38 results on '"Sugita I"'
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- Author
Hartono, Ahmad, Sukarno, Ragil, and Sugita , I Wayan
- Subjects
Rice Planters, The Shaft And Finned Wheels, Stress Analysis - Abstract
Alat penanam padi otomatis sangat dibutuhkan oleh petani dalam usaha meningkatkan hasil panen. Saat ini alat penanam padi otomatis sudah ada di pasaran namun harganya cukup mahal, sehingga dibutuhkan alat penanam padi otomatis alternatif yang memiliki harga lebih terjangkau. Salah satu komponen yang sangat penting dalam alat penanam padi otomatis adalah poros dan roda, sehingga dalam penelitian ini difokuskan pada kedua komponen tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kekuatan poros dan roda bersirip pada alat penanam pada sistem jajar legowo melalui pendekatan simulasi. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan simulasi dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Autodesk Inventor yang diterapkan terhadap komponen poros dan roda alat penanam padi. Penelitian diawali dengan membuat desain rancangan model 3D, menentukan material poros dan roda, melakukan meshing, menentukan kondisi batas, menentukan posisi pembebanan, dan selanjutnya menjalankan simulasi analisis tegangan. Material poros yang digunakan adalah baja JIS G4501 Grade S45C, sedangkan material untuk roda adalah baja JIS G3101 Grade S400. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa tegangan von mises maksimal 54,90 MPa, perpindahan (displacement) maksimal sebesar 0,113 mm, serta nilai safety factor paling rendah sebesar 3,8. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa desain poros dan roda pada alat penanam padi telah memenuhi batas aman dan dapat dilanjutkan dalam tahap proses manufaktur.
- Published
- 2022
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3. Tension-Pleasure and Education Values of the Meta-Figurative of Indonesian Contemporary Paintings.
- Author
Adnyana, I. Wayan 'Kun', Totton, Mary Louise, Rai Remawa, Anak Agung Gede, Muka, I. Ketut, Ruta, I. Made, Wirakesuma, I. Nengah, Kondra, I. Wayan, Suardana, I. Wayan, and Sugita, I. Ketut Adi
- Subjects
EDUCATIONAL benefits ,VALUES education ,PERSONAL beauty ,SOCIAL space ,SOCIAL attitudes - Abstract
Meta-figurative is a physical aesthetic discourse that reaches beyond the physical beauty of ideal bodies (skeletal construction, muscles, and skins). The interpretation approaches used new criticism, according to Culler (2001), that goal to identify what the works repress or illuminate by concealing and portraying society and social attitudes. Meta-figurative encompasses exploration pertaining to the interchangeable position and condition between tensions and pleasures of bodies in the social space. Fifteen Indonesian contemporary artists are: Mangu Putra, Entang Wiharso, Chusin Setiadikara, Agus Suwage, FX Harsono, Ivan Sagito, Heri Dono, Ronald Manulang, Nyoman Masriadi, Nyoman Erawan, Putu Sutawijaya, Laksmi Sitaresmi, Made Djirna, Ugo Untoro, and Bob Sick Yuditha have been conducting creative efforts and questioning about matters of the bodies' position in the public space, conducting current interpretation through personal artistic and aesthetical language. There are five representation tendencies of meta-figurative paintings thematically, artistic images, and visual meanings: marginalized bodies, fictionalized bodies, bodies of expression, autobiographical bodies, and beyond famous portraits. Indonesian contemporary artists have made figurative subjects in their paintings to make statements, selfreflections, and moral voices of their country's socio-political conditions, which are educational values of Indonesian Contemporary Paintings in social meaning. Poverty, corruption, and antidemocracy practices still part of Indonesian daily realities are area protests for contemporary artists. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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4. Analisa karakteristik aliran pada fenomena sirkulasi alam fasa-tunggal di Untai FASSIP-01 Mod.2
- Author
Ezer Putra Darmawan, Nathaniel, primary, Heru K, G.B., primary, Haryanto, Dedy, primary, ., Giarno, primary, Suprapta Winaya, I Nyoman, primary, Sugita, I Ketut Gede, primary, Brahmanda Sudarsana, Putu, primary, and Juarsa, Mulya, primary
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Sugita, I Wayan, primary, Suteja, I Wayan, additional, and Rema, I Nyoman, additional
- Published
- 2021
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6. Inovasi Seni Pertunjukan Drama Gong Pada Era Digital
- Author
Sugita, I Wayan, primary and Tilem Pastika, I Gede, additional
- Published
- 2021
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7. Drama Gong sebagai Media Pendidikan dan Kritik Sosial
- Author
Sugita, I Wayan, primary
- Published
- 2020
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8. Densitas dan Kegagalan Produksi pada Proses Produksi Genta Bali
- Author
Sugita, I Ketut Gede, primary, Priambadi, I G N, primary, and Astawa, Ketut, primary
- Published
- 2020
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9. The effect of pumice composition upon transmission loss and impact strength of pumice hybrid composite–coconut fiber/gypsum
- Author
Suardana, N P G, primary, Kencanawati, C I P K, additional, Sugita, I K G, additional, Wardana, I G N, additional, and Putra, I P G R, additional
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
Sugita, I Wayan and Dzaky, Muhamad Al Afif
- Subjects
Drag Coefficient ,Peluru Senapan Angin ,Computational Fluid Dynamic - Abstract
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui nilai drag coefficient dari peluru senapan angin dengan menggunakan software Ansys Fluent 15.0 dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh distribusi tekanan, kecepatan, dan pathline velocity terhadap nilai drag coefficient. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan peluru senapan angin dengan bentuk kepala field point, flat nosed dan round head dengan variasi bentuk badan skirt dan lurus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di setiap bentuk kepala peluru dan variasi badannya mengalami kecepatan dan tekanan yang berbeda dan menghasilkan gaya yang berbeda, drag coefficient yang terbesar dialami oleh bentuk kepala peluru flat nosed dan yang terendah dialami oleh bentuk kepala peluru round head dapat diketahui bawah, dengan bentuk kepala yang lebih luas menghasilkan tekanan udara yang besar pada ujung kepala peluru, perbedaan tekanan pada bagian depan dan belakang peluru yang besar menghasilkan nilai drag coefficient yang besar. Hasil dari simulasi mendapatkan nilai drag coefficient pada peluru filed point skirt sebesar 0,5219, field point lurus sebesar 0,5045, flat nosed skirt sebesar 0,5943, flat nosed lurus sebesar 0,5773, round head skirt sebesar 0,4313, round head lurus sebesar 0,4232, dengan kecepatan angin sebesar 304,8 m/s.  
