
Showing total 298 results
298 results

Search Results

1. Integrated physical and mental management for China's elderly: insights from Long-gang District, Shenzhen.

2. Effects of Community Assets on Major Health Conditions in England: A Data Analytic Approach.

3. Moving Towards Optimized Noncommunicable Disease Management in the ASEAN Region: Recommendations from a Review and Multidisciplinary Expert Panel.

4. Hospital Presenting Self-Harm and Risk of Fatal and Non-Fatal Repetition: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

5. COVID-19 in Nigeria: implications for prevalent public mental health challenges.

6. Building effective service linkages in primary mental health care: a narrative review part 2.

7. Collaboration between housing, health and social care.

8. Public Health Challenges and Barriers to Health Care Access for Asylum Seekers at the U.S.-Mexico Border in Matamoros, Mexico.

9. A Web Platform for Standardized Data Acquisition, Processing, and Export in the Child Psychopathology Clinical Routine (MedicalBIT): Design and Implementation Study.

10. The implementation research institute: training mental health implementation researchers in the United States.

11. What do we know about the needs and challenges of health systems? A scoping review of the international literature.

12. Para além da crise de saúde pública: repensando a relação entre as esferas públicas da ciência, da política e do direito no atual cenário pandêmico.

13. Investigating the Use of Digital Health Technology to Monitor COVID-19 and Its Effects: Protocol for an Observational Study (Covid Collab Study).

14. A Digital Health Innovation to Prevent Relapse and Support Recovery in Youth Receiving Specialized Services for First-Episode Psychosis: Protocol for a Pilot Pre-Post, Mixed Methods Study of Horyzons-Canada (Phase 2).

15. Narratives about the Experience of Mental Illness: the recovery Process in Brazil.

16. Collective Impact Approaches to Promoting Community Health and Wellbeing in a Regional Township: Learnings for Integrated Care.


18. Protecting vulnerable communities and health professionals from COVID-19 associated mental health distress: a comprehensive approach led by a public-civil partnership in rural Chiapas, Mexico.

19. Therapeutic applications of the mobile phone.

20. Establishing an occupational therapy assessment clinic in a public mental health service: A pragmatic mixed methods evaluation of feasibility, utilisation, and impact.

21. Body pack in sick bodies: a retrospective study of somatic and psychiatric comorbidities among body-packers.

22. Involvement of service users in education and training: A review of the literature and exploration of the implications for the education and training of psychological therapists.

23. Risk and liminality in mental health social work.

24. Mental health services responding to men and their anger.

25. Exploring the Impact of Personal and Social Media-Based Factors on Judgments of Perceived Skepticism of COVID-19.

26. Do Patient-Centered Medical Homes Improve Health Behaviors, Outcomes, and Experiences of Low-Income Patients? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

27. Developing consensus to enhance perinatal mental health through a model of integrated care: Delphi study.

28. Health-Related Costs of Intimate Partner Violence: Using Linked Police and Health Registers.

29. Service provision and barriers to care for homeless people with mental health problems across 14 European capital cities.

30. A-Visions: A Scripps supported employment program.

31. An ethno biopsychosocial human rights model for educating community counsellors globally.

32. An emotive subject: insights from social, voluntary and healthcare professionals into the feelings of family carers for people with mental health problems.

33. The NewCan Practice Framework: Using Risk and Resilience to Work at the Interface between Professional Expertise and Parental Knowledge and Experience in Child and Adolescent Mental Health.

34. Research involving mental health consumers and carers: a reference group approach.

35. Network Incentives in Managed Health Care.

36. Challenges and strategies for implementing mental health measurement for research in low-resource settings.

37. Psychiatric Distinctions: New and Old Approaches.

38. Mental health for nations.


40. Rules, indications and documentation for applying physical coercion by emergency medical services.

41. Integrating service user participation in mental health care: what will it take?

42. The gap between voluntary admission and detention in mental health units.

43. Ending homelessness among people with mental illness: the At Home/Chez Soi randomized trial of a Housing First intervention in Toronto.

44. Survived but feeling vulnerable and insecure: a qualitative study of the mental preparation for RTW after breast cancer treatment.

45. Achievements in mental health outcome measurement in Australia: Reflections on progress made by the Australian Mental Health Outcomes and Classification Network (AMHOCN).

46. Helping someone with problem drug use: a delphi consensus study of consumers, carers, and clinicians.

47. Using arts to enhance mental healthcare environments: Findings from qualitative research.

48. Indian Psychiatric epidemiological studies: Learning from the past.

49. Knowledge, attitudes and practice pertaining to depression among primary health care workers in Tanzania.

50. The Quest for Optimal Health: Can Education and Training Cure What Ails Us?