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10. Charged residues in surface-located loops influence voltage gating of porin from Haemophilus influenzae type b.

11. Structure prediction of an S-layer protein by the mean force method.

12. 50-S Ribosomal Proteins.

13. Predicting B cell receptor substitution profiles using public repertoire data.

14. Why twenty amino acid residue types suffice(d) to support all living systems.

15. Fusing metabolomics data sets with heterogeneous measurement errors.

16. Improving succinylation prediction accuracy by incorporating the secondary structure via helix, strand and coil, and evolutionary information from profile bigrams.

17. Role of cis-trans proline isomerization in the function of pathogenic enterobacterial Periplasmic Binding Proteins.

18. A mathematical function for the description of nutrient-response curve.

19. Subtle variation within conserved effector operon gene products contributes to T6SS-mediated killing and immunity.

20. Local Network Patterns in Protein-Protein Interfaces.

21. Charged amino acid variability related to N-glyco -sylation and epitopes in A/H3N2 influenza: Hem -agglutinin and neuraminidase.

22. Covalent Structure of Turnip Peroxidase 7.

23. Examining the Conservation of Kinks in Alpha Helices.

24. Nanopore-Based Target Sequence Detection.

25. Finding Potent Sirt Inhibitor in Coffee: Isolation, Confirmation and Synthesis of Javamide-II (N-Caffeoyltryptophan) as Sirt1/2 Inhibitor.

26. Novel Pectate Lyase Genes of Heterodera glycines Play Key Roles in the Early Stage of Parasitism.

27. Prediction of Membrane Transport Proteins and Their Substrate Specificities Using Primary Sequence Information.

28. The Development of a Universal In Silico Predictor of Protein-Protein Interactions

29. Human Protein Cluster Analysis Using Amino Acid Frequencies.

30. Quantifying Structural and Functional Restraints on Amino Acid Substitutions in Evolution of Proteins.

31. A novel MPL point mutation resulting in thrombopoietin-independent activation.

32. Purification and cloning of the mitochondrial branched‐chain amino acid aminotransferase from sheep placenta.

33. A correlation-coefficient method to predicting protein-structural classes from amino acid compositions.

34. The Amino-Acid Sequence of the α Subunit in Bovine Brain S-100a Protein.

35. The Primary Structure of the Constant Part of μ-Chain-Disease Protein BOT.

36. The Amino-Acid Sequence of the Major Parvalbumin from Thornback-Ray Muscle.

37. Préparation et caractérisation physio-chimique partielle de la transferrine sérique ovine.

38. Determination of the Amino-Acid Sequence of the Ribosomal Protein S8 of <em>Escherichia coli</em>.

39. Primary Structure of Bovine Growth Hormone.

40. A single amino acid mutation affects elicitor and expansins-like activities of cerato-platanin, a non-catalytic fungal protein.

41. Aromatic amino acids in the cellulose binding domain of Penicillium crustosum endoglucanase EGL1 differentially contribute to the cellulose affinity of the enzyme.

42. A weighing method for predicting protein structural class from amino acid composition.

43. Chemical evaluation of African palm weevil, Rhychophorus phoenicis, larvae as a food source.

44. Reversibility and efficiency in coding protein information

45. Effects of Charge-to-Alanine Substitutions on the Stability of Ribosomal Protein L30e from Thermococcus celer.

46. Mechanistic Studies on Phosphopantothenoylcysteine Decarboxylase: Trapping of an Enethiolate Intermediate with a Mechanism-Based Inactivating Agent.

47. The refined structure of canavalin from jack bean in two crystal forms at 2.1 and 2.0 Å resolution.

48. Molecular characterization of six intermediate proteins in the processing of mouse protamine P2 precursor.

49. Synthesis of β-glucans in <em>Prototheca zopfii</em>.

50. &subD;-Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase.