, Edgar Krull, and Mari Karm
- Subjects
Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakirja esimene number keskendub õpetajakoolitusele ja kõrgkoolipedagoogikale. Erinumbri eesmärk on tutvustada nendes valdkondades Eestis läbiviidud uuringuid ning pakkuda uurimistulemuste põhjal uusi teadmisi edasiste arutelude ja arendustöö tarbeks. Kokkuvõtvalt võib öelda, et ajakirja esiknumbri kaastööd avavad õpetajakoolituse ja kõrgkoolipedagoogika erinevaid tahke ning aitavad paremini mõista nende valdkondade komplekssust. Peale kaastööde panuse teadustöö edendamisse, sh mitme originaalse mõõtevahendi esitlemise, antakse artiklites ka praktilisi soovitusi õpetajakoolituse ja laiemalt kõrgkooliõpingute arendamiseks. Näiteks käsitletakse õpetajakoolituse teoreetiliste õpingute ja õpetamispraktika parema seostamise võimalusi, samuti arutletakse kõrgkoolides õppimiskeskse õpetamisviisi rakendamise eelduste ja tingimuste üle.
- Published
- 2013
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28. Õpetaja professionaalse rolli internaliseerimise hindamine õpetajakoolituse esmaõppe üliõpilaste hulgas
- Author
Äli Leijen, Katrin Kullasepp, and Aivar Ots
- Subjects
õpetaja professionaalne identiteet, õpetajakoolitus, rolli internaliseerimine, aineõpetaja, dialoogilise mina teooria, sotsiokultuuriline käsitlus ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Artiklis tutvustatakse õpetaja professionaalse rolli internaliseerimise uurimiseks loodud testi. Õpetaja professionaalse identiteedi kujunemist võib käsitleda vastava sotsiaalse rolli internaliseerimisena, mis võib leida aset ainult sotsiokultuurilises kontekstis, pakkudes personaalse kultuuri loomiseks semiootiliselt vahendatud teavet (Valsiner & Rosa, 2007). Semiootilise materjali vahendamist isiku ja keskkonna vahel saab kirjeldada internaliseerimise ja eksternaliseerimisena (Valsiner, 2001). Kirjeldatava testi puhul kasutati isiku ja keskkonna dialoogi mõtestamiseks intrapsüühilisel tasandil dialoogilise mina teooriat (Hermans & Hermans-Konopka, 2010), mis võimaldab jälgida isiku aktuaalseid rolle, nende seoseid ja muutumist. Tutvustatava testi koostamisel tugineti Kullasepa (2008) ning Leijeni ja Kullasepa (2013a) loodud mõõtevahenditele. Test koosneb üheksast ülesandest, kus vastajal tuleb õpetajatööga seotud dilemma kirjelduse põhjal nimetada ja seletada vastavas olukorras tekkivaid tundeid. Uuringus osales 109 õpetajakoolituse üliõpilast. Eeldati, et õpetajakoolituses kaugemale jõudnud ja suurema pedagoogilise töö kogemusega isikute vastused väljendavad enam professionaalse rolli omaksvõtmist. Tulemused kinnitasid nimetatud seost töökogemuse ja professionaalse rolli omaksvõtmise vahel. Suurema töökogemusega üliõpilaste vastused kajastasid teistega võrreldes sagedamini internaliseeritud professionaalset mina-positsiooni. Summary
- Published
- 2013
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29. Doctoral Students’ Research Stall
- Author
Liina Lepp, Marvi Remmik, Äli Leijen, and Djuddah A. J. Leijen
- Subjects
History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,Social Sciences - Abstract
We explored doctoral supervisors’ explanations for students’ lack of progress toward gaining their degree and describe the activities that supervisors said they take on such occasions. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews from 21 supervisors specializing in the fields of natural and educational sciences and then analyzed using thematic analysis. The results indicated that supervisors communicated understanding about the stalling of studies. The supervisors noted that it is important that students have the knowledge and skills suitable to maintain progress toward their degree. However, the supervisors indicated that successful progress depends on a student’s initiative to ask for help, believing that because the student is an adult learner, they should be intrinsically motivated. Consequently, supervisors often adopt a wait-and-see attitude in terms of their intervention strategy.
- Published
- 2016
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