- Published
- 2017
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11. Severe post-laser suprachoroidal haemorrhaging in a diabetic patient receiving anticoagulants
- Author
Mikawa, A, Honda, S, Sugita, I, Okamoto, N, and Toda, H
- Published
- 2004
- Author
Sugita, I Wayan
- Subjects
Pipa Kalor, Fleksibel, Struktur Sumbu, Evaporator, Kondensor - Abstract
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kinerja pipa kalor fleksibel. Pipa kalor fleksibel dibuat denganpanjang 450 mm. Bagian evaporator terbuat dari tembaga dengan panjang 150 mm, diameter dalam 4 mm dandiameter luar 5 mm. Bagian kondensor terbuat dari tembaga dengan panjang 150 mm, diameter dalam 4 mmdan diameter luar 5 mm. Bagian adiabatik terbuat dari bahan elastis silicon dengan diameter dalam 5 mm dandiameter luar 8 mm. Struktur sumbu stainless steel mesh 100 dan stainless steel mesh 50. Fluida kerjamenggunakan air murni. Bagian dalam adiabatik ditambahkan pegas untuk menjaga struktur sumbu tidak rusakpada saat ditekuk. Evaorator dipanaskan menggunakan heater dengan daya sebesar 12 W. Pipa kalor ditekukdengan susut tekuk 0o, 45o, 90o, 135o dan 180o.Hasil yang didapat menunjukkan kinerja pipa kalor fleksibel meningkat dengan berkurangnya sudut tekuk yangditunjukkan dengan hasil perhitungan tahanan termal pipa kalor. Tahanan termal pipa kalor mempunyai nilaipaling kecil pada saat pipa tidak ditekuk dan paling besar pada saat pipa kalor ditekuk dengan sudut 180o.Kinerja pipa kalor mesh 100 lebih baik dibandingkan pipa kalor mesh 50. Ini menunjukkanbahwa kapasitasperpindahan panas pipa kalor dipengaruhi oleh sudut tekuk pipa kalor. Nilai tahanan termal mesh 50 palingkecil terjadi pada susut 0o sebesar 0.24 K/W dan terbesar pada sudut 180o sebesar 0.40 K/W. Nilai tahanantermal mesh 100 paling kecil juga sama terjadi pada susut 0o sebesar 0.15 K/W dan terbesar pada sudut 180osebesar 0.23 K/W.
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
Sugita, I Wayan and Iskandar, Irvan
- Subjects
Alat Pemanas Air, PSWH - Abstract
Ketersediaan listrik di daerah tepencil masih sangat minim. Untuk membuat air panas, masyarakatmasih memanfaatkan kayu bakar untuk memanaskan air. Sedangkan ketersediaan sinar mataharisangat berlimpah. Untuk memanfaatkan energi matahari tersebut dilakukan penelitian untukmembuat sebuah alat pemanas air menggunakan energi surya dengan kapasitas maksimum 12 literyang cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mandi 1 orang. Temperatur air rata-rata yang dicapaidalam waktu 4 jam pada kondisi cerah adalah 44oC. Sasaran pengguna PSWH (Portable SolarWater Heater) adalah balita dan manula khususnya di daerah pedesaan untuk memenuhi keperluanmandi air hangat.Penelitian dilakukan pada bahan pembuat pemanas surya yaitu plastik bening, absorber dan jumlahisolator optimum. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui temperatur maksimum yang bisa dicapai denganmemanfaatkan bahan yang murah, kuat dan mudah dibuat. Hasil yang diperoleh setelah dilakukanpenelitian adalah bahan untuk plastik bening adalah polyethylene, absorbernya terbuat daripolyethylene black. Temperatur maksimum air yang diperoleh setelah 4 jam penjemuran adalah44oC.
