Gradski parkovi imaju veliku ulogu u ekologiji ljudskog staništa jer pročišćuju zrak, proizvode kisik, pružaju skloništa i staništa za mnoge životinjske vrste, pogotovo ptice. Također, predstavljaju zelene oaze u kojima ljudi zbog stresnog i brzog ritma života traže mjesto za odmor, pružajući raznolike rekreacijske sadržaje za stanovnike gradova. Ovo istraživanje provedeno je s ciljem utvrđivanja količine makrohraniva (dušik, fosfor i kalij) u listovima trava kao i statusa hraniva u tlu na parkovnim javnim površinama, na temelju čega se preporučila optimalna prihrana travnjaka. Unutar rekreacijsko sportskih javnih objekata Grada Zagreba odabrani su Rekreacijsko športski centar (RŠC) Jarun i Park Bundek, koji uz Park Maksimir čine pluća Grada Zagreba. Uzorkovanje listova trava, kao i uzorkovanje tla provedeno je na oba travnjaka tri puta tijekom vegetacije. Na istraživanim lokalitetima najveći udio trava čini Lolium perenne L. sa 70% udjela, Festuca rubra Huds. sa 20%, a 10% udjela čine ostale biljne vrste. Utvrđeno je da su u oba travnjaka količine dušika uglavnom unutar granica koje sugeriraju literaturni navodi, za rod Lolium spp. L., dok su utvrđene nedostatne količine kalija i fosfora, posebice na RŠC Jarun. Prosječne vrijednosti hraniva u listovima trava kroz vegetaciju za RŠC Jarun iznose 3,14% N, 0,31% P i 2,78% K, a za Park Bundek 3,24% N, 0,41% P i 3,17% K, što ukazuje na općenito nešto bolju ishranjenost travnjaka u Parku Bundek u odnosu na Jarun. Slijedom navedenog, a kako bi održali barem postojeći status hraniva u tlu i biljci, predlažemo proljetnu gnojidbu sa 100 g m–2 NPK 5-20-30 ili 7-14-21 uz dodatak 20 g m–2 superfosfata. S obzirom na česte košnje tijekom vegetacije i na odnošenje dušika, potrebna je i prihrana dva puta tijekom vegetacije s po 10 g m–2 KAN-a., Urban parks play an important role in the ecology of human habitats because they filter the air, produce oxygen and provide shelters and habitats for many species, especially birds. They also represent green oases where people affected by stress or overwork may find a place to rest. Urban parks provide a variety of recreational activities for city residents. The aim of this study is to determine the content of macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) in grass leaves in the urban parks of public areas in order to recommend optimal lawn fertilization. In addition, nutritional grass leaves statuses as well as analyses were made to determine the amount of macronutrients (N, P, K). Within recreational sport public buildings of the City of Zagreb were selected Recreational Sports Centre (RSC) Jarun and Bundek Park facilities as large green areas that are along with Maksimir Park the “lungs” of the city. Grass leaves and soil sampling were carried out on both lawns three times during the growing season. The content of nitrogen in grass leaves of both lawns is within the limits suggested by current literature whilst there was an determined lack of potassium and especially phosphorus. The determined average value of nutrients in the grass leaves during the vegetation period for Jarun were 3.14% N, 0.31% P and 2.78% K, and for Bundek 3.24% N, 0.41% P and 3.17% K. In general, the results show a slightly higher nutrient value of lawn in the Bundek Park compared to Jarun. On the study sites the largest share of grasses belongs Lolium perenne L. with 70%, Festuca rubra Huds. with 20% and 10% belongs to other plant species. Chemical properties of investigated soils show that the soil on RSC Jarun is alkaline and moderately supplied with nitrogen, very poorly supplied with phosphorus and well supplied with potassium. The soil in the Park Bundek is neutral and moderately supplied with nitrogen, very poorly supplied with phosphorus and slightly supplied with potassium. Consequently, we suggest spring fertilization on both locations with 100 g m–2 NPK 5-20-30 or 7-14-21 with the addition of 20 g m–2 superphosphate because of low P status both in soil and grass leaves and two topdressings during the growing season with 10 g m–2 KAN because of mowing.