ALTHOUGH the physiology of reproduction of the female domestic fowl has been very, carefully studied by a large number of investigators, relatively mew studies have been made with the male. Important contributions have been made in this field by Hutt (1929), Penquite, Craft, and Thompson (1930), Burrows and Quinn (1937), Burrows and Titus (1939), Munro (1935, 1938, and 1938a), and most recently by Sampson and Warren (1939). The purpose of these investigations was to obtain information concerning the sexual activity and sperm production in the male domestic fowl. EXPERIMENTAL The data presented herein are based upon observations with New Hampshire males which were hatched early in the spring of 1938. Unless otherwise indicated, the semen was collected by means of a semen collector especially devised for use in the studies (Parker, 1939). The males were all given 36 hours of sexual rest before they were released into a small enclosure . . .