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
Wirawan, I K. G., primary, Sugita, I K. G., primary, Suarda, M., primary, and Astawa, K., primary
- Published
- 2020
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15. Characteristics composite of wood powder, coconut fiber and green mussel shell for electric motorcycle brake pads
- Author
Kholil, A, primary, Dwiyati, S T, additional, Sugiharto, A, additional, and Sugita, I W, additional
- Published
- 2019
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16. Solidification characteristic of cu-20%sn bronze alloys casting process by using sand and metal molds
- Author
Sugita, I K G, primary, Priambadi, I G N, additional, Kencanawati, C I P K, additional, and Astawa, K, additional
- Published
- 2019
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17. Pengaruh Panjang Serat Terhadap Kekuatan Tarik dan Kekuatan Impact Greencomposite Serat Kulit Buah Pinang dengan Matriks Getah Pinus
- Author
Kencanawati, Cok Istri Putri Kusuma, primary, Suardana, NPG, primary, Sugita, I Ketut Gede, primary, and Suyasa, I W Budiasa, primary
- Published
- 2019
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18. Observations of mechanical and manual forging on bronze as a gamelan material
- Author
Priambadi, I G N, primary and Sugita, I K G, additional
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Wirawan, I K.G., primary, Sugita, I K.G., primary, Pujianiki, N.N., primary, and Astawa, K., primary
- Published
- 2018
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20. Pengaruh Perlakukan Alkali terhadap Sifat Fisik, dan Mekanik Serat Kulit Buah Pinang
- Author
Kusuma kencanawati, Cokorda putri, primary, Gede Sugita, I Ketut, primary, Suardana, NPG, primary, and Suyasa, I Wayan Budiasa, primary
- Published
- 2018
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21. A study on biocomposite from local balinese areca catechu l. husk fibers as reinforced material
- Author
Kencanawati, C I P K, primary, Suardana, N P G, additional, Sugita, I K G, additional, and Suyasa, I W B, additional
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Sugita, I Wayan
- Subjects
Pipa Kalor ,Wick ,Fluida Kerja - Abstract
Pipa kalor adalah perangkat yang dapat memindahkan panas dari suatu tempat ke tempat yang lain dengan kecepatan tinggi, penurunan temperatur relatif kecil dan kapasitas perpindahan panas yang besar. Dalam tulisan ini dilakukan pengujian untuk membandingkan kemampuan pipa kalor dalam memindahkan panas dengan variasi sudut. Untuk itu dibuat pipa kalor tembaga dengan diameter luar 9,525 mm, tebal 0,8 mm, panjang 300 m yang akan diuji kemampuan memindahkan panas pada sudut 0o, 30o, 45o, 60o dan 90o terhadap arah horizontal. Fluida kerja yang digunakan adalah air, karena mudah didapat serta memenuhi syarat utama sebagai fluida kerja, yaitu tidak bereaksi dengan material pipa maupun struktur sumbu (wick) dan mampu beroperasi pada temperatur 30o - 200oC, memiliki sifat termal stabil dan panas laten yang tinggi. Wick yang digunakan adalah wick stainless steel mesh 100. Pendinginan dilakukan secara konveksi paksa menggunakan air pada kondensor dengan debit air yang konstan. Beban panas yang diberikan pada evaporator tetap yaitu 14 W. Posisi pipa kalor bervariasi dengan sudut 0o, 30o, 45o dan 90o terhadap arah horizontal. Pipa kalor dievaluasi secara eksperimen. Hasil yang didapat menunjukkan bahwa kapasitas perpindahan panas pipa kalor meningkat dengan naiknya sudut. Pada sudut 0o laju perpindahan panas hanya 5,95 W dan meningkat menjadi 9,73 W pada sudut 90o.
- Published
- 2014
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23. Solvent extraction technology for nickel and cobalt separation with crowding reaction.
- Author
Matsumoto M., Hydrometallurgy of nickel and cobalt 2009 Sudbury, Ontario 23-Aug-0926-Aug-09, Matsumoto S., Nakagawa H., Sugita I., Matsumoto M., Hydrometallurgy of nickel and cobalt 2009 Sudbury, Ontario 23-Aug-0926-Aug-09, Matsumoto S., Nakagawa H., and Sugita I.
- Abstract
Sumitomo Metal Mining' Niihama refinery in Japan has the capacity to produce 36 000 t/y electrolytic nickel, 10 000 t/y high purity nickel sulphate and 1 320 t/y electrolytic cobalt. It uses the Matte Chlorine Leach Electrowinning (MCLE) process to treat the feed materials, and developed the Crowding Organic Bypass (COB) solvent extraction process to produce the nickel sulphate and cobalt metal from MCLE bleed solutions. When commissioned in 1997, the COB plant produced 420 t/y cobalt, and this has now risen to around 1 000 t/y. The chemistry of the COB process, including the crowding reaction, is described with the aid of flowsheets., Sumitomo Metal Mining' Niihama refinery in Japan has the capacity to produce 36 000 t/y electrolytic nickel, 10 000 t/y high purity nickel sulphate and 1 320 t/y electrolytic cobalt. It uses the Matte Chlorine Leach Electrowinning (MCLE) process to treat the feed materials, and developed the Crowding Organic Bypass (COB) solvent extraction process to produce the nickel sulphate and cobalt metal from MCLE bleed solutions. When commissioned in 1997, the COB plant produced 420 t/y cobalt, and this has now risen to around 1 000 t/y. The chemistry of the COB process, including the crowding reaction, is described with the aid of flowsheets.
