Uzašašće je kršćanski blagdan koji se slavi četrdesetog dana nakon Uskrsa, uvijek četvrtkom, a sjećanje je na Kristov uzlazak u nebo. Uzašašćem na nebo Isus Krist je spasio čovječanstvo. Zato se taj blagdan zove i Spasovo. Uzašašće u hrvatskoj kulturnoj baštini karakteriziraju spasovski ophodi, zvani križari i križarice, koji se prvi put spominju početkom 17. stoljeća u Bakru. Procesije su počinjale u ranu zoru sa svrhom blagoslova polja, održavale su se ponedjeljkom, utorkom i srijedom uoči Uzašašća, te su se ti dani zvali Križevi dani. Procesije su godine 1952. komunističke vlasti zabranile. Narod taj blagdan smatra i pastirskom svetkovinom, te ga karakteriziraju pastirske svečanosti, obredi i običaji. Slavonska mladež taj je blagdan nekoć proslavljala veseljem i plesovima. Bez obzira što je Uzašašće iznimno važan blagdan u kršćanstvu i što su nekoć uz njega bili vezani bogati i raznovrsni običaji kojima su ga Hrvati slavili, ti običaji nisu pobudili značajnu pozornost etnologa, antropologa i filologa. Stoga autor u ovom radu ponajviše koristi suvremene izvorne terenske zapise., The Ascension is a Christian feast observed on the 40th day after Easter, always on Thursday, when Christ’s Ascension into heaven is celebrated. By ascending into heaven Christ saved the mankind. That’s why that feast is also called in Croatian language “Spasovo” meaning “Salvation Day”. In Croatian cultural heritage the Ascension Day is characterized by the Ascension processions, with the so called bearers of the cross (križari/križarice) mentioned for the first time in Bakar at the beginning of the 17th century. The processions would start at the break of dawn with the purpose of consecrating the fields, taking place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday on the eve of the Ascension Day, and those days were called the Days of the Cross. The processions were forbidden in 1952 by the Communist authorities. People also observe that day as a pastoral feast so that pastoral celebrations, rites and customs are common. Long before, the youth of Slavonia would celebrate that feast by singing, dancing and rejoicing. Although the Ascension Day is a very important holiday in Croatia and although Croatia was rich in all kinds of customs and celebrations, these customs have not considerably attracted the ethnologists, anthropologists and philologists’ attention. Therefore, in this work the author mostly uses the actual authentic fieldrecords.