An experiment was conducted in 2003-2005 aimed at examining the effect of rootstocks Prunus avium, Colt, PHL A and Gisela 5 on growth and fruitage of the following cultivars of cherry trees: ‘Burlat’, ‘Kordia’, ‘Regina’ and ‘Van’. Dwarf rootstocks PHL A and Gisela 5 reduced tree growth by about 40–45% as compared with rootstocks Colt and Prunus avium. The yielding of sweet cherry trees on these rootstocks was much better. The best yielding was observed in case of cultivar ‘Van’. During the experiment, there were found physiological incompatibilities between cultivar ‘Burlat’ and rootstock PHL A, as well as between cultivar ‘Van’ and rootstock Colt. 2003–2005 metais atliktas bandymas, siekiant ištirti Prunus avium, Colt, PHL A ir Gisela 5 poskiepių įtaką ‘Burlat’, ‘Kordia’, ‘Regina’ ir ‘Van’ veislių trešnių augimui ir derėjimui. Žemaūgiai poskiepiai PHL A ir Gisela 5 sumažino vaismedžio augimą maždaug 40–45%, palyginti su poskiepiais Colt ir Prunus avium. Šie poskiepiai išaugino daug didesnį derlių. Gausiausią derlių davė ‘Van’ veislė. Bandymo rezultatai parodė fiziologinį ‘Burlat’ veislės ir PHL A poskiepio bei ‘Van’ veislės ir Colt poskiepio nesuderinamumą.