- Published
- 2009
24. A study on biocomposite from local balinese areca catechu l. husk fibers as reinforced material
- Author
K, C I P, Suardana, N P G, Sugita, I K G, and Suyasa, I W B
- Abstract
Untapped areca catechu l. husk fibers optimally can cause pollution to the environment. Therefore it is necessary to learn the characteristics of local balinese areca catechu l. husk fibers, such as physical, chemical, morphological, and mechanical. AHF testing the tensile strength with a single pull fiber test in accordance with ASTM D 3379 in the amount of 146-152 MPa. While the observation of the physical properties, of local balinese areca catechu l. husk fibers have a diameter and length variations of each 250-540 um and 9.24 to 55.20 mm, with an aspect ratio of between 31.43 to 102.22, density ranges between 0:48 - 0.74 kg / cm3, absorption lower water (90-150%) when compared to AHF grows in other areas. From this study it appears that local Bali AHF can be used as reinforcement in composite replacement for synthetic fibers.
- Published
- 2017
25. Noninvasive Early Detection of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome of COVID-19 Inpatients Using a Piezoelectric Respiratory Rates Sensor.
- Author
Kobayashi T, Matsui T, Sugita I, Tateda N, Sato S, Hashimoto K, and Suda M
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Female, Middle Aged, Aged, Adult, Adolescent, Aged, 80 and over, Young Adult, Inpatients, Early Diagnosis, Monitoring, Physiologic methods, Monitoring, Physiologic instrumentation, COVID-19 diagnosis, COVID-19 virology, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome diagnosis, Respiratory Rate, SARS-CoV-2 isolation & purification
- Abstract
In 2020, 20% of patients with COVID-19 developed severe complications, including life-threatening pneumonia with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). We developed a preliminary SIRS monitor that does not require blood sampling, is noninvasive, and can collect data 24 h per day. The proposed monitor comprises a piezoelectric respiratory sensor located beneath the patient's mattress and a fingertip pulse sensor that determines ultra-high accuracy respiratory rate (mode of a 40-min frequency distribution of respiratory rates (M40FD-RR)). We assessed the clinical performance of the M40FD-RR preliminary SIRS monitor in 29 patients (12 female, 17 male, aged 15-90 years) hospitalized at Suwa Central Hospital with COVID-19, which was confirmed by a positive polymerase chain reaction test. SIRS was evaluated by logistic regression analysis using M40FD-RR, heart rate, age, and sex as explanatory variables. We compared the results of 109 examinations of 29 COVID-19 inpatients with SIRS against those determined by the proposed monitor. The proposed monitor achieved 75% sensitivity and 83% negative predictive value, making it a promising candidate for future 24 h noninvasive preliminary SIRS tests.
- Published
- 2024
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26. A Japanese boy with Bardet-Biedl syndrome caused by a novel homozygous variant in the ARL6 gene who was initially diagnosed with retinitis punctata albescens: A case report.
- Author
Mizumoto K, Kato K, Fujinami K, Sugita T, Sugita I, Hattori A, Saitoh S, Ueno S, Tsunoda K, Iwata T, and Kondo M
- Subjects
- Male, East Asian People, ADP-Ribosylation Factors, Retinal Diseases, Humans, Child, Night Blindness diagnosis, Night Blindness genetics, Polydactyly, Bardet-Biedl Syndrome diagnosis, Bardet-Biedl Syndrome genetics
- Abstract
Purpose: Bardet-Biedl Syndrome (BBS) is an autosomal recessive systemic disorder characterized by retinitis pigmentosa, polydactyly, obesity, intellectual disability, renal impairments, and hypogonadism. The purpose of this study was to determine the ocular characteristics of a boy with BBS caused by a novel homozygous variant in the ARL6 (alternative named BBS3) gene who had been originally diagnosed with retinitis punctata albescens., Methods: This was an observational case study. The patient underwent ophthalmological examinations, electroretinography, and genetic analyses using whole-exome sequencing., Results: A 7-year-old boy was examined in our hospital with complaints of a progressive reduction of his visual acuity and night blindness in both eyes. There was no family history of eye diseases and no consanguineous marriage. Fundus examinations showed numerous white spots in the deep retina and retinal pigment epithelium. Fundus autofluorescence showed hypofluorescence consistent with these spots. Both the scotopic and photopic components of the full-field electroretinographies were non-detectable. Based on these clinical findings, this boy was suspected to have retinitis punctata albescens. Subsequent genetic testing using whole-exome sequencing revealed a novel homozygous variants in the ARL6/BBS3 gene (NM_001278293.3:c.528G>A, (p.Trp176Ter)). A systemic examination by the pediatric department revealed that this boy had a history of a surgical excision of polydactyly on his left foot when he was born, and that he was mildly obese. There were no prominent intellectual or gonadal dysfunctions, no craniofacial or dental abnormalities, no congenital heart disease, and no hearing impairment. He was then clinically and genetically diagnosed with BBS., Conclusion and Importance: In children with night blindness and progressive visual dysfunction, it is important for ophthalmologists to consult clinical geneticists and pediatricians to rule out the possibility of systemic diseases such as BBS., Competing Interests: The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose., (Copyright © 2022 the Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.)
- Published
- 2022
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27. Rotational stability and clinical outcomes of a new one piece toric intraocular lens with anchor-wing haptics.
