1. BEAUFRET MÁSODIK KÉRDÉSÉTÕL AZ "AKÁRKI" MEGTESTESÜLÉSÉIG: A Humanizmus-levél egy fontos részének lehetséges interpretációja.
- Author
- Subjects
In this brief paper, I examine a specific section of Martin Heidegger's Letter on Humanism, where the German philosopher attempts to define the foundational relationship between ontology and ethics. More precisely, I aim to offer an interpretation of this passage that emphasizes the role of disciplines somewhat removed from the core of ontological theory - ranging from sociology of knowledge and depth psychology to the philosophy of science. My study does not shy away from presenting "heretical" ideas, which have yet to be considered by others, and I am willing to take responsibility for the potential criticism this may incur. The argument includes the theory of the unconscious as proposed by Freud, as well as aspects of deconstructionism, which later achieved prominence in the postmodern era. In the final section of the paper, I devote special attention to a startling conclusion: an anecdote about Heraclitus, as discussed by Heidegger, leads me to infer that "das Man", granted total anonymity by Being and Time, can, in certain historical contexts, become identifiable with specific individuals or powers. While I explore these interdisciplinary connections, I remain anchored in the primary issue: how does Heidegger, in his later works, envision the grounding of ethics through ontology?. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2025