Title: “It’s nice, but…” - Student Jobseeker Perceptions of Online CSR Communication Seminar date: 28th May 2013 Course: BUSN49: Managing People, Knowledge and Change-Degree Project Authors: Siphelile Fifi Badat, Caroline De Geer Supervisor: Sverre Spoelstra Key words: CSR, Perceptions, Online communication, Employee attraction, Image Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to provide an insight on how students as prospective employees perceive the communication of CSR by organisations on their corporate websites. Methodology: This exploratory study is conducted from an interpretative, perspective, based on qualitative research methods. Theoretical framework: This study is based on theories related to CSR, corporate social responsiveness and CSR communication. Empirical foundation: The empirical basis for this research was the analysis of three corporate CSR websites and focus groups. Conclusions: The students were found to be highly sceptical of the organisations’ online CSR communication. Three main factors: the actual CSR messages, previous knowledge about CSR and related issues, brand identity and pre-understandings of organisations play a significant role in shaping the student jobseekers’ perceptions of the online CSR communication.