- Author
Sugita I, Ogawa T, Ichikawa K, Okita T, Negishi K, Nakano T, and Tsuneoka H
- Subjects
- Haptic Technology, Humans, Lens Implantation, Intraocular, Refraction, Ocular, Treatment Outcome, Astigmatism surgery, Cataract complications, Lenses, Intraocular, Phacoemulsification
- Abstract
Background: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of a new toric intraocular lens (IOL) with anchor-wing haptics., Methods: The new toric IOL with anchor-wing haptics (NS60YT, NIDEK Co., Ltd.) was implanted in eligible patients with age-related cataracts with preoperative corneal astigmatism of 1.0 D or greater at a university hospital and two private hospitals in Japan. The following IOL cylinder powers were evaluated: 1.50 D (NS60YT3), 2.25 D (NS60YT4), 3.00 D (NS60YT5) and 4.50 D (NS60YT7). All patients were assessed out to 12 months postoperatively. The primary endpoint was visual acuity (VA) with spherical addition at 6 months postoperatively, and the primary analysis calculated the proportion of eyes with VA with spherical addition of 0.1 logMAR or better. The magnitude of rotation was compared to the intended axis of IOL implantation at each postoperative examination. Adverse events were evaluated for the safety analysis., Results: This study enrolled 64 eyes of 53 patients. At 6 months postoperatively, for all IOL powers, VA with spherical addition of 0.1 logMAR or better was achieved in 90% [95% confidence interval (CI): 80-96] of eyes. The mean IOL rotation was 5.3 ± 4.3° at 12 months postoperatively. The mean magnitude of rotation ranged from 1.9° to 2.5° between each postoperative examination from 1 day to 12 months. There were no vision-threatening intraoperative or postoperative complications for the duration of the study., Conclusions: The NS60YT IOL remained stable after implantation and was efficacious for treating 1.00 D or greater astigmatism in patients with senile cataracts., Trial Registration: This study was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov ( NCT03242486 ) on August 8, 2017 - Retrospectively registered., (© 2022. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2022
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28. Viola: a structural variant signature extractor with user-defined classifications.
- Author
Sugita I, Matsuyama S, Dobashi H, Komura D, and Ishikawa S
- Subjects
- Humans, Software, Viola, Neoplasms genetics
- Abstract
Summary: Here, we present Viola, a Python package that provides structural variant (SV; large scale genome DNA variations that can result in disease, e.g. cancer) signature analytical functions and utilities for custom SV classification, merging multi-SV-caller output files and SV annotation. We demonstrate that Viola can extract biologically meaningful SV signatures from publicly available SV data for cancer and we evaluate the computational time necessary for annotation of the data., Availability and Implementation: Viola is available on pip (https://pypi.org/project/Viola-SV/) and the source code is on GitHub (https://github.com/dermasugita/Viola-SV)., Supplementary Information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online., (© The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press.)
- Published
- 2022
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29. Genomic landscape of a mouse model of diffuse-type gastric adenocarcinoma.
- Author
Zhang M, Sugita I, Komura D, Katoh H, Shimada S, Inazawa J, Tanaka S, and Ishikawa S
- Subjects
- Animals, DNA Copy Number Variations, Disease Models, Animal, Genomics, Humans, Mice, Adenocarcinoma genetics, Adenocarcinoma pathology, Stomach Neoplasms genetics, Stomach Neoplasms pathology
- Abstract
Background: There is a need for a model of diffuse-type gastric cancer that captures the features of the disease, facilitates the study of its mechanisms, and aids the development of potential therapies. One such model may be Cdh1 and Trp53 double conditional knockout (DCKO) mice, which have histopathological features similar to those of human diffuse-type gastric cancer. However, a genomic profile of this mouse model has yet to be completed., Methods: Whole-genome sequences of tumors from eight DCKO mice were analyzed and their molecular features were compared with those of human gastric adenocarcinoma., Results: DCKO mice gastric cancers harbored single nucleotide variations and indel patterns comparable to those of human genomically stable gastric cancers, whereas their copy number variation fraction and ploidy were more similar to human chromosomal instability gastric cancers (perhaps due to Trp53 knockout). Copy number variations dominated changes in cancer-related genes in DCKO mice, with typical high-level amplifications observed for oncogenic drivers, e.g., Myc, Ccnd1, and Cdks, as well as gastrointestinal transcription factors, e.g., Gata4, Foxa1, and Sox9. Interestingly, frequent alterations in gastrointestinal transcription factors in DCKO mice indicated their potential role in tumorigenesis. Furthermore, mouse gastric cancer had a reproducible but smaller number of mutational signatures than human gastric cancer, including the potentially acid-related signature 17, indicating shared tumorigenic etiologies in humans and mice., Conclusions: Cdh1/Trp53 DCKO mice have similar genomic features to those found in human gastric cancer; hence, this is a suitable model for further studies of diffuse-type gastric cancer mechanisms and therapies., (© 2021. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2022
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30. Analysis of Adverse Reactions Caused by Potentially Inappropriate Prescriptions and Related Medical Costs That Are Avoidable Using the Beers Criteria: The Japanese Version and Guidelines for Medical Treatment and Its Safety in the Elderly 2015.
- Author
Tachi T, Kanematsu Y, Aoyama S, Katsuno H, Otsubo M, Ueno A, Sugita I, Yoshida A, Noguchi Y, Yasuda M, Mizui T, Goto C, and Teramachi H
- Subjects
- Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Female, Hospitalization economics, Hospitals, Municipal, Humans, Japan, Male, Potentially Inappropriate Medication List, Practice Guidelines as Topic, Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions economics, Health Care Costs, Inappropriate Prescribing economics
- Abstract
We conducted a retrospective study to investigate adverse drug reactions and associated medical costs among elderly individuals that could be avoided if pharmacotherapy was performed in accordance with the Beers Criteria: the Japanese Version (BCJV) and Guidelines for Medical Treatment and Its Safety in the Elderly 2015 (GL2015). Patients aged at least 65 years who were either hospitalized at Gifu Municipal Hospital between October 1 and November 30, 2014 (n = 1236) or had outpatient examinations at Gifu Municipal Hospital on October 1-2, 2014 (n = 980) were included in the study. The outcomes measured were usage rates of drugs listed in the BCJV and GL2015, incidence rates of adverse drug reactions, and additional costs incurred per patient due to adverse reactions. Among the inpatients, usage rates of drugs listed in the BCJV and GL2015 were 24.0 and 72.4%, respectively, and adverse reactions to these drugs occurred at rates of 3.0 and 8.2%, respectively. Among the outpatients, while the usage rates were 26.2% (BCJV) and 59.9% (GL2015), the incidence rates of adverse reactions were 4.7% (BCJV) and 3.9% (GL2015). The additional costs incurred due to adverse drug reactions ranged from 12713-163925 yen per patient. Our results demonstrate that appropriate use of drugs based on the BCJV and GL2015 can help prevent adverse reactions; this would reduce the overall medical costs.
- Published
- 2019
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31. The Relationship Between Dialysis Patients' Quality of Life and Caregivers' Quality of Life.
- Author
Nagasawa H, Sugita I, Tachi T, Esaki H, Yoshida A, Kanematsu Y, Noguchi Y, Kobayashi Y, Ichikawa E, Tsuchiya T, and Teramachi H
- Abstract
Patients on dialysis require caregiving and assistance in their daily lives from family members and/or others for hospital visitation and supervised administration. This places a considerable burden on caregivers, which can in turn influence caregivers' quality of life (QOL). We recruited dialysis patients and their caregivers to elucidate how the QOL of patients relates to that of their caregivers'. Patients completed the EuroQol 5-Dimension scale (EQ-5D) and Kidney Disease Quality of Life-Short Form. Caregivers completed the EQ-5D and Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). We calculated utility index values for the EQ-5D, and physical, mental (MCS), and role-social component summary scores for the SF-36. Compared to national norms, the caregivers of dialysis patients tended to have poor physical health-related QOL but normal mental health-related QOL, as also found with patients. The multivariate analysis revealed that ≥ median dialysis period and ≥ average burden of kidney disease were significantly related to caregiver MCS score (odds ratios; 6.79 and 9.89, respectively). Caregivers tended to have lower physical health-related QOL if their patients had high social QOL, and lower mental health-related QOL during the early stage of the patient's dialysis treatment, and when patients experienced low disease-targeted QOL.
- Published
- 2018
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32. Signals of gastroesophageal reflux disease caused by incretin-based drugs: a disproportionality analysis using the Japanese adverse drug event report database.
- Author
Noguchi Y, Katsuno H, Ueno A, Otsubo M, Yoshida A, Kanematsu Y, Sugita I, Esaki H, Tachi T, Tsuchiya T, and Teramachi H
- Abstract
Background: Incretin-based drugs are important in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. However, among the incretin-based drugs, glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1-RAs) have been reported to cause gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)-like symptoms making it difficult to continue treatment. Therefore, with the aim of clarifying the relationship between incretin-based drugs and GERD-like symptoms, we conducted a pharmacoepidemiological study using the Japanese adverse drug event report database (JADER)., Methods: Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors (DPP-4-Is) and GLP-1-RAs were set as the incretin-based target drugs. The reporting odds ratio (ROR) and the information component (IC) was used for the detection of quantitative signals. Furthermore, we also compared the time to onset of GERD-like symptoms by log-rank test., Results: GERD-like symptoms were reported in 36 GLP-1-RAs cases (ROR: 5.61, 95% confidence interval (95% CI): 3.95-7.96 and IC: 2.17, 95% CI: 1.66-2.67) and GLP-1-RAs were detected in the signal. In contrast, DPP-4-Is were not detected in the signal.There was no sex difference with regard to the expression time of GERD-like symptoms by GLP-1-RAs (log-rank test, p = 0.5381). However, the expression time of GERD-like symptoms from GLP-1-RAs was shorter in patients older than 70 years of age than that in those younger than 70 years of age (log-rank test, p < 0.0001)., Conclusions: The administration of GLP-1-RA had a higher incidence of GERD-like symptoms earlier than the administration of DPP-4-Is. In this study, although we think that further investigation is necessary, and suggest that patients older than 70 years of age who have been administered GLP-1-RAs need earlier attention to address GERD-like symptoms than younger patients., Competing Interests: Not applicable.Although Laboratory of Community Healthcare Pharmacy, Gifu Pharmaceutical University, is financially supported by donations from WELCIA YAKKYOKU CO., LTD., the authors report no conflicts of interest regarding the content of this article.Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
- Published
- 2018
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33. The Effect of Quality of Life on Medication Compliance Among Dialysis Patients.
- Author
Nagasawa H, Tachi T, Sugita I, Esaki H, Yoshida A, Kanematsu Y, Noguchi Y, Kobayashi Y, Ichikawa E, Tsuchiya T, and Teramachi H
- Abstract
Dialysis treatment is known to lead to reduced quality of life (QOL) among patients. This decreased QOL is believed to influence medication compliance, although this effect has not yet been clarified. In this study, we investigated whether decreased QOL due to dialysis treatment does in fact influence medication compliance. Participants were 92 patients who self-managed their medication and were receiving dialysis treatment at Secomedic Hospital or Chiba Central Medical Center. We surveyed their age, sex, dialysis period, and medication management situation, and administered the EQ-5D and Kidney Disease Quality of Life Instrument-Short Form. A multiple logistic regression analysis with medication compliance as the dependent variable and QOL as the independent variable was conducted. The recovery rate and effective response rate were both 100%. The results indicated that patients with good sleep QOL (mean or above) had higher odds of medication compliance (odds ratio, 3.36; 95% confidence interval, 1.26-8.96; P = 0.016). Therefore, improving the quality of sleep of dialysis patients might help to improve their medication compliance.
- Published
- 2018
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34. Analyses of non-benzodiazepine-induced adverse events and prognosis in elderly patients based on the Japanese adverse drug event report database.
- Author
Noguchi Y, Ueno A, Katsuno H, Otsubo M, Yoshida A, Kanematsu Y, Sugita I, Tachi T, Tsuchiya T, and Teramachi H
- Abstract
Background: The contents of the guidelines for the use of non-benzodiazepines (Z-drugs) differ slightly between THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF SLEEP RESEARCH and THE JAPAN GERIATRIC SOCIETY, and the recommended directions are conflicting. Therefore, we analyzed the use of the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report database (JADER) for identifying adverse events (AEs) caused by Z-drugs and clarifying their occurrence trend and prognosis., Methods: The signal value for comparison was calculated by using the proportional reporting ratio (PRR) and chi-squared test (χ
2 ) results of data of elderly and non-elderly patients. Among AEs for which signals were detected in the elderly, we determined that those with lower signal values for non-elderly patients that were half the signal value of the elderly should be used with particular caution in the elderly. We also compared the prognoses., Results: The AEs with > 1 risk ratio (RR) in elderly and non-elderly patients were regarded as those that should be noted in the prognosis of AEs in elderly patients. Furthermore, 28 AEs were detected in elderly patients' signals. In this study, in addition to movement disorders such as "falls" and "bone fractures," identified by two academic societies, signal characteristics of the elderly were obtained for psychiatric disorders and eye disorders., Conclusions: There was no difference in prognosis, but these disorders could reduce the quality of life of patients. Therefore, we consider that in prescribing appropriate drug therapy for insomnia, attention should be paid to the occurrence of the AEs caused by the Z-drugs revealed by this study and the guidelines., Competing Interests: Not applicable.Although Laboratory of Community Healthcare Pharmacy, Gifu Pharmaceutical University, is financially supported by donations from WELCIA YAKKYOKU CO., LTD., the authors report no conflicts of interest regarding the content of this article.Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.- Published
- 2018
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35. A simple method for exploring adverse drug events in patients with different primary diseases using spontaneous reporting system.
- Author
Noguchi Y, Ueno A, Otsubo M, Katsuno H, Sugita I, Kanematsu Y, Yoshida A, Esaki H, Tachi T, and Teramachi H
- Subjects
- Area Under Curve, Chemical and Drug Induced Liver Injury etiology, Databases, Factual, Humans, Japan, Kidney Diseases chemically induced, Pharmacovigilance, ROC Curve, Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting Systems, Chemical and Drug Induced Liver Injury diagnosis, Kidney Diseases diagnosis
- Abstract
Background: Patient background (e.g. age, sex, and primary disease) is an important factor to consider when monitoring adverse drug events (ADEs) for the purpose of pharmacovigilance. However, in disproportionality methods, when additional factors are considered, the number of combinations that have to be computed increases, and it becomes very difficult to explore the whole spontaneous reporting system (SRS). Since the signals need to be detected quickly in pharmacovigilance, a simple exploration method is required. Although association rule mining (AR) is commonly used for the analysis of large data, its application to pharmacovigilance is rare and there are almost no studies comparing AR with conventional signal detection methods., Methods: In this study, in order to establish a simple method to explore ADEs in patients with kidney or liver injury as a background disease, the AR and proportional reporting ratio (PRR) signal detection methods were compared. We used oral medicine SRS data from the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report database (JADER), and used AR as the proposed search method and PRR as the conventional method for comparison. "Rule count ≥ 3", "min lift value > 1", and "min conviction value > 1" were used as the AR detection criteria, and the PRR detection criteria were "Rule count ≥3", "PRR ≥ 2", and "χ
2 ≥ 4"., Results: In patients with kidney injury, the AR method had a sensitivity of 99.58%, specificity of 94.99%, and Youden's index of 0.946, while in patients with liver injury, the sensitivity, specificity, and Youden's index were 99.57%, 94.87%, and 0.944, respectively. Additionally, the lift value and the strength of the signal were positively correlated., Conclusions: It was suggested that computation using AR might be simple with the detection power equivalent to that of the conventional signal detection method as PRR. In addition, AR can theoretically be applicable to SRS other than JADER. Therefore, complicated conditions (patient's background etc.) that must take factors other than the ADE into consideration can be easily explored by selecting the AR as the first screening for ADE exploration in pharmacovigilance using SRS.- Published
- 2018
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36. The adoption of generic drugs by a hospital: effects on drug dispensation among community pharmacies.
- Author
Tachi T, Saito K, Esaki H, Sugita I, Yoshida A, Kanematsu Y, Noguchi Y, Umeda M, Yasuda M, Mizui T, Tsuchiya T, Goto C, and Teramachi H
- Abstract
Background: The objective of the current study is to elucidate the effect that the adoption of generic drugs by a large hospital has on the dispensation of generic drugs by community pharmacies. We evaluated the percentage of generic drugs dispensed by pharmacies and the cost of drugs dispensed before and after the adoption of generic drugs by a large hospital., Methods: Participants comprised patients who were admitted to Gifu Municipal Hospital prior to its adoption of generic drugs (November 1, 2013 to November 14, 2013) and after its adoption (November 1, 2014 to November 14, 2014) and who utilized generic drugs dispensed by pharmacies., Results: Results indicated that the pre-adoption dispensation rate of generic drugs by pharmacies was 48.3% (477/926 drugs), while the post-adoption rate was 57.7% (604/1046 drugs), indicating an increase of 9.4 points ( P < 0.001). Furthermore, an investigation into the price paid for generic drugs as a percentage of the total price paid for all drugs indicated the following: the pre-adoption percentage was 23.5% (9756/41,461 yen), and the post-adoption percentage was 34.1% (19,221/56,438 yen), indicating an increase of 10.6 points ( P < 0.001)., Conclusions: The results of this study revealed that the adoption of generic drugs by a hospital may promote the use of generic drugs by pharmacies and lead to reduced medical costs as well., Competing Interests: The current study was approved by the Ethical Review Board of Gifu Municipal Hospital (Approval number: 212) and the Bioethics Committee of Gifu Pharmaceutical University (Approval number: 311–2). The study was considered exempt from needing to obtain informed consent in accordance with the domestic ethical guideline; relevant information was open to the public.Not applicable.The authors declare that they have no competing interests.Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
- Published
- 2018
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37. A New Search Method Using Association Rule Mining for Drug-Drug Interaction Based on Spontaneous Report System.
- Author
Noguchi Y, Ueno A, Otsubo M, Katsuno H, Sugita I, Kanematsu Y, Yoshida A, Esaki H, Tachi T, and Teramachi H
- Abstract
Background: Adverse events (AEs) can be caused not only by one drug but also by the interaction between two or more drugs. Therefore, clarifying whether an AE is due to a specific suspect drug or drug-drug interaction (DDI) is useful information for proper use of drugs. Whereas previous reports on the search for drug-induced AEs with signal detection using spontaneous reporting systems (SRSs) are numerous, reports on drug interactions are limited. This is because in methods that use "a safety signal indicator" (signal), which is frequently used in pharmacovigilance, a huge number of combinations must be prepared when signal detection is performed, and each risk index must be calculated, which makes interaction search appear unrealistic. Objective: In this paper, we propose association rule mining (AR) using large dataset analysis as an alternative to the conventional methods (additive interaction model (AI) and multiplicative interaction model (MI)). Methods: The data source used was the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report database. The combination of drugs for which the risk index is detected by the "combination risk ratio (CR)" as the target was assumed to be true data, and the accuracy of signal detection using the AR methods was evaluated in terms of sensitivity, specificity, Youden's index, F -score. Results: Our experimental results targeting Stevens-Johnson syndrome indicate that AR has a sensitivity of 99.05%, specificity of 92.60%, Youden's index of 0.917, F -score of 0.876, AI has a sensitivity of 95.62%, specificity of 96.92%, Youden's index of 0.925, and F -score of 0.924, and MI has a sensitivity of 65.46%, specificity of 98.78%, Youden's index of 0.642, and F -score of 0.771. This result was about the same level as or higher than the conventional method. Conclusions: If you use similar calculation methods to create combinations from the database, not only for SJS, but for all AEs, the number of combinations would be so enormous that it would be difficult to perform the calculations. However, in the AR method, the "Apriori algorithm" is used to reduce the number of calculations. Thus, the proposed method has the same detection power as the conventional methods, with the significant advantage that its calculation process is simple.
- Published
- 2018
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38. Renoprotective Effect of Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitors in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
- Author
Esaki H, Tachi T, Goto C, Sugita I, Kanematsu Y, Yoshida A, Saito K, Noguchi Y, Ohno Y, Aoyama S, Yasuda M, Mizui T, Yamamura M, and Teramachi H
- Abstract
Diabetic nephropathy is one of three major complications of diabetes mellitus, often leading to chronic renal failure requiring dialysis. Recently developed dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors may exhibit renoprotective effects in addition to antihyperglycemic effects. In this study, we retrospectively investigated temporal changes in the renal function index of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) and examined the influence of DPP-4 inhibitors on renal function. Patients with type 2 DM (>18 years old) prescribed hypoglycemic agents at Gifu Municipal Hospital for ≥3 months between March 2010 and April 2014 were included in the study. Renal function was evaluated as estimated the decline in 12-month glomerular filtration rate from the baseline in patients receiving and not receiving DPP-4 inhibitors. Patient data from the DPP-4 inhibitor-treated (501 patients, 58.6%) and untreated (354, 41.4%) groups were analyzed using multiple logistic regression analysis, as well as Cox proportional-hazards regression analysis (616, 55.6% and 491, 44.4%, for DPP-4 inhibitors-treated and untreated groups). Multiple logistic regression analysis indicated that DPP-4 inhibitors significantly lowered the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) decline [20% over 12 months; odds ratio (OR), 0.626; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.409-0.958; P = 0.031]. Similar results were obtained using Cox proportional-hazards regression analysis (hazard ratio [HR], 0.707; 95% CI, 0.572-0.874; P = 0.001). These findings suggest that DPP-4 inhibitors suppress the decrease of estimated glomerular filtration rate in patients with type 2 DM and show a renoprotective effect.
- Published
- 